We, i.e. the world needs Iran's centrifuges running 24 hours a day, every day


Gold Member
Aug 6, 2017
Listen folks, the worlds future energy source will be nuclear.

Nuclear fuel is a substance that is used in nuclear power stations to produce heat to power turbines. Heat is created when nuclear fuel undergoes nuclear fission.

Now that the uranium is in a gaseous form, it is easier to work with. You can put the gas into a centrifuge and spin it up. The centrifuge creates a force thousands of times more powerful than the force of gravity. Because the U-238 atoms are slightly heavier than the U-235 atoms, they tend to move out toward the walls of the centrifuge. The U-235 atoms tend to stay more toward the center of the centrifuge.

Centrifuges are the key to our energy future. We need all the centrifuges we i.e. the world can get our hands on to make the fuel we need to power the world's future energy needs.

Don't let Israel's fear mongering distract us from our true needs.

We, i.e. the world needs Iran's centrifuges to help produce our future energy needs

Do you agree, yes/no and state why?

I support nuclear weapons, which Iran documents clearly showed was the goal of their nuclear program, not energy. And I support a nuclear war in the middle east, which will draw in world powers, creating a WW3..... and Irans right to do that.

oh.... no actually I don't.... but ok.
Iran has sworn to nuke the uS and isreal. We can't allow that to happen, cause Isreal will nuke all the oil fields in the m East. Therefore, we can't let Iran have nukes. it was their choice. they could have kept their stupid mouths shut about Isreal and the US.
First, fission nuclear is a dead end. Too expensive, and to prone to catastrophic failure. Iran has plenty of sunlight for electrical power, as well as wind. In fact, Iran could be exporting power with the amount of sunlight it has. People need to be looking at the whole picture.
Iran completes facility to build centrifuges - Ali Akbar Salehi...

Iran completes facility to build centrifuges - nuclear chief

September 9, 2018 - Iran has completed a facility to build advanced centrifuges, Iran's nuclear chief was quoted on Sunday as saying, as Tehran prepares to increase its uranium-enrichment capacity if the nuclear deal collapses after the United States exits.
In June, Ali Akbar Salehi, the head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, said the facility at the Natanz nuclear plant would be completed within a month. Salehi’s statement in June came days after Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said he had ordered preparations to increase the country’s uranium enrichment capacity if the nuclear agreement with world powers collapsed.

On Sunday, the official news agency IRNA quoted Salehi as saying: “(Ayatollah Khamenei) had ordered us to set up and complete a very advanced hall for the construction of modern centrifuges, and this hall has now been fully equipped and set up.”

Salehi said Iran’s announced plans to build nuclear reactors for ships, while staying within the limits set by its atomic deal with major powers, was “advancing well but would take 10 to 15 years to complete”, IRNA said. “A third step (in reaction to the U.S. withdrawal) might be to suspend some of the limitations within the nuclear agreement, for example on the volume and level of enrichment,” Salehi said, according to IRNA. “And the final scenario can be a complete exit from the nuclear accord, which I hope will never happen, with the help of (remaining signatories), because everyone would suffer,” Salehi added.

Iranian officials have said they would decide whether to quit the 2015 nuclear deal after studying a planned European package of economic measures that could help offset U.S. sanctions.

Iran completes facility to build centrifuges - nuclear chief

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