We may be underestimating Kamala Harris

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
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I thought she did a very good job of grilling Republicans when she was on the Senate committees for grilling people, or whatever they are called. In particular, she scored some points against Bill Barr, who is no lightweight. Of all the Dems who ran in the primary, I thought she was the one that I would most like to see in charge of standing up to our enemies adversaries, particularly the Chinese.

So, why does she now come off like a bumbling moron every time she gets a difficult question? I just realized that it is likely because she is having to defend the absurd policies and actions of Joe Biden and his handlers. That would make anyone look like an idiot. But, does she really have a choice but defend them? I suppose she could go rogue, but have we ever had a VP openly oppose a president? Other than Pence, I guess?

Look at the Democrats on here. I know that they are smarter than they come off in their posts. They have to be, or how could they even turn on a computer? But who can avoid looking like a bumbling moron when they defend moronic bumbling?

Do they have a choice? I guess they could just fall back on "But, but, but, TRUMP!" every time. That just reveals another weakness, though.

Seriously, Dems, I don't hate you because I disagree with you. I hope you get a real candidate in 2024, so you don't have to keep humiliating yourselves. I hope Kamala gets a shot at redemption. She could be a great role model if Team Biden would let her.
Here's the Bill Barr grilling that I speak of. That Kamala Harris bears little resemblance to the current VP, other than physical.

I thought she did a very good job of grilling Republicans when she was on the Senate committees for grilling people, or whatever they are called. In particular, she scored some points against Bill Barr, who is no lightweight. Of all the Dems who ran in the primary, I thought she was the one that I would most like to see in charge of standing up to our enemies adversaries, particularly the Chinese.

So, why does she now come off like a bumbling moron every time she gets a difficult question? I just realized that it is likely because she is having to defend the absurd policies and actions of Joe Biden and his handlers. That would make anyone look like an idiot. But, does she really have a choice but defend them? I suppose she could go rogue, but have we ever had a VP openly oppose a president? Other than Pence, I guess?

Look at the Democrats on here. I know that they are smarter than they come off in their posts. They have to be, or how could they even turn on a computer? But who can avoid looking like a bumbling moron when they defend moronic bumbling?

Do they have a choice? I guess they could just fall back on "But, but, but, TRUMP!" every time. That just reveals another weakness, though.

Seriously, Dems, I don't hate you because I disagree with you. I hope you get a real candidate in 2024, so you don't have to keep humiliating yourselves. I hope Kamala gets a shot at redemption. She could be a great role model if Team Biden would let her.

Secretly the statist left is on their knees in remorse for getting Joe Biden & his sidekick, Kamale Tamale into office. I have been warning the statist left many times before to drop 'identity politick'n" but the statist left is slow to learn. The ONLY ace in the hole for the statist left is the bevy of RINO's in both the upper & lower Houses. I have four cabinet level bureaucracies I desire to see terminated outright & bureaucrats in other bureaucracies fired by the numbers. A small federal g'ment is an affordable federal g'ment!
I really know nothing of Harris outside of her being selected because she identified as black and identified as a woman. Before that she may as well have been my life insurance agent. She has been the worst politician I’ve ever seen since she has played vp, even worse than pedophile joe
I think you are vastly overestimating Kamala's abilities outside of scripted UNiparty Kabuki Theatre.
Barr is a DS CIA tool & takes his orders from the same masters as she.

I think it's impossible to underestimate our VP outside a hotdog chugging contest
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