We Have the Right to Assemble and Freedom of Religion - Unlawful Arrest of Preacher

Dear Diary. Today I learned the Black Plague was a hoax perpetrated by the Deep State.
Learn some history. The Bubonic plague preceded the writing of the Constitition.

---The Black Death of October 1347 to c1352 was one of the worst catastrophes in recorded history – a deadly bubonic plague that ravaged communities across Europe, changing forever their social and economic fabric.---

How did it go global ? Migrating geese ? Aladdin's magic carpet ?
It took Columbus 36 days to cross the Atlantic....there were no 'global' pandemics
until we had international flight, geniuses. :auiqs.jpg:
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I am reminded of a part of Stephen King's "The Stand" where they kept finding the churches to be full of corpses. This thing is nothing like "Captain Trips" but like that worst case scenario it seems being extra-religious does not matter one bit to a virus.
A plague kills a full one third of the European population, and Dems don't consider it a serious event.

---Over the next five years, the Black Death would kill more than 20 million people in Europe—almost one-third of the continent’s population..---

Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Are you a judge?

I cannot remember how many arguments I have had about how National Security trumps the constitution.....the events unfolding before my eyes prove I was right.

The clueless worshippers of the constitution seem to think the constitution fell down to earth from heaven.

Also as I have previously pointed out....numerous Presidents have violated it with impunity.

Irregardless.....the reaility is that the Constitution is only a set of ideas that give us guidance but if there is no one able or willing to enforce it.....just a piece of paper like george bush said....when he was accused of violating it.
The pastor is a complete idiot who has no value for life. This fact is exemplified by his actions. Arrest him? No. Shame him? Yes.

It was good he was arrested and fined.....he should have been sent to jail...he recklessly endangered lives and very possible deaths will occur because of his action.
Freedom of religion doesn't extend to public health emergencies. They should have raided the church during service, and arrested his selfish attendees as well.

Exactly......National Security Trumps the constitution any and every day of the week and year.

Wise up boyos! First things first.....if we have no state aka we let the state be destroyed by some religious like belief that we must always adhere to the constitution because the Lord himself wrote it ....of what value is the constitution....do you reall think that the
Chinese or whoever comes in and takes over will rescue your constitution from the ash-heap of history and hand it back to you englossed in gold and say........sure we will abide by the constitution.

Get real you moralistic morons....try and use some common sense.
The pastor could be the next Covington Kid. Look for the paster to file civil lawsuits for having his rights violated.
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Public safety, kid. Emergency measures and all that.

On this, we agree.
Not sure there even is such a thing as "liberals Democrats" but political parties don't have jack squat to do with one's religion. They're not related at all.

The Lib Democrats have crazy dogmas like Abortion is a Tremendous procedure, and if a man is wearing a dress it makes him a "woman" and its a hate crime if you don't treat him as such. Nothing to do with Christianity
I am reminded of a part of Stephen King's "The Stand" where they kept finding the churches to be full of corpses. This thing is nothing like "Captain Trips" but like that worst case scenario it seems being extra-religious does not matter one bit to a virus.

If you read the Bible, occupied, you'll learn a little bit. Back in the 1st Century, they didn't have CV, but what they did have was Leprosy.

And neither Jesus nor the 12 Apostles maintain "social distancing" at all. The pastor in Tampa is well aware of the tradition.
I am reminded of a part of Stephen King's "The Stand" where they kept finding the churches to be full of corpses. This thing is nothing like "Captain Trips" but like that worst case scenario it seems being extra-religious does not matter one bit to a virus.

If you read the Bible, occupied, you'll learn a little bit. Back in the 1st Century, they didn't have CV, but what they did have was Leprosy.

And neither Jesus nor the 12 Apostles maintain "social distancing" at all. The pastor in Tampa is well aware of the tradition.
Even in biblical times they were aware that it takes decades after exposure to develop leprosy. 30-40 years. It is the least contagious disease known to man. If you are middle aged as Jesus was at 30 you have little to fear. On the other hand, The bible has numerous laws requiring those that show signs of smallpox to be shut away from everyone.
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Is this how it's going to be? That is not Freedom of Assembly.

That looks like jackboot leftist/Nazi thugs to me.

No no..there's this thing called The Constitution. I suppose all Covid-19 alarmists and jackboot government agencies are just disregarding it, do I have that correct?

Aye man, I'm about adhering to The Constitution, and anything that violates it is BS.
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In a few weeks, the Islamic holiday of Ramadam will be coming down. Will Muslims also be prohibited from gathering for meetings and such during their event? Or is this only law of no group meetings only for Christians.
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Are you a judge?

I cannot remember how many arguments I have had about how National Security trumps the constitution.....the events unfolding before my eyes prove I was right.

The clueless worshippers of the constitution seem to think the constitution fell down to earth from heaven.

Also as I have previously pointed out....numerous Presidents have violated it with impunity.

Irregardless.....the reaility is that the Constitution is only a set of ideas that give us guidance but if there is no one able or willing to enforce it.....just a piece of paper like george bush said....when he was accused of violating it.
The pastor is a complete idiot who has no value for life. This fact is exemplified by his actions. Arrest him? No. Shame him? Yes.

It was good he was arrested and fined.....he should have been sent to jail...he recklessly endangered lives and very possible deaths will occur because of his action.
Freedom of religion doesn't extend to public health emergencies. They should have raided the church during service, and arrested his selfish attendees as well.

Exactly......National Security Trumps the constitution any and every day of the week and year.

Wise up boyos! First things first.....if we have no state aka we let the state be destroyed by some religious like belief that we must always adhere to the constitution because the Lord himself wrote it ....of what value is the constitution....do you reall think that the
Chinese or whoever comes in and takes over will rescue your constitution from the ash-heap of history and hand it back to you englossed in gold and say........sure we will abide by the constitution.

Get real you moralistic morons....try and use some common sense.
Hey man, NOTHING trumps the Constitution. You're in America now, boy.
In a few weeks, the Islamic holiday of Ramadam will be coming down. Will Muslims also be prohibited from gathering for meetings and such during their event? Or is this only law of no group meetings only for Christians.
We shall see.
---“Why the government is so insistent on closing the church down on Sundays, restricting worship, restricting the size of the gathering in the church is totally against the first amendment of our constitution which says congress make no law prohibiting the free worship exercise of peaceful assembly of people in the United States that include the church,” he said.---

Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

When the Constitution was written, there was no such thing as a global pandemic.
Looks like some of our government officials haven't read the Constitution.

---Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne was charged with misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly---

Are you a judge?

I cannot remember how many arguments I have had about how National Security trumps the constitution.....the events unfolding before my eyes prove I was right.

The clueless worshippers of the constitution seem to think the constitution fell down to earth from heaven.

Also as I have previously pointed out....numerous Presidents have violated it with impunity.

Irregardless.....the reaility is that the Constitution is only a set of ideas that give us guidance but if there is no one able or willing to enforce it.....just a piece of paper like george bush said....when he was accused of violating it.
The pastor is a complete idiot who has no value for life. This fact is exemplified by his actions. Arrest him? No. Shame him? Yes.

It was good he was arrested and fined.....he should have been sent to jail...he recklessly endangered lives and very possible deaths will occur because of his action.
Freedom of religion doesn't extend to public health emergencies. They should have raided the church during service, and arrested his selfish attendees as well.

Exactly......National Security Trumps the constitution any and every day of the week and year.

Wise up boyos! First things first.....if we have no state aka we let the state be destroyed by some religious like belief that we must always adhere to the constitution because the Lord himself wrote it ....of what value is the constitution....do you reall think that the
Chinese or whoever comes in and takes over will rescue your constitution from the ash-heap of history and hand it back to you englossed in gold and say........sure we will abide by the constitution.

Get real you moralistic morons....try and use some common sense.
Hey man, NOTHING trumps the Constitution. You're in America now, boy.

Emergency Powers
The Constitution does not expressly grant the President additional powers in times of national emergency. However, Presidents have claimed they have this power, often conflicting with the Supreme Court's interpretation of the extent of Presidential powers.

President Abraham Lincoln's suspended habeas corpus without Congressional approval in 1861, and he claimed he could do so due to emergency war powers. Lincoln claimed that the rebellion created an emergency that permitted him the extraordinary power of unilaterally suspending the writ. With Chief Justice Roger Taney sitting as judge, the Federal District Court of Maryland struck down the suspension in Ex Parte Merryman, although Lincoln ignored the order. 17 F. Cas. 144 (1861).

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt similarly invoked emergency powers when he issued Order 9066, placing Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld this order in Korematsu v. United States. 323 U.S. 214 (1944).

Harry Truman declared the use of emergency powers when he seized private steel mills that failed to produce steel because of a labor strike in 1952. With the Korean War ongoing, Truman asserted that he could not wage war successfully if the economy failed to provide him with the material resources necessary to keep the troops well-equipped. The U.S. Supreme Court, however, refused to accept that argument in Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. v. Sawyer, voting 6-3 that neither Commander in Chief powers nor any claimed emergency powers gave the President the authority -to unilaterally seize private property without Congressional legislation. 343 U.S. 579.

A question for all those who sincerely believe nothing Trumps the constituion including National

Now I hope I do not have to define National Security.

My question.............first of all we all know we live in a era of Islamic Terrorism.

Now suppose there is a islamic American Citizen in
Washington D. C. who has knowledge of a planned terrorist attack......that the essence of the attack will be the detonation of a atomic bomb in Washington D.C.

This citizen of course has all the protections under the constitution that we all have.

Yet the CIA knows for sure he knows exactly who the terrorists are and where they are and where they have buried the bomb which they will explode.

Unfortunately the Islamic citizen refuses to tell what he knows and takes the 5th amendment.

If you were the President would you authorize any and all means be taken to force the islamic American Citizen to talk....and thus disregard the constituional protection the islamic citizen has?

Or would you say let him alone....do not violate the constitution to force him to talk...let the bombs go off....we must protect the constitution?
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