we just want 1 flag


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
the bannings are now in full force. the liberal thought police have hit the streets and when you complain they reply "just "technical difficulty, it hits everyone" and expect people to keep believing that lie.

highlights bannings and censorship in review:

Twitter 'Shadow Banning' Republicans: Report | National Review

The phenomenon known as “shadow banning” has affected several conservative Republican lawmakers, including Representatives Mark Meadows, Jim Jordan, and Matt Gaetz, as well as Donald Trump Jr.’s spokesman Andrew Surabian. It has not extended to their counterparts on the left, whose accounts continue to auto-populate in Twitter search results.
the only one they DON'T seem to be doing this for is trump himself.

if the source is an issue, lets go here: Serving healthy conversation - twitters own blog.

Today, we use policies, human review processes, and machine learning to help us determine how Tweets are organized and presented in communal places like conversations and search. Now, we’re tackling issues of behaviors that distort and detract from the public conversation in those areas by integrating new behavioral signals into how Tweets are presented. By using new tools to address this conduct from a behavioral perspective, we’re able to improve the health of the conversation, and everyone’s experience on Twitter, without waiting for people who use Twitter to report potential issues to us
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not? some of my best online friends i've "gone to war" with in the past to find that common ground - back then it was the hard way but those conversations did lead to positive outcomes.

led to a lot of bullshyte also yes but that's how life is around me and online. much moreso online as people can "hide" who they are and go on about their day w/o worry of someone yelling at them in walmart.

a friend of mine last night made a post about all the censoring going on and it was wrong. a bit later that night his messenger feed was suspended. no warning, no reason, just suspended. algorhythm? again show me left sources that suffer these same "glitches" and i'm there with you helping fix a system.

diamond and silk - they have proof facebook is limiting their reach and it was brought up in congress and the senate during the zuckerberg hearings. it was never really explained it was just "technical difficulties" which i hope we both know to be *cough* bull**** *cough*.

anyone have a link for this on i heard talked about yesterday where a republican congressman boosted his ads and facebook took his money and limited his reach anyway.

think its just me or a state of mind? humor me and do this:
search on "facebook banning conservatives" and see how many are complaining about it. next, swap out cons and put in liberals. duckduckgo gave me a ton of cons talking about it but liberals just bad some pages about "BAN LIBERALS" that were very "light" in likes for some reason.

if you see examples of liberals whining about being banned or censored on twitter or fb point them out to me, i'd love to know this is just "technical difficulties".

yesterday liberal rag VOX dove in and added to the list of things/people we need to ban. you see where this is going? it won't stop at 1 or 2. it NEVER EVER DOES. people will get like sharks with blood in the water and go nuts. if you think "no that seldom happens" how about i remind you of "we just want this 1 flag removed" and before long we're erasing history and the dukes of hazard became evil. heh, just 1 flag moved thats all we want.

yesterday twitter banned "sweet meteor of death's" page. a parody site. really? well hey, just one more ya know. then we'll stop. just one more site...

wait - that was already proven bullshit don't we? they don't stop they just push harder. human nature will only take so much and the push back is coming and the left is going to cry YOU JUST LOVE INFOWARS AND THAT LIAR!!!! and totally miss the reality of the situation in that *FUCK* infowars - they are no longer the point and honestly never have been.

the left telling the right how to live and taking liberties with the rights of conservatives you know they'd never allow done to them. you can't outlaw stupid cause you can't really define it to just people you hate and feel good at night.

so this is no longer about infowars and a few idiots. rest assured alex jones is an idiot. but the constitution says nothing of free speech only being for smart people and even if it did, define that to a common satisfaction.

we protect rights for all, or eventually those rights are gone and a hell of a fight breaks out at that point like nothing we've seen yet.

every time you think the right is just imagining it, please just say these 5 words...

"we just want one flag..."
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
I fully support companies running their platform as they see fit. I might not agree with how they do it but i still support it.
Liberals are not for tolerance, free thinking or free speech!
sure they are.

tolerate them, they don't have to tolerate you.
free thinking? as long as you agree with them.
free speech? well we see a hearty HELL NO on that one now don't we?
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
Electric companies are subsidized by the fed gov. I do not support them running their business as they see fit.
Twitter? A bakery? An eatery? Do whatever
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
As long as you agree with it LOL
I always get a kick out of authoritarians when companies discriminate in ways they accept. Their whole fucking tune changes :lol:
I fully support companies running their platform as they see fit. I might not agree with how they do it but i still support it.
in the end i do as well but laws and regulations are out there over the years to regulate these matters cause of people bitching all the time. given we now regulate these things, facebook will face new challenges as they leave "open platform" behind and now engage in being a media / commerce company coming for your banking info.

you can go NO WAY all you want but lawsuits are now coming and facebook is setting themselves up for it by doing these bannings and censorship they don't even deny.

is this how i want it? no. but this is how it is. you can't hide behind civil protection offered to open forums who don't pick and choose. it just doesn't work that way legally and agree with me or not won't matter.

lawsuits are already being written up i'm sure.
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
yes they can but it does change how they fit legally into the system and which responsibilities come with it. they can't totally change their business model and run under the same liberties as before because they're not *that* type of company. i don't say this to attack you or anyone - just stating how this is going from a legal perspective.

yes facebook can do what they want, but they are now no longer an open forum and don't have the same rights as open forums enjoy.

that's law, not me complaining.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
Electric companies are subsidized by the fed gov. I do not support them running their business as they see fit.
Twitter? A bakery? An eatery? Do whatever
it's an extreme point w/electric companies, yes. but what about the corner store business. they don't like you and ban you from shopping there. a restaurant you like decides you suck and you can't come in anymore.
the parents don't like you or your kid so they won't let you play with them at the park

that "my business my rules" will get way out of hand especially when so casually used only at your own convenience.
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
As long as you agree with it LOL
I always get a kick out of authoritarians when companies discriminate in ways they accept. Their whole fucking tune changes :lol:
that's where southpark is right - if one cant do it, no one can. anything else is helping this divide grow. is that what people really want in the end? made this divide between sides worse?

we're a FUCK YOU THIS IS PAYBACK mentality and we justify things for others we'd never accept on ourselves.

that's gotta stop.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
Electric companies are subsidized by the fed gov. I do not support them running their business as they see fit.
Twitter? A bakery? An eatery? Do whatever
it's an extreme point w/electric companies, yes. but what about the corner store business. they don't like you and ban you from shopping there. a restaurant you like decides you suck and you can't come in anymore.
the parents don't like you or your kid so they won't let you play with them at the park

that "my business my rules" will get way out of hand especially when so casually used only at your own convenience.
Why shouldnt it be used at your convenience though? Its your company. Its your property. Your ridiculous and possibly bigoted actions do not hinder anyone elses rights.
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
As long as you agree with it LOL
I always get a kick out of authoritarians when companies discriminate in ways they accept. Their whole fucking tune changes :lol:
that's where southpark is right - if one cant do it, no one can. anything else is helping this divide grow. is that what people really want in the end? made this divide between sides worse?

we're a FUCK YOU THIS IS PAYBACK mentality and we justify things for others we'd never accept on ourselves.

that's gotta stop.
it wont though
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
Electric companies are subsidized by the fed gov. I do not support them running their business as they see fit.
Twitter? A bakery? An eatery? Do whatever
it's an extreme point w/electric companies, yes. but what about the corner store business. they don't like you and ban you from shopping there. a restaurant you like decides you suck and you can't come in anymore.
the parents don't like you or your kid so they won't let you play with them at the park

that "my business my rules" will get way out of hand especially when so casually used only at your own convenience.
Why shouldnt it be used at your convenience though? Its your company. Its your property. Your ridiculous and possibly bigoted actions do not hinder anyone elses rights.
and your thinking someone is a bigot doesn't make it so. you're judging just a few words or actions from an individual and thinking you're getting a life story.

again - if facebook is an open platform, they're only obligated to stop illegal content. when they pick and choose who can post, they are no longer an open platform and become liable in a civil manner for what is going on. it changes everything about how they operate from a legal perspective.

if i get banned from facebook cause they don't like me, oh well. i've already pulled anything i care about off of there and expect to go elsewhere soon enough anyway. it *is* their business yes. but how they are liable for things how changes also.

they can't operate under Base Rules 1 that go with who they said they were as a business and then change the business model and not expect to also change the rules in which their "new" business runs.
This is America

Twitter is free to set any standards on their site they choose
Kinda like USMB
As long as you agree with it LOL
I always get a kick out of authoritarians when companies discriminate in ways they accept. Their whole fucking tune changes :lol:
that's where southpark is right - if one cant do it, no one can. anything else is helping this divide grow. is that what people really want in the end? made this divide between sides worse?

we're a FUCK YOU THIS IS PAYBACK mentality and we justify things for others we'd never accept on ourselves.

that's gotta stop.
it wont though
it hasn't been this way forever. nowhere near this bad. what scares me is that only something truly horrible happening here or in the world makes up wake up from our own arrogant stupidity and come together. if we can't find a way to do that this country is in fact toast.
Except google and bing, and I and finding, unfortunately, DuckDuckGo does as well, will remove any sites that are considered conservative alternatives. Or list them so far down most people give up looking for any. If you don’t know the alternatives then you can’t get to them. The left has a monopoly on everything.
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
Electric companies are subsidized by the fed gov. I do not support them running their business as they see fit.
Twitter? A bakery? An eatery? Do whatever
it's an extreme point w/electric companies, yes. but what about the corner store business. they don't like you and ban you from shopping there. a restaurant you like decides you suck and you can't come in anymore.
the parents don't like you or your kid so they won't let you play with them at the park

that "my business my rules" will get way out of hand especially when so casually used only at your own convenience.
Why shouldnt it be used at your convenience though? Its your company. Its your property. Your ridiculous and possibly bigoted actions do not hinder anyone elses rights.
and your thinking someone is a bigot doesn't make it so. you're judging just a few words or actions from an individual and thinking you're getting a life story.

again - if facebook is an open platform, they're only obligated to stop illegal content. when they pick and choose who can post, they are no longer an open platform and become liable in a civil manner for what is going on. it changes everything about how they operate from a legal perspective.

if i get banned from facebook cause they don't like me, oh well. i've already pulled anything i care about off of there and expect to go elsewhere soon enough anyway. it *is* their business yes. but how they are liable for things how changes also.

they can't operate under Base Rules 1 that go with who they said they were as a business and then change the business model and not expect to also change the rules in which their "new" business runs.
Fair point!
so who made twitter the judge and jury on behavior? how come they can decide what is healthy and what is not?
Strange coming from a conservative. It's their platform; they make the rules. In a free society you can leave the service and new ones can be created. The same people complaining would be up in arms, if a conservative site was told who they could and could not ban.

someone at the electric company doesn't like you and they turn your power off. hey, their company their rules.

it's also strange liberals bring this up because hey - gaycakes must be made. far too easy to counter that little GOTCHA when you're pointing back at yourself.

in the end again - we just want 1 flag...and now the liberals make up any excuse or justification they can or have to in order to see morally superior.

keep it up - the "ha ha" war isn't far away now.
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