We need to send troops into Mexico NOW.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
They are not going to stop coming. They are not going to stop coming. They are NOT going to stop coming. Do you get it? They are coming through Mexican airports and the wide open MEXICAN Southern border because the President of Mexico has decided to facilitate the attack on our country by shuttling immigrants through his country straight into ours. These people are essentially biological weapons. This is an act of War.
All it will take to stop the flow is the will to do it. This isn't like some natural disaster, this is planned to take America down. If we continue on the current pace for another 3 years and the Dems distribute these disease-infested, militant cadre into battleground states, they'll be able to cheat every presidential election from this point forward. Secession is the last peaceful option.
They are not going to stop coming. They are not going to stop coming. They are NOT going to stop coming. Do you get it? They are coming through Mexican airports and the wide open MEXICAN Southern border because the President of Mexico has decided to facilitate the attack on our country by shuttling immigrants through his country straight into ours. These people are essentially biological weapons. This is an act of War.
Yes, but are they going to stop coming?

Listen, the democrats are doing their best to stop immigration by making the US far worse than Mexico

Give them a year or so damn it!
They are not going to stop coming. They are not going to stop coming. They are NOT going to stop coming. Do you get it? They are coming through Mexican airports and the wide open MEXICAN Southern border because the President of Mexico has decided to facilitate the attack on our country by shuttling immigrants through his country straight into ours. These people are essentially biological weapons. This is an act of War.

You seem to believe there's some salvageable iota of a nation known as the United States of America left to save or worth saving. News flash: there are no good guys left in power. News flash: ALL our "elected" leaders worship gold and answer to unimaginable evil on high. Unless We The People form the most powerful citizen army in human history and use it . . . we're right fucked.
We couldn’t beat Afghanistan. Do you think we can defeat Mexico? It would be easy according to ESDRAELON

All we need is the will.

Ok, let’s talk about this in reality for a change. First, we don’t have enough military to secure the Border. We just don’t. Nearly two thousand miles of border, and much of it is undenied, without walls, or even signs. Why? It is difficult to access. Unless you’re on foot. The terrain is sometimes flat desert, and sometimes rugged as hell mountains. The Border Patrol uses horses for some of it. It’s the 21st century and the best choice for transportation is one from the dawn of recorded time. Horses.

But let’s pretend it was possible to send troops to secure the border. How many would it take? Well lets do a little math.

Including the National Guard and Reserve, there are roughly 2.2 million.

That sounds like a lot. Until you realize that a lot of those troops are in the Navy, which isn’t going to be much help. I mean, the carriers aren’t going to be needed and the submarines would be useless.

But what about the rest, surely there are plenty for that. But there really aren’t. We have commitments in Korea, Europe, Asia, and other places in the world. But lets just call all those troops home. We need them to stop this fantasy invasion.

Korea Falls to the North, Asia becomes China, and only Australia and New Zealand remain outside of the new China. Europe falls to Russia in a New York second. But hey, at least our troops are doing what is important. Defending the border.

Only they can’t actually do it. I mean, they physically can’t. There aren’t enough of them. There would be gaps where there were no troops. And the evil Mexicans would be coming across there.

Or we could invade Mexico. Well that shuts off about half of the “American” made cars you are used to buying. But hey, who cares if Ford, GM, and Chrysler all go bankrupt because their Factories were destroyed. We have to stop this invasion man.

Oh I’m sure we could defeat the Mexican Army. And I’m sure we could push all the way to Central America. But then what? We would have to travel in convoys as the Drug Cartels would ambush our smaller units to kill the troops and steal their weapons. It would be Afghanistan all over again, and our troops would be dying from roadside bombs and ambushes all over again. But hey, we would stop the invasion. Except we wouldn’t. The people behind the lines would still be headed north. This time they would be refugees fleeing the fighting.

By even attempting this, we would lose everything in the world.

I’m not surprised that hysterical RW loons are proposing this. It’s idiotic and knee jerk stupidity. Just what one has come to expect.
They are not going to stop coming. They are not going to stop coming. They are NOT going to stop coming. Do you get it? They are coming through Mexican airports and the wide open MEXICAN Southern border because the President of Mexico has decided to facilitate the attack on our country by shuttling immigrants through his country straight into ours. These people are essentially biological weapons. This is an act of War.

yeah honestly it looks like we are going down. Going to be tough surviving three more years of this. If we dont take the next election it will be over. We cant take 8 straight of this insanity
SavannahMann We wouldn't be trying to defeat Mexico, we would be policing their airports and their border since they have no intention to do that. We need military down there because the National Guard would be cut to pieces by the drug cartels.
We couldn’t beat Afghanistan. Do you think we can defeat Mexico? It would be easy according to ESDRAELON

All we need is the will.

Ok, let’s talk about this in reality for a change. First, we don’t have enough military to secure the Border. We just don’t. Nearly two thousand miles of border, and much of it is undenied, without walls, or even signs. Why? It is difficult to access. Unless you’re on foot. The terrain is sometimes flat desert, and sometimes rugged as hell mountains. The Border Patrol uses horses for some of it. It’s the 21st century and the best choice for transportation is one from the dawn of recorded time. Horses.

But let’s pretend it was possible to send troops to secure the border. How many would it take? Well lets do a little math.

Including the National Guard and Reserve, there are roughly 2.2 million.

That sounds like a lot. Until you realize that a lot of those troops are in the Navy, which isn’t going to be much help. I mean, the carriers aren’t going to be needed and the submarines would be useless.

But what about the rest, surely there are plenty for that. But there really aren’t. We have commitments in Korea, Europe, Asia, and other places in the world. But lets just call all those troops home. We need them to stop this fantasy invasion.

Korea Falls to the North, Asia becomes China, and only Australia and New Zealand remain outside of the new China. Europe falls to Russia in a New York second. But hey, at least our troops are doing what is important. Defending the border.

Only they can’t actually do it. I mean, they physically can’t. There aren’t enough of them. There would be gaps where there were no troops. And the evil Mexicans would be coming across there.

Or we could invade Mexico. Well that shuts off about half of the “American” made cars you are used to buying. But hey, who cares if Ford, GM, and Chrysler all go bankrupt because their Factories were destroyed. We have to stop this invasion man.

Oh I’m sure we could defeat the Mexican Army. And I’m sure we could push all the way to Central America. But then what? We would have to travel in convoys as the Drug Cartels would ambush our smaller units to kill the troops and steal their weapons. It would be Afghanistan all over again, and our troops would be dying from roadside bombs and ambushes all over again. But hey, we would stop the invasion. Except we wouldn’t. The people behind the lines would still be headed north. This time they would be refugees fleeing the fighting.

By even attempting this, we would lose everything in the world.

I’m not surprised that hysterical RW loons are proposing this. It’s idiotic and knee jerk stupidity. Just what one has come to expect.

A little deterent would slow down the numbers. Slowing down the numbers would make it a little easier on the border patrol and military if necessary. Less people would get through..... less people would come. Right now everyone knows they will get through so they will come. They know there are holes in the wall they can just walk right through and they know Biden isnt serious. Family members in the U.S. now doubt have sent the word home long ago.

Its bullshit that we cant have legal immigration.
This is an act of War.

Yeah. You got it. And here are their Generals.

You seem to believe there's some salvageable iota of a nation known as the United States of America left to save or worth saving. News flash: there are no good guys left in power. News flash: ALL our "elected" leaders worship gold and answer to unimaginable evil on high. Unless We The People form the most powerful citizen army in human history and use it . . . we're right fucked.
SO I guess your blob didn't make us great again. LOL
Mexico, we would be policing their airports and their border since they have no intention to do that
What border? Between Mexico and the US? If you are unable to control this border from an American side what makes you think you will be more efficient from a Mexican one?
We couldn’t beat Afghanistan. Do you think we can defeat Mexico? It would be easy according to ESDRAELON

All we need is the will.

Ok, let’s talk about this in reality for a change. First, we don’t have enough military to secure the Border. We just don’t. Nearly two thousand miles of border, and much of it is undenied, without walls, or even signs. Why? It is difficult to access. Unless you’re on foot. The terrain is sometimes flat desert, and sometimes rugged as hell mountains. The Border Patrol uses horses for some of it. It’s the 21st century and the best choice for transportation is one from the dawn of recorded time. Horses.

But let’s pretend it was possible to send troops to secure the border. How many would it take? Well lets do a little math.

Including the National Guard and Reserve, there are roughly 2.2 million.

That sounds like a lot. Until you realize that a lot of those troops are in the Navy, which isn’t going to be much help. I mean, the carriers aren’t going to be needed and the submarines would be useless.

But what about the rest, surely there are plenty for that. But there really aren’t. We have commitments in Korea, Europe, Asia, and other places in the world. But lets just call all those troops home. We need them to stop this fantasy invasion.

Korea Falls to the North, Asia becomes China, and only Australia and New Zealand remain outside of the new China. Europe falls to Russia in a New York second. But hey, at least our troops are doing what is important. Defending the border.

Only they can’t actually do it. I mean, they physically can’t. There aren’t enough of them. There would be gaps where there were no troops. And the evil Mexicans would be coming across there.

Or we could invade Mexico. Well that shuts off about half of the “American” made cars you are used to buying. But hey, who cares if Ford, GM, and Chrysler all go bankrupt because their Factories were destroyed. We have to stop this invasion man.

Oh I’m sure we could defeat the Mexican Army. And I’m sure we could push all the way to Central America. But then what? We would have to travel in convoys as the Drug Cartels would ambush our smaller units to kill the troops and steal their weapons. It would be Afghanistan all over again, and our troops would be dying from roadside bombs and ambushes all over again. But hey, we would stop the invasion. Except we wouldn’t. The people behind the lines would still be headed north. This time they would be refugees fleeing the fighting.

By even attempting this, we would lose everything in the world.

I’m not surprised that hysterical RW loons are proposing this. It’s idiotic and knee jerk stupidity. Just what one has come to expect.
......like Vietnam, Afghanistan was ''unwinnable'' and it was not a loss......we killed bad guys and their leader
...yes, the military could and SHOULD protect the border
.....so, not only do you hate cops, you hate the military ..
your points are ridiculous...we have drones/choppers/etc---don't need 10 MILLION ....use landmines /etc
..yes, we CAN use the Navy--they have air/choppers/SEALS/etc--you don't know shit about the military
......like Vietnam, Afghanistan was ''unwinnable'' and it was not a loss......we killed bad guys and their leader
...yes, the military could and SHOULD protect the border
.....so, not only do you hate cops, you hate the military ..
your points are ridiculous...we have drones/choppers/etc---don't need 10 MILLION ....use landmines /etc
..yes, we CAN use the Navy--they have air/choppers/SEALS/etc--you don't know shit about the military

Here again. If you had been in the Military then you wouldn’t make such stupid posts. But stupid is all you do.

Answer me this. How many troops would it take to secure the border?

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