We Have GOT To Do Something About Guns

And you'd miss with 90% of your rounds fired and have to reload. With a steady hand and a semi-auto you can make most of the rounds count. So you'd make a lot of noise for about (literally) 2 seconds and then -- You're screwed. And probably so is whoever you're trying to protect. not cool

But that's not why I called today --

Boy, that RoP (Religion of Peace™) is like, really peaceful, huh?

How dare those E-vul Joos not submit.....?
Which is kind of at the crux of the gun control debate. The left are totally stupid if they think they can pass laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and have it actually work. We actually have that already. Criminals don't obey the law. That's why they are criminals. No matter how many laws are passed, anyone who wants a gun can get a gun and it is naive to think that if we banned assault weapons, there would be no assault weapons. So, if we passed the common sense gun control legislation democrats want, which would not have stopped most of the mass shootings we have had, we would still have mass shootings and gun violence. So, when they realize that, then they would pass stronger gun laws stopping the sale of guns, which wouldn't work either because there are already umpteen million guns already out there. So, when that didn't work, the left would then want to go door to door to confiscate everyone's guns. The only sensible policy that would work would be to keep known dangerous people locked up until a board determines that they are no longer a threat to society.
Well said. Thanks.

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