Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Bombshell the Media Refuse to Handle


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Martin Luther King, Jr.: The Bombshell the Media Refuse to Handle

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June 8, 2019 ~ By Don Boys
The world media, except in the U.S., are awash in the depressing, deplorable, and disturbing revelations(FBI tapes show Martin Luther King Jr had 40 affairs and 'laughed' as friend raped parishioner | Daily Mail Online) about Martin Luther King, Jr. David J. Garrow, King's friendly and liberal official biographer, revealed up to 45 sexual encounters by King and the observation of and encouragement by King of the rape of a church member by her pastor — all supported by FBI surveillance tapes.
I was right about King in 1977 and 1978, and I am right today. They should dump King's holiday and replace it with National Civil Rights Day. Socrates's concept that "a man must not be honored above the truth" is applicable here.
Standpoint, where the original article appeared, reported that King "preferred to perform unnatural acts on women." Such an evil mind makes me ashamed of his being a Baptist.

The FBI doesn't usually show any interest in the sexual proclivities of citizens, but when a person of interest gets in bed with communists, U.S. officials show an interest. This was especially true while we were in the middle of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. The FBI got interested in King's activities because many of his associates were members of the Communist Party USA.

I am casting a jaundiced eye to all those folks that tore down Robert E. Lee's monument to see if I can find a HUGE bunch of hypocrites that will say or do nothing. Yes, yes. I'm beginning to see thousands of them. No shows and no assaults on the MLK monument. A monument created in China more in the in image of Vladimir Lenin.
While we vacuum up and down the African gene pool looking for heroes, we are duped over and over again in our quest to provide role models for the least among us.
Yes, the least among us. MLK is just the most recent OJ, Cosby, the black crooks who make it to the House and Senate like William Jefferson, Charles Rangel, John Conyers, Corine Brown and now Elijah Cummings, not to mention Bath House Barry and his wife Mike LAVaughn.
What to do? Well, for every Larry Elder, DeRoy Murdock, Lloyd Marcus, Candice Owens or Clarence Thomas, we have to sift through thousands and thousands of candidates who mostly prey upon those who haven't fled black cities or cannot flee.
Those that aren't predators become economic parasites. Breeding parasites. While conservatives beg us not to allow them to abort The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrats tout their eugenic practices against people bordering on the Nazi Holocaust.
It's a lose, lose deal and the 3rd world is bursting with more of the same.
The MLK "legacy" was fabricated in the propaganda disinformation mills of the DNC and biased MSM as a PC/get out the vote gesture to the Negroes. At least one knows which areas to avoid in a strange city; MLK Blvd, Street, Highway, Boulevard, Freeway, Lane, Alley, etc. etc.
Corporate Media is only a left wing propaganda machine.

That story doesn’t fit their narrative, won’t get covered. if it was Richard bet your ass it would be covered.

Therein lies the obvious hypocrisy.

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