We need to get a divorce

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Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
You'll be fine, just as we were.
Once you get through the 7 stages that is.
Grab a six pack and popcorn, and enjoy watching leftists giving Biden hell for four years. Y'all have earned it.
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
We have a Conservative, McCarthy era phrase in our pledge, right wingers. Job 34:30 can apply every time right wingers resort to fallacy instead of Sublime Truth (in witness bearing Value).
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
I am ordering you, from this moment until every state certifies the election results, to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

There is way too much irregularity to start throwing in the towel. You KNEW this would be a court battle. You KNEW the mail-in shit was a mechanism from Dem fraud.

Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
I am ordering you, from this moment until every state certifies the election results, to SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!

There is way too much irregularity to start throwing in the towel. You KNEW this would be a court battle. You KNEW the mail-in shit was a mechanism from Dem fraud.

We have to compromise and throw the Democrats a bone.
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
You'll be fine, just as we were.
Once you get through the 7 stages that is.
View attachment 411262
So when we turn on the TV all the shows will be conservative. Talk shows, comedy shows, and more. How about this. You take some radio people and FOX News and we get what you had. Those stages become clearer when the propaganda is endless and relentless in its vile nastiness. Hard to forget that. No concern for most of them now. Talking to some people over the last year or so it seems families and those who are friends and aquaintences are going to circle the wagons with their own now much more. That forbodes people not being as nice to each other.
Nope. We need to engage in the 21st Century equivalent of the epic 100K Year Guerilla War between Humans and Neanderthals. This one will be much shorter as the Progs are Beta SoiBois.

Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.
You'll be fine, just as we were.
Once you get through the 7 stages that is.
View attachment 411262
So when we turn on the TV all the shows will be conservative. Talk shows, comedy shows, and more. How about this. You take some radio people and FOX News and we get what you had. Those stages become clearer when the propaganda is endless and relentless in its vile nastiness. Hard to forget that. No concern for most of them now. Talking to some people over the last year or so it seems families and those who are friends and aquaintences are going to circle the wagons with their own now much more. That forbodes people not being as nice to each other.
You need to let people have the freedom to speak, otherwise, you are denied that freedom

Even if it is ugly speech.

That is something the brown shirts don't agree with.

In fact, due to Leftist indoctrination from academia and the media, half the country now wants to repeal the First amendment and ban all offensive speech.

And I'll give you a dollar if you can guess who gets to decide what is offensive.
Sometimes people are better off apart. Sometimes they are far worse off together.

And this is how I see the US today. Just look at how Big Tech can censor conservative thought on the internet and the media with impunity. They get away with it cuz they are a "private" entity and are allowed to discriminate at will because of it.

So they have divorced conservatives, so when will conservatives agree to the divorce and get on with their lives?

Conservatives should operate their business on the premise of only serving red customers and not blue customers. Even hang signs saying, "Democrats not welcome" Conservatives should all band together and divorce corporations that give large amounts of money to the DNC, etc.

And yes, it seems impossible to divorce yourself from entities like Amazon, run by a big democrat, but it needs to be done.

Can we just "break up" over Twitter? Or would Jack Dorsey have an issue with that?
Some people (including me) feel that eventually there will be a "divorce."

It will NOT merely be deciding who can enter your business.

The entire nation will be divided up into several nations so that people can live with people who share their values.

Yugoslavia did it. We eventually will do it, too -- peacefully.
Why doesn't conservatives establish their own social media? ... it's not that expensive ... a small annual membership fee and y'all can censor liberal ideas all you want to ...
Your posting on it retard
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