"We need to redistribute wealth among Americans" WTF...why does this always sound so retarded to me?

Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy
Don't like paying taxes; don't work. Don't whine about it.
Says the man with his hand out looking for, well, a handout
I have too much moral integrity to whine about taxes.
...and no commonsense
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
You have been brainwashed.
Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce. Those spivs who produce nothing but paper wealth in trading other people's money in stocks and shares, playing international currency markets, offering so-called financial services in banking speculation, are leeches who produce nothing but a paper value because the capitalist system rewards these greedy operators. They bring shame upon America.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
Then explain to me why Americans working 40 hours a week can barely make rent.

This is not the economy of the past. People are working extremely hard, and STILL can't make ends meet.

Thirty per cent goes to taxes..Plus 71/2% to social security. If they drive they pay outrageous gasoline taxes. There is a tax on their phone bill to give out free phones to non workers and a tax on their water bill and a tax on their cable bill to give free cable to inner cities. They have a little left...but to spend it face a sales tax of up to ten per cent on everything else. If they want a raise the Mexican who just floated over the border will do the job for half price.
Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens.

"Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce."
NEGATIVE....see, you've been brainwashed. You honestly believe that one must "build" something in order to be "productive". That's some funny shit...haha
  1. producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.
    "the most productive employees"
    synonyms: fertile, fruitful, rich, fecund
    "productive land"
    • relating to or engaged in the production of goods, crops, or other commodities.
      "the country's productive capacity"
    • achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
      "a long and productive career"
      synonyms: prolific, inventive, creative

      "Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens."

      NEGATIVE. Try again.
      "In 2014, people with adjusted gross income, or AGI, above $250,000 paid just over half (51.6%) of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed, according to our analysis of preliminary IRS data. Their average tax rate (total taxes paid divided by cumulative AGI) was 25.7%. By contrast, people with incomes of less than $50,000 accounted for 62.3% of all individual returns filed, but they paid just 5.7% of total taxes. Their average tax rate was 4.3%." -
      High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

      "An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax, according to data for the 2015 tax year from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington-based research group. (Note that this does not necessarily mean they won’t owe their states income tax.)

      Roughly half pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability, explains Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center." -
Unlike you, I would not insult a worker by calling what financial speculators do work.

Spoken like a lifelong clock punching hole digger...You just can't wrap your head around the simplest concepts. Intelligent, educated, ambitious people leverage others to do the "heavy lifting" while they spend their time building relationships, innovating and originating more work.
You honestly would have greater respect for Steve Jobs if he would have spent his life assembling iPods instead of building Apple...Funny shit.
Liberals seeking to punish the productive and their emotive "reasons" for doing so show how much danger this country is facing should their insanity ever become policy
Don't like paying taxes; don't work. Don't whine about it.
Says the man with his hand out looking for, well, a handout
I have too much moral integrity to whine about taxes.
...and no commonsense
lol. just right wing fantasy?

End our wars on crime, drugs, and terror to end our income tax, right wingers. Use some, commonsense.
Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?
Believing that the very wealthy are your "most productive positive contributors" is a value judgement offensive to the working poor in America. What is needed is a different economic system which values all citizens and allows all to enjoy the wealth of the nation.

Word games again. Nevertheless if the word "productive" means anything at all brokeloser was correct in using it to describe people who create value.
An economic system which Values all citizens" misvalues the majority and all are poor. Economic systems dont value. They punish when you break the laws of economics or reward when you work with them.
I prefer an economic system with allows all citizens the opportunity to produce value and enjoy the fruits of their labor.
You have been brainwashed.
Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce. Those spivs who produce nothing but paper wealth in trading other people's money in stocks and shares, playing international currency markets, offering so-called financial services in banking speculation, are leeches who produce nothing but a paper value because the capitalist system rewards these greedy operators. They bring shame upon America.

Then explain to me why Americans working 40 hours a week can barely make rent.

This is not the economy of the past. People are working extremely hard, and STILL can't make ends meet.

Thirty per cent goes to taxes..Plus 71/2% to social security. If they drive they pay outrageous gasoline taxes. There is a tax on their phone bill to give out free phones to non workers and a tax on their water bill and a tax on their cable bill to give free cable to inner cities. They have a little left...but to spend it face a sales tax of up to ten per cent on everything else. If they want a raise the Mexican who just floated over the border will do the job for half price.
Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens.

"Productive means producing something such as a washing machine, TV, car, beer, and so on. It is the workers who produce."
NEGATIVE....see, you've been brainwashed. You honestly believe that one must "build" something in order to be "productive". That's some funny shit...haha
  1. producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, crops, or other commodities.
    "the most productive employees"
    synonyms: fertile, fruitful, rich, fecund
    "productive land"
    • relating to or engaged in the production of goods, crops, or other commodities.
      "the country's productive capacity"
    • achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
      "a long and productive career"
      synonyms: prolific, inventive, creative

      "Only the little people pay taxes in modern America. The wealthy have their money in British overseas territories known as tax havens."

      NEGATIVE. Try again.
      "In 2014, people with adjusted gross income, or AGI, above $250,000 paid just over half (51.6%) of all individual income taxes, though they accounted for only 2.7% of all returns filed, according to our analysis of preliminary IRS data. Their average tax rate (total taxes paid divided by cumulative AGI) was 25.7%. By contrast, people with incomes of less than $50,000 accounted for 62.3% of all individual returns filed, but they paid just 5.7% of total taxes. Their average tax rate was 4.3%." -
      High-income Americans pay most income taxes, but enough to be ‘fair’?

      "An estimated 45.3 percent of American households — roughly 77.5 million — will pay no federal individual income tax, according to data for the 2015 tax year from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan Washington-based research group. (Note that this does not necessarily mean they won’t owe their states income tax.)

      Roughly half pay no federal income tax because they have no taxable income, and the other roughly half get enough tax breaks to erase their tax liability, explains Roberton Williams, a senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center." -
Unlike you, I would not insult a worker by calling what financial speculators do work.

Spoken like a lifelong clock punching hole digger...You just can't wrap your head around the simplest concepts. Intelligent, educated, ambitious people leverage others to do the "heavy lifting" while they spend their time building relationships, innovating and originating more work.
You honestly would have greater respect for Steve Jobs if he would have spent his life assembling iPods instead of building Apple...Funny shit.
It is the workers who built this country, and every skyscraper in it. I can respect the inventor and the builder... but the builder is always working much harder for much less.
Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution
Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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In this case it is working Americans who must assume more of the tax burden
Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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In this case it is working Americans who must assume more of the tax burden

Since when has Congress EVER cut taxes at the top while increasing at the lower levels? What you're talking about doesn't happen.

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Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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In this case it is working Americans who must assume more of the tax burden

Since when has Congress EVER cut taxes at the top while increasing at the lower levels? What you're talking about doesn't happen.

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Starve the beast
Cut taxes and then claim you can't afford public services for education, healthcare, transportation

Middle class has to make up the difference
Go to school get a good education get a job learn a skill obey the law don't smoke don't drink too much don't steal don't do drugs get up everyday and go to work...it sounds boring and mundane and old school and not cool.....but it's not. It's a wonderful way to live and the odds are in your favor that you won't need government assistance.
Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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In this case it is working Americans who must assume more of the tax burden

Since when has Congress EVER cut taxes at the top while increasing at the lower levels? What you're talking about doesn't happen.

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Starve the beast
Cut taxes and then claim you can't afford public services for education, healthcare, transportation

Middle class has to make up the difference

And again, their taxes don't go up, unless we're talking about the tax increases in obamadon'tcare. Lowering taxes just is not redistribution.

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Yes they are a redistribution because they relieve the wealthy of the responsibility to contribute to our nations revenue. The end result of these cuts is more wealth being concentrated at the top

That is redistribution

Who has their money taken from them?

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In this case it is working Americans who must assume more of the tax burden

Since when has Congress EVER cut taxes at the top while increasing at the lower levels? What you're talking about doesn't happen.

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Starve the beast
Cut taxes and then claim you can't afford public services for education, healthcare, transportation

Middle class has to make up the difference

And again, their taxes don't go up, unless we're talking about the tax increases in obamadon'tcare. Lowering taxes just is not redistribution.

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Federal taxes are cut by Republicans, state and local taxes go up and kill the non-rich for 35 years now, dupe. If you count to all taxes, we have a flat tax system now.
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Why don't you ask why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the working class' earnings? That was the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history.

Reagan promised that his tax cuts to the wealthy would "trickle down" to the working classes but it never happened. Instead, American wealth trickled up to the 1%.

Before Reagan's tax cuts and war on unions, working class Americans had equity and savings. That's been wiped out. Now the working poor need social assistance just to put food on the table.

Why do conservatives never talk about this transfer of wealth?
Maybe the reason why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the tax breaks than the working classes is because the 1%ers pay more into the tax system? Of course, and the poor who never gets a tax break(EITC) say it isn't FAIR. If you want more of a tax break, instead of being a victim of liberalism and a loser, get a fucking job, or create your own business that provides you an income that puts you in the 1% and be a winner. You lib fucks are the most stupid people in the universe.

I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Why don't you ask why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the working class' earnings? That was the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history.

Reagan promised that his tax cuts to the wealthy would "trickle down" to the working classes but it never happened. Instead, American wealth trickled up to the 1%.

Before Reagan's tax cuts and war on unions, working class Americans had equity and savings. That's been wiped out. Now the working poor need social assistance just to put food on the table.

Why do conservatives never talk about this transfer of wealth?
Maybe the reason why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the tax breaks than the working classes is because the 1%ers pay more into the tax system? Of course, and the poor who never gets a tax break(EITC) say it isn't FAIR. If you want more of a tax break, instead of being a victim of liberalism and a loser, get a fucking job, or create your own business that provides you an income that puts you in the 1% and be a winner. You lib fucks are the most stupid people in the universe.


If most of our nations revenue comes from one group and you cut taxes on that group, you have a substantial drop in revenue

Less services, more of the burden shifts to the state and local level, working class has to do with less
I always find this narrative fascinating....The top 1% of wage earners already pay 45% of all income tax paid and 45% of American's pay no income tax at all.
That said, how is the notion that our most productive positive contributors owe more manifested?
Why is it never said that we have too many bottom feeders stealing from the middle class and how does that not make more sense to sane rational folks? Take the $100 billion we spend on illegal beaners every year...what if we diverted that cash alone and funneled it through the hands of the middle class and REAL Americans?

Why don't you ask why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the working class' earnings? That was the biggest redistribution of wealth in world history.

Reagan promised that his tax cuts to the wealthy would "trickle down" to the working classes but it never happened. Instead, American wealth trickled up to the 1%.

Before Reagan's tax cuts and war on unions, working class Americans had equity and savings. That's been wiped out. Now the working poor need social assistance just to put food on the table.

Why do conservatives never talk about this transfer of wealth?
Maybe the reason why Ronald Reagan gave the 1% more of the tax breaks than the working classes is because the 1%ers pay more into the tax system? Of course, and the poor who never gets a tax break(EITC) say it isn't FAIR. If you want more of a tax break, instead of being a victim of liberalism and a loser, get a fucking job, or create your own business that provides you an income that puts you in the 1% and be a winner. You lib fucks are the most stupid people in the universe.


If most of our nations revenue comes from one group and you cut taxes on that group, you have a substantial drop in revenue

Less services, more of the burden shifts to the state and local level, working class has to do with less

Reduction in revenue...no big deal...cut expense.
It's time "our rich" stop spoon feeding the worlds filth....bye, bye DACA...keep the hammer down on illegal immigration....tens of billions saved....TA-DA!
Why is it that Conservatives never portray a tax cut for the higher brackets as a "redistribution of wealth"?

Tax cuts are not redistribution. Redistribution is taking from one group, such as through taxes, and giving it to another group, as in welfare. Cutting taxes merely allows people who earned that money to keep more of it. It does not take from a different group. I thought that was obvious.

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Tax breaks for yachts, creates entire economies in less developed nations.
Most real conservatives don't believe in the drug war, it's the control freaks that are progressive push such a things like discretionary spending, it needs to be severely cut.
The right wing wants more government and refuses to pay for it.
No, the GOP establishment wants more government for their career politicians to control. A libertarian/conservative wants more individuality and freedom....
End the drug war, right wingers. Don't be all political talk and no political action, even wo-men in the non-porn sector, can do that.
Never was for the drug war... lol
Burn the collective that's how you get rid of corruption
The right wing, "proclaims in public venues", they are for smaller government; but, try to mostly only reduce social services for the poor while alleging the "equality of neutrality" of revenue.
do you agree that 45% of americans don't pay income tax nor social security tax or medicare tax? do you or not?

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