We Should Erect A Statue Of Five Star General Trump

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
After all he is the leader of the Army of Deplorables who defeated the Socialists and their Queen Hillaryous.

"We will attack"

Finally we have a President who will take the gloves off on those who would do us harm. No more pacifist bullshit which emboldened North Korea and terrorists. No more telling our enemies when and what we're going to do.

Liberals are railing 100,000 troops couldn't get the job done in Afghanistan under Obama. What they're not telling you is there was no Afghanistan army then and now they're at 300,000 and growing. Their President praised Trump today.

You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with the Taliban. You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with North Korea. There is no middle ground when it comes to our national security, PERIOD!
Fuck the Army of Deporables. Orange is a piece of shit. Your simplistic 'with us or against us' rhetoric is tiresome.
After all he is the leader of the Army of Deplorables who defeated the Socialists and their Queen Hillaryous.

"We will attack"

Finally we have a President who will take the gloves off on those who would do us harm. No more pacifist bullshit which emboldened North Korea and terrorists. No more telling our enemies when and what we're going to do.

Liberals are railing 100,000 troops couldn't get the job done in Afghanistan under Obama. What they're not telling you is there was no Afghanistan army then and now they're at 300,000 and growing. Their President praised Trump today.

You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with the Taliban. You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with North Korea. There is no middle ground when it comes to our national security, PERIOD!
Orange Marble
Trump has never been and will never be a General. He is the CiC and that is not the same as a General. Not even close.

It is highly unlikely that trump will ever have a statue or Memorial displayed in the Nations Capitol. Reagan doesn't even have one and probably never will.
After all he is the leader of the Army of Deplorables who defeated the Socialists and their Queen Hillaryous.

"We will attack"

Finally we have a President who will take the gloves off on those who would do us harm. No more pacifist bullshit which emboldened North Korea and terrorists. No more telling our enemies when and what we're going to do.

Liberals are railing 100,000 troops couldn't get the job done in Afghanistan under Obama. What they're not telling you is there was no Afghanistan army then and now they're at 300,000 and growing. Their President praised Trump today.

You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with the Taliban. You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with North Korea. There is no middle ground when it comes to our national security, PERIOD!
Get a go fund me page and watch the pennies pour in..
Trump has never been and will never be a General. He is the CiC and that is not the same as a General. Not even close.

It is highly unlikely that trump will ever have a statue or Memorial displayed in the Nations Capitol. Reagan doesn't even have one and probably never will.
Sure he does...

That is not in the Nations Capitol. There are busted vandalized statues of Reagan in eastern Europe also.
We already did, just spray on some fake bronzer:

Graphic Image Deleted

It's an exceptional statue in that it really captures the not-wearing-any-clothes aspect of Trump presidency.
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President Trump will be remembered long after current liberals are forgotten, he's carved his name into American history.
Realistically, almost all he has done has been via Executive Orders that can and will probably be repealed and abandoned as soon as a Democrat wins back the WH. Legislatively he has accomplished very little of lasting value or potential. Trump may be remembered, as are all Presidents, but he may be remembered in a very negative way.
President Trump will be remembered long after current liberals are forgotten, he's carved his name into American history.
Realistically, almost all he has done has been via Executive Orders that can and will probably be repealed and abandoned as soon as a Democrat wins back the WH. Legislatively he has accomplished very little of lasting value or potential. Trump may be remembered, as are all Presidents, but he may be remembered in a very negative way.

LOL you realize Trump's term is 4 years long right not 6 months. The left's pain and suffering has only just begun.
President Trump will be remembered long after current liberals are forgotten, he's carved his name into American history.
Realistically, almost all he has done has been via Executive Orders that can and will probably be repealed and abandoned as soon as a Democrat wins back the WH. Legislatively he has accomplished very little of lasting value or potential. Trump may be remembered, as are all Presidents, but he may be remembered in a very negative way.

LOL you realize Trump's term is 4 years long right not 6 months. The left's pain and suffering has only just begun.
The left, or at least the Democrats do not want to see trump booted out of office. Pence taking over would be the worst fate for Democrats. As long as trump is President the Dem's have a good chance of taking back the Congress and winning the Presidency in 2020. Pence would bring experience in dealing with legislative procedure and competence. He may be able to get things done, especially with control of the Congress. He knows how to wheel and deal with politicians, especially in the Congress. That could be enough for American voters to want to give the guy a chance with a full term as President.
After all he is the leader of the Army of Deplorables who defeated the Socialists and their Queen Hillaryous.

"We will attack"

Finally we have a President who will take the gloves off on those who would do us harm. No more pacifist bullshit which emboldened North Korea and terrorists. No more telling our enemies when and what we're going to do.

Liberals are railing 100,000 troops couldn't get the job done in Afghanistan under Obama. What they're not telling you is there was no Afghanistan army then and now they're at 300,000 and growing. Their President praised Trump today.

You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with the Taliban. You're either with the Army of Deplorables or you're with North Korea. There is no middle ground when it comes to our national security, PERIOD!
Orange Marble
orange marmalade, hey birds need a place to sit!
General Obama was pretty much a bust, wasn't it?

He managed to snatch defeat from the mouth of victory in Iraq and he never had a clue what to do about Afghanistan. That bombing of Libya turned out to be a major league disaster.

Everything he did turned to crap, didn't it?

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