"We have to stand with our N. Korean allies"

Of course it was a gaffe.
And folks that speak before they think are not executive material.
Makes for great reality TV shows though.
Of course it was a gaffe.
And folks that speak before they think are not executive material.
Makes for great reality TV shows though.


ABC News reports on another Obama odd gaffe:

On Thursday Obama told the Orlando Sentinel that he would meet with Chavez and “one of the obvious high priorities in my talks with President Hugo Chavez would be the fermentation of anti-American sentiment in Latin America, his support of FARC in Colombia and other issues he would want to talk about.”

OK, so a strong declaration that Chavez is supporting FARC, which Obama intends to push him on.

But then on Friday he said any government supporting FARC should be isolated.

“We will shine a light on any support for the FARC that comes from neighboring governments,” he said in a speech in Miami. “This behavior must be exposed to international condemnation, regional isolation, and - if need be - strong sanctions. It must not stand.”

So he will meet with the leader of a country he simultaneously says should be isolated? Huh?

On Friday in an interview with the Miami Herald, Obama also used language suggesting that he’s not as positive that Venezuela is supporting FARC.

“When I asked him what he would do about the estimated 37,000 Interpol-certified Colombian FARC guerrilla computer files that indicate an active support from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa to the Colombian rebels, Obama went farther than the Bush administration,” wrote the Herald’s Andres Oppenheimer.

Said Obama: “I think the Organization of American States and the international community should launch an immediate investigation into this situation. We have to hold Venezuela accountable if, in fact, it is trying to ferment terrorist activities in other borders. If Venezuela has violated those rules, we should mobilize all the countries to sanction Venezuela and let them know that that’s not acceptable behavior.”

“If” Venezuela “is trying to ferment terrorist activities in other borders”? Just one day before Obama had asserted that Chavez was supporting FARC in Colombia.

I’ve asked the Obama campaign for a clarification and will get back to you as to what they say.

What the FARC Was Obama Talking About? - Political Punch
Of course it was a gaffe.
And folks that speak before they think are not executive material.
Makes for great reality TV shows though.


All 52 states

Enough said.

Under your theory it is okay to elect Palin President because she is just as big a moron as Obama.
You guys have very low standards.
No wonder the country is going to the shits.
Only a complete fool would support her.

Unfortunately, as evidenced by this forum, there is no scarcity of complete fools.

That said, do you have a link or transcipt? Need to listen to/read it to make a judgement.

Edit. Okay Ill post a link. Sarah Palin North Korea Gaffe on Glenn Beck Show - ABC News It could very well have been a simple mistake. However, its irrelevant because everything else she says is really inane and lacks substance.

Anyone who thinks that bimbo is presidential material is a fool. She isn't even as smart as Bush was, and he was an imbecile.

I can understand why the right is holding up the Mitt puppet and praying to their gods that he has already been down the Yellow Brick Road and picked up a brain.
She's a bimbo? Wow, can you link that for us?
Of course it was a gaffe.
And folks that speak before they think are not executive material.
Makes for great reality TV shows though.


All 52 states

Enough said.

Under your theory it is okay to elect Palin President because she is just as big a moron as Obama.
You guys have very low standards.
No wonder the country is going to the shits.

Now over the Memorial Day weekend we have Obama seeing dead people:

On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes — and I see many of them in the audience here today — our sense of patriotism is particularly strong.

Of course it was a gaffe.
And folks that speak before they think are not executive material.
Makes for great reality TV shows though.


All 52 states

Enough said.

Under your theory it is okay to elect Palin President because she is just as big a moron as Obama.
You guys have very low standards.
No wonder the country is going to the shits.

I do not feel Palin is a viable candidate based on her experience.

Not based on her gaffe.

I simply pointed out the gaffes of Obama in an effort to show you the hypocrisy of your statement.
You mean just like how you're coming to Palin's defense now?

Yes, she misspoke. No, it's not a big deal. Everyone makes mistakes, who the fuck cares?

It is not that she makes mistakes, it is that she is not intelligent enough to avoid mistakes. I can imagine her being president and saying that, and the ramifications that would have with our relationship with S. Korea after all these years of pain.

It is time we start requiring some testing of our potential president candidates, as part of the qualifications to run.

I disagree.

This is as meaningless as Obama's "57 states" comment, and your claims of Palin's stupidity based on these comments is as meaningless as Conservatives who claim that Obama meant "the 57 Islamic states", or something like that.

Actually no.

Up until a couple of years ago..she didn't even know there were 2 Koreas..or care all that much about it. Her state has less people then small districts in my state...New York. Even with that she screwed up and had to quit.

Now she's applying a very myopic vision to the world. Heck..she's called people that don't get on board with her agenda..in this country..unamerican. That's right..she's calling some 50 - 60% of the citizens of the United States..unamerican.

How can you have someone like that deal with the rest of the world??
Only a complete fool would support her.

Unfortunately, as evidenced by this forum, there is no scarcity of complete fools.

That said, do you have a link or transcipt? Need to listen to/read it to make a judgement.

Edit. Okay Ill post a link. Sarah Palin North Korea Gaffe on Glenn Beck Show - ABC News It could very well have been a simple mistake. However, its irrelevant because everything else she says is really inane and lacks substance.

Anyone who thinks that bimbo is presidential material is a fool. She isn't even as smart as Bush was, and he was an imbecile.

I can understand why the right is holding up the Mitt puppet and praying to their gods that he has already been down the Yellow Brick Road and picked up a brain.

obama tryed but lost his way.
Unfortunately, as evidenced by this forum, there is no scarcity of complete fools.

That said, do you have a link or transcipt? Need to listen to/read it to make a judgement.

Edit. Okay Ill post a link. Sarah Palin North Korea Gaffe on Glenn Beck Show - ABC News It could very well have been a simple mistake. However, its irrelevant because everything else she says is really inane and lacks substance.

Anyone who thinks that bimbo is presidential material is a fool. She isn't even as smart as Bush was, and he was an imbecile.

I can understand why the right is holding up the Mitt puppet and praying to their gods that he has already been down the Yellow Brick Road and picked up a brain.
She's a bimbo? Wow, can you link that for us?

No link needed.

She was a beauty pageant contestant. That alone puts her firmly into the bimbo category.
Anyone who thinks that bimbo is presidential material is a fool. She isn't even as smart as Bush was, and he was an imbecile.

I can understand why the right is holding up the Mitt puppet and praying to their gods that he has already been down the Yellow Brick Road and picked up a brain.
She's a bimbo? Wow, can you link that for us?

No link needed.

She was a beauty pageant contestant. That alone puts her firmly into the bimbo category.

I believe that is a principle prerequisite for being both a bimbo and a female Fox News commentator
Anyone who thinks that bimbo is presidential material is a fool. She isn't even as smart as Bush was, and he was an imbecile.

I can understand why the right is holding up the Mitt puppet and praying to their gods that he has already been down the Yellow Brick Road and picked up a brain.
She's a bimbo? Wow, can you link that for us?

No link needed.

She was a beauty pageant contestant. That alone puts her firmly into the bimbo category.

Really? is that all it takes?
I can match you gaff for gaff and obamas the hardvard grad. Now what does that say for his education?

Did you say gaff?

So you are admitting that Obama just misspoke when he claimed there were 57 states?

The 57 states is old worn out over played shit.
Did you know obama admitted that he sees dead people?

I saw you link....very pathetic attempt. Does "fallen" mean dead or does it mean dead or injured?
Did you say gaff?

So you are admitting that Obama just misspoke when he claimed there were 57 states?

The 57 states is old worn out over played shit.
Did you know obama admitted that he sees dead people?

I saw you link....very pathetic attempt. Does "fallen" mean dead or does it mean dead or injured?

Oh it's pathetic because obama said it.

Hint it's memorial day, the day that the fallen dead are honored.
Did you say gaff?

So you are admitting that Obama just misspoke when he claimed there were 57 states?

The 57 states is old worn out over played shit.
Did you know obama admitted that he sees dead people?

I saw you link....very pathetic attempt. Does "fallen" mean dead or does it mean dead or injured?

From the thefreedictionary.com

1. killed, lost, dead, slaughtered, slain, perished Work began on establishing the cemeteries as permanent memorials to our fallen servicemen.
Did you say gaff?

So you are admitting that Obama just misspoke when he claimed there were 57 states?

The 57 states is old worn out over played shit.
Did you know obama admitted that he sees dead people?

I saw you link....very pathetic attempt. Does "fallen" mean dead or does it mean dead or injured?

LMFAO...it is so pathetic that you cant even admit that the anointed one made a gaff...LMFAO....you ara actually so desparate you are grasping for straws.

Give it up RW...he is just another human being. He will make mistakes....and he has.

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