“We love to quote King in & around the holiday. then we refuse to live King 365 days of the year” Rev Bernice King @ Ebenezer Baptist Church


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
King's my bro. i "live King" all year, i don't see race, color, or gender, sir Bernice!

King, and that is not his birth name, was an inveterate womanizer and a plagiarizer. We should emulate that 24/7/365?
You can get obsessive about these so called Do Gooders .

Too much of anything ruins what could have been a nice occasional treat .

Playing MLK once a week seems more than ample .

No right minded person goes around smiling all the time otherwise the whole world knows how simple you really are.
King's my bro. i "live King" all year, i don't see race, color, or gender, sir Bernice!

When it comes to strictly following Christ's teachings, conservatives, especially the trump Nazis, fall way, way short. It is part of the gross religious hypocrisy that's been demonstrated by Christian conservatives and Evangelicals for many decades and has grown more pronounced with each passing year.

So, around this time of year, I like to quote the famous and very good colorblind meritocracy-promoting “I have a dream” speech the man is known and revered for, to shame the racist as fuck intersectional “progressive” asshats who now condemn the very idea of colorblind meritocracy as “racist.” The trouble is of course is that supporters of America’s socialist party have no shame. They’re scum. They very much want to judge people not on the content of their character but on the color of our skin. Leftists are all about envy and vengeance, and skin color is important - it gives you moronic bigots a target for your loathing.

And to be fair, MLK, a socialist himself, was likewise mostly a piece of shit, and his politics were vile.

Still, he gave that one nice speech though. As far as I am concerned, any recognition of the man we should mutually agree on in a holiday sense is just recognition of that speech, like reading the DOI on July 4.

Take away the ideas of that speech, as the American left very much has, and there is nothing whatsoever to celebrate or memorialize with a holiday.
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When it comes to strictly following Christ's teachings, conservatives, especially the trump Nazis, fall way, way short. It is part of the gross religious hypocrisy that's been demonstrated by Christian conservatives and Evangelicals for many decades and has grown more pronounced with each passing year.

Do not overlook that his wandering around was totally funded and supported by women .

He managed to pick out at least two wealthy ones .

Seems he picked up standard Cult rules naturally .

And then gave you absurd rationalisations of why rich people would not be able to take it easy in his Dad's house .
King's my bro. i "live King" all year, i don't see race, color, or gender, sir Bernice!

I like the one where he said:
I B habbin dreams an shit, word ?
King, and that is not his birth name, was an inveterate womanizer and a plagiarizer. We should emulate that 24/7/365?
I never heard that and I would like to see "non biased" p[roof of those claims.

The guy lost his life for a good cause. Why on earth would you want to drag his name through the mud on an anonymous message board platform?
So, around this time of year, I like to quote the famous and very good colorblind meritocracy-promoting “I have a dream” speech the man is known and revered for, to shame the racist as fuck intersectional “progressive” asshats who now condemn the very idea of colorblind meritocracy as “racist.” The trouble is of course is that supporters of America’s socialist party have no shame. They’re scum. They very much want to judge people not on the content of their character but on the color of our skin. Leftists are all about envy and vengeance, and skin color is important - it gives you moronic bigots a target for your loathing.

And to be fair, MLK, a socialist himself, was likewise mostly a piece of shit, and his politics were vile.

Still, he gave that one nice speech though. As far as I am concerned, any recognition of the man we should mutually agree on in a holiday sense is just recognition of that speech, like reading the DOI on July 4.

Take away the ideas of that speech, as the American left very much has, and there is nothing whatsoever to celebrate or memorialize with a holiday.
His real name was Michael King not Martin luther AND HE DID NOT WRITE ANY SPEECH , Stanley David Levison did, as King was illiterate. He plagiarized his PhD from Boston University and when the story was printed in the Wall St. Journal,,,LYNNE CHENEY had it covered up.

King liked to screw white women and when he was smoking dope and screwing, he would say "Toninght Im a Nixxer and Im Fuxking for Jesus". The fbi had hundreds of hours of recordings of him screwing; a perfect Black Minister.

Kings role for the Feds was to influence other Nexxoes into NOT TURNING COMMUNIST and then KING went Commie and that was his fatal mistake.

Malcom X was the blacks true hero but they seem to be too stupid to realize it.
His real name was Michael King not Martin luther AND HE DID NOT WRITE ANY SPEECH , Stanley David Levison did, as King was illiterate. He plagiarized his PhD from Boston University and when the story was printed in the Wall St. Journal,,,LYNNE CHENEY had it covered up.

King liked to screw white women and when he was smoking dope and screwing, he would say "Toninght Im a Nixxer and Im Fuxking for Jesus". The fbi had hundreds of hours of recordings of him screwing; a perfect Black Minister.

Kings role for the Feds was to influence other Nexxoes into NOT TURNING COMMUNIST and then KING went Commie and that was his fatal mistake.

Malcom X was the blacks true hero but they seem to be too stupid to realize it.
Here's another snippet about the Fake MLK

Of course, nothing about MLK's early bio makes any sense. For instance, he is supposed to have gotten a BA (4 years), a BDiv (3 years), and a PhD (5-6 years) by the time he was 26. Even if he did the BA in 3 years and the PhD in 4, that is still 10 years in college at age 26. Sounds like a tale to me. You will say he was a genius, but if so why did he need to plagiarize his dissertation? They insert all sorts of apologetics to explain that, but it is simply evidence of a larger fake.
The dissertation was probably inserted later as part of his fake bio, and I doubt he wrote any of it. It was written by the cubicle spooks at the CIA, and they got sloppy.
Some more about the Fake MLK
A CIA insert to speed up the Civil Rights movement .

Suddenly the big hero is not quite what you thought .

It is also never explained how MLK could be hired to be a pastor in Montgomery in 1954, when he was in Boston working on his PhD until June of 1955. Another problem is found on the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church page, where we find that the previous pastor had resigned in 1952. MLK was hired in 1954. What? Did they just shut down for two years?

For now, let me just say that the whole Civil Rights movement looks managed. The governors could probably see they had to do something, but rather than let things proceed naturally and risk fast and meaningful change, they took control of events and managed them for minimal inconvenience to themselves.
As usual, they needed to give the appearance of progress, while stifling most real progress.
It is very easy to see this with the Rosa Parks event, which they pretty much admit was staged. Even Southpark did a show on it, all but admitting the event was staged.
Parks had worked at Maxwell Air Force Base, and after that she lived with Clifford and Virginia Durr. Clifford just happened to be the attorney who later represented Parks. That's convenient: Rosa was living with a prominent attorney when this happened.
Just a funny coincidence, right?
King's my bro. i "live King" all year, i don't see race, color, or gender, sir Bernice!

Republicans do not. They target blacks because they do not support Republicans.
So, around this time of year, I like to quote the famous and very good colorblind meritocracy-promoting “I have a dream” speech the man is known and revered for, to shame the racist as fuck intersectional “progressive” asshats who now condemn the very idea of colorblind meritocracy as “racist.” The trouble is of course is that supporters of America’s socialist party have no shame. They’re scum. They very much want to judge people not on the content of their character but on the color of our skin. Leftists are all about envy and vengeance, and skin color is important - it gives you moronic bigots a target for your loathing.

And to be fair, MLK, a socialist himself, was likewise mostly a piece of shit, and his politics were vile.

Still, he gave that one nice speech though. As far as I am concerned, any recognition of the man we should mutually agree on in a holiday sense is just recognition of that speech, like reading the DOI on July 4.

Take away the ideas of that speech, as the American left very much has, and there is nothing whatsoever to celebrate or memorialize with a holiday.

He plagiarized major portions of that speech.

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