We Need To Go Nuclear


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011

Solar and wind power are not going to save us from climate change. It just isn't gonna happen.

And neither is planting trees. Trees are actually a net zero when it comes to carbon. In the long term, they do diddly squat to reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong. I like trees. Not to the point of hugging them, but they are pretty to look at.

And I love solar. I think we should turn the Southwest into one giant solar farm. It would also provide jobs for people to keep the mirrors clean and free of brush.

I don't mean solar panels. I mean molten salt solar farms like the one I will post a picture of below.

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occurred to Mexico to build massive solar farms and export the energy to the US. They have the perfect climate for it.

But it just won't be enough.

We need nuclear power, and we need it now. We need a LOT of it.

That is all. Thank you.

The last nuclear plant they built, Tennessee Valley Authority, cost 4 billion. A lot of that was over lawsuits from people who didn't want the nuclear power plant near them.

But I agree, nuclear is safe and the waste is smallish and manageable.
No matter what we do we pollute, it's not so much the pollution but ignoring the pollution is not the answer.
As long as the plants are built by French or German firms I'm all for nukes as the most efficient and environmentally friendly power source, and the tech is well known.It would be a fiasco if American construction companies were allowed to build them ; been there, done that, fuck them. They're far too crooked to be trusted with such projects. We might let them build a temporary tool shed or something at the job site, but that would probably be end up half completed and cost 10 times more than one built from a Home Depot kit.
As long as the plants are built by French or German firms I'm all for nukes as the most efficient and environmentally friendly power source, and the tech is well known.It would be a fiasco if American construction companies were allowed to build them ; been there, done that, fuck them. They're far too crooked to be trusted with such projects. We might let them build a temporary tool shed or something at the job site, but that would probably be end up half completed and cost 10 times more than one built from a Home Depot kit.
what makes you think the french or german firms will not be burdened with the same strangling rules and regulations and lawsuits that drive the cost of nuclear power?

I hate to break the news to you, but this molten salt csp has failed. It does not work. It also destroyed square miles of nature which means plants and animal life.
what makes you think the french or german firms will not be burdened with the same strangling rules and regulations and lawsuits that drive the cost of nuclear power?

They have an excellent record of building and operating nuclear plants. American companies deliberately kept trying to get away with sub-standard construction and getting caught and having to redo what they deliberately screwed up; they strangled themselves and they will do it again. Constantly blaming the government doesn't fly any more; right wingers should instead focus on legitimate criticisms instead of pulling bullshit out of their asses all the time, then maybe their media hacks won't have to keep sniveling about how the commies are running Congress and having parades over barely beating gangsters like MacCAuliffe by a couple of lousy points for lack of any real mandates.
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They have an excellent record of building and operating nuclear plants. American companies deliberately kept trying to get away with sub-standard construction and getting caught and having to redo what they deliberately screwed up; they strangled themselves and they will do it again. Constantly blaming the government doesn't fly any more; right wingers should instead focus on legitimate criticisms instead of pulling bullshit out of their asses all the time, then maybe their media hacks won't have to keep sniveling about how the commies are running Congress and having parades over barely beating gangsters like MacCAuliffe by a couple of lousy points for lack of any real mandates.
I know of only one plant in the USA where your post applies. Foreign companies are no better, I have worked for and with both. I have worked with all the top nuclear companies.

Of course, today inspection is much better so you really have no worries. No industry is better at correcting mistakes.

Solar and wind power are not going to save us from climate change. It just isn't gonna happen.

And neither is planting trees. Trees are actually a net zero when it comes to carbon. In the long term, they do diddly squat to reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong. I like trees. Not to the point of hugging them, but they are pretty to look at.

And I love solar. I think we should turn the Southwest into one giant solar farm. It would also provide jobs for people to keep the mirrors clean and free of brush.

I don't mean solar panels. I mean molten salt solar farms like the one I will post a picture of below.

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occurred to Mexico to build massive solar farms and export the energy to the US. They have the perfect climate for it.

But it just won't be enough.

We need nuclear power, and we need it now. We need a LOT of it.

That is all. Thank you.

Even though the benefit of Nuclear power is great but you will always have the risk of a major meltdown like what happened in the Ukraine, Japan and we must remember the late 1970’s at Three Mile Island…

Solar and wind power are not going to save us from climate change. It just isn't gonna happen.

And neither is planting trees. Trees are actually a net zero when it comes to carbon. In the long term, they do diddly squat to reduce carbon in the atmosphere.

Don't get me wrong. I like trees. Not to the point of hugging them, but they are pretty to look at.

And I love solar. I think we should turn the Southwest into one giant solar farm. It would also provide jobs for people to keep the mirrors clean and free of brush.

I don't mean solar panels. I mean molten salt solar farms like the one I will post a picture of below.

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't occurred to Mexico to build massive solar farms and export the energy to the US. They have the perfect climate for it.

But it just won't be enough.

We need nuclear power, and we need it now. We need a LOT of it.

That is all. Thank you.


Nothing is going to save us from "climate change". The climate changes regardless.
The risk that 60 year old technology will be repeated?

How so?
Japan was just in recent memory and natural disaster to man made mistakes can happen and do happen.

If I remember correctly Japan was because of a Earthquake and the stupidity of letting salt water hit the reactor core…

Ukraine and Three Mile Island are much older disasters but if I remember correctly it was human mistake or Wolverine fighting Deadpool… ( Last part was a damn joke )

The reality is normally nuclear is safe but when it does go rogue and it can then the disaster lasts thousands of years, so as you believe the risk is worth it just remember those three cases…
Japan was just in recent memory and natural disaster to man made mistakes can happen and do happen.

If I remember correctly Japan was because of a Earthquake and the stupidity of letting salt water hit the reactor core…

Ukraine and Three Mile Island are much older disasters but if I remember correctly it was human mistake or Wolverine fighting Deadpool… ( Last part was a damn joke )

The reality is normally nuclear is safe but when it does go rogue and it can then the disaster lasts thousands of years, so as you believe the risk is worth it just remember those three cases…
I worked at Three Mile Island, after the accident at unit 2. Unit 1 still operates. That particular incident changed the industry. It is literally impossible that could happen again. Too many safeguards.

Three Mile Island is fine today. It was never a disaster. We walked right by unit 2 before they began the clean up. No radiation. No danger. Since then they have removed the partially melted down fuel. A partial meltdown that never breached the 1st level of 3 levels of ccontainment.

To be accurate though and more relevant there were three commercial nuclear power plant accidents in the USA.

Waltz Mill near Pittsburg was the 1st and the worst, human operating error. A PWR.

Fermi the 2nd, beer can in a valve left in during construction?
A BWR by general electric. Same as in Japan.

The third, a otsg/pwr, TMI
The last nuclear plant they built, Tennessee Valley Authority, cost 4 billion. A lot of that was over lawsuits from people who didn't want the nuclear power plant near them.

But I agree, nuclear is safe and the waste is smallish and manageable.
There are different reactor designs that don't need all that concrete and steel.

Molten salt reactors don't have to run at high pressure, have passive safety systems and don't require large volumes of water for cooling.

Smaller modular reactors can be built in a factory and shipped to the sight rather than having to be built in situ. Multiple small reactors can be installed at a single sight providing redundancy and operational capacity even as reactors are shut down for maintenance. These can be installed in existing power plant sites so very little new infrastructure will be needed.

Another plus is that we don't have to use uranium anymore for fuel.

Uranium is as rare as platinum in the earth's crust which is why it's so expensive.
I know of only one plant in the USA where your post applies. Foreign companies are no better, I have worked for and with both. I have worked with all the top nuclear companies.

Of course, today inspection is much better so you really have no worries. No industry is better at correcting mistakes.

How many French or German plants had to to ripped up and restarted from scratch because the companies were caught pouring sub-standard concrete to lower their costs and jack up their profits?

Germany's record is nearly flawless, the U.S. is by far the worst. France's isn't that great but still better than the U.S. and Japan. Even the Russians have a far better record.
Construction of the plants themselves aren't the main costs; transmission and maintenance of those lines is 75% to 85% of costs of electricity from plants, so even if the plants were free consumers wouldn't really save all that much.
How many French or German plants had to to ripped up and restarted from scratch because the companies were caught pouring sub-standard concrete to lower their costs and jack up their profits.

One US company I know of, I can name the plant, you have not listed plants nor companies so I question what you know, especially in light of recent incidents that have occurred in France.

Right now, today, AREVA of France is guilty of falsifying thousands of qa records that include components installed in our nuclear reactors.

Germany, I bet we can find more than one incident.

Between France and Germany their nuclear plants are a fraction in number compared to what we built.

And was there any accident at any US nuclear plant that resulted from faulty, negligent, components, no!

So your paranoia is simply baseless.
One US company I know of, I can name the plant, you have not listed plants nor companies so I question what you know, especially in light of recent incidents that have occurred in France.

Right now, today, AREVA of France is guilty of falsifying thousands of qa records that include components installed in our nuclear reactors.

Germany, I bet we can find more than one incident.

Between France and Germany their nuclear plants are a fraction in number compared to what we built.

And was there any accident at any US nuclear plant that resulted from faulty, negligent, components, no!

So your paranoia is simply baseless.

Rubbish. The record speaks for itself, as does the list of types of failures and causes. Just because you cleaned the toilets or punched a few buttons at one doesn't make you any more of an authority than anybody else who can read.

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