We CANNOT Defend


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
New government reports out state that. Our media has failed to bring that to our attention. Russian media on the other hand is doing its best to inform Americans of our islamic presidents FAILURES.

A Russian news service RTV secured the reports and broadcast them via RTV to us. The broadcast covers the waste and lack of oversight in SDI. The theft and re-routing of funds from say NASA from defense to "global warming" has cost us so dearly we cannot defend a missile strike from ANY major power.

Under Obama and his programs we can no longer defend against second world missile strikes {Iran} or even THIRD world missile strikes {North Korea}. He ALLOWS Iran to go after nukes and North Korea to keep nukes knowing full well we do NOT have the needed ability to defend from them.

Many would argue what Obama has done here amounts to treason and they would be RIGHT. His need for greed and that of the DNC as a whole has left our ability to defend in shambles. We are facing at LEAST a decade long need to repair and upgrade our abilities.

And with Hillary it will only get worse. Here is the RTV news report..

Liberal CONTROLLED media is NOT gooing to bring you that. Because in liberal utopia everything is fine. Well in the REAL world its NOT.

New government reports out state that. Our media has failed to bring that to our attention. Russian media on the other hand is doing its best to inform Americans of our islamic presidents FAILURES.

A Russian news service RTV secured the reports and broadcast them via RTV to us. The broadcast covers the waste and lack of oversight in SDI. The theft and re-routing of funds from say NASA from defense to "global warming" has cost us so dearly we cannot defend a missile strike from ANY major power.

Under Obama and his programs we can no longer defend against second world missile strikes {Iran} or even THIRD world missile strikes {North Korea}. He ALLOWS Iran to go after nukes and North Korea to keep nukes knowing full well we do NOT have the needed ability to defend from them.

Many would argue what Obama has done here amounts to treason and they would be RIGHT. His need for greed and that of the DNC as a whole has left our ability to defend in shambles. We are facing at LEAST a decade long need to repair and upgrade our abilities.

And with Hillary it will only get worse. Here is the RTV news report..

Liberal CONTROLLED media is NOT gooing to bring you that. Because in liberal utopia everything is fine. Well in the REAL world its NOT.


You'd need a -214 IQ to buy into any of that bullshit.
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Report: U.S. Aircraft Carriers' 'Unchallenged Primacy May Be Coming To a Close'


While many militaries could never hope to match the US carrier fleet in size and strength, countries such as China, Iran and Russia have spent recent years adjusting their forces and fielding equipment. (Representational Image)

Washington: The United States' aircraft carriers have always been an almost untouchable deterrent, steel behemoths capable of projecting the full weight of the U.S. military wherever they deploy. Yet while many militaries could never hope to match the U.S. carrier fleet in size and strength, countries such as China, Iran and Russia have spent recent years adjusting their forces and fielding equipment designed to counter one of the United States' greatest military strengths.

A report published Monday by the Center for a New American Security, a D.C.-based think tank that focuses on national security, claims that the Navy's carrier operations are at an inflection point. Faced with growing threats abroad, the United States can either "operate its carriers at ever-increasing ranges . . . or assume high levels of risk in both blood and treasure."

The report, titled "Red Alert: The Growing Threat to to U.S. Aircraft Carriers," centers around China's burgeoning military posture in the Pacific and on a term that is starting to appear with an ever-increasing urgency in defense circles: anti-access/area denial, or A2/AD. The term A2/AD centers around a concept that has long existed in warfare: denying the enemy an ability to move around the battlefield. Currently A2/AD strategy is as similar as it was when moats were dug around castles, except today's moats are an integrated system of surface-to-air missiles, anti-ship cruise missiles, submarines, surface ships and aircraft all designed to push enemy forces as far away as possible from strategically important areas.

The report focuses on China's capabilities because of its "emphasis on long-range anti-ship missile procurement." This, coupled with its growing tech base, qualifies China as the "pacing threat" to the U.S. military. China, however, is not the sole architect of an A2/AD strategy designed to deter U.S. operations. In the Baltics, Russia's naval base in Kaliningrad is known to house a sophisticated air defense network and anti-ship missiles. NATO commanders also have warned of Russian A2/AD buildup around Syria, as Russia has moved advanced surface-to-air missiles into its airbase there as well as a flotilla of ships with robust anti-air capabilities.

As other countries focus on creating sophisticated A2/AD bubbles by using new technology such as drones, advanced missiles and newer aircraft, the United States - by operating as it always has - is putting itself more at risk. According to the report, this is particularly relevant as carrier groups have reduced their long-range strike ability in lieu of being able to fly more air missions but at shorter ranges.

"Operating the carrier in the face of increasingly lethal and precise munitions will thus require the United States to expose a multi-billion dollar asset to high levels of risk in the event of a conflict," the report says. "An adversary with A2/AD capabilities would likely launch a saturation attack against the carrier from a variety of platforms and directions. Such an attack would be difficult - if not impossible - to defend against."

Last week, China's A2/AD strategy made international news after satellite imagery showed the deployment of HQ-9 surface-to-air missiles on Woody Island, a disputed atoll in the South China Sea.

Though small, the island is claimed by both Taiwan and Vietnam.

The CNAS report classifies the HQ-9 as a short-range A2/AD threat but indicates that the movement of such systems into disputed territory in the South China Sea, if properly reinforced, is a potentially long-term problem for U.S. naval operations. Medium and long-range threats discussed in the report include land-based Chinese bombers and anti-ship ballistic missiles such as the DF-21D and DF-26. The two missiles "represent a significant threat to the carrier," with an estimated range of 810 and 1,620 nautical miles, respectively. According to the report, if the DF-26 is as operational and as accurate as the Chinese say it is, the missile would be able to hit the U.S. territory of Guam.

While the report discusses possible countermeasures for a sophisticated A2/AD network, including the Navy's future railgun project, the United States probably would employ a variety of systems and strategies, including hacking, to defeat the enemy threat. However, long-term strategies suggested in the report include putting U.S. combat power into systems such as submarines and long-range carrier-based drones. Submarines could evade A2/AD by remaining undetected, while carrier based drones - with their increased range - would give carriers much-needed standoff from potential A2/AD threats.

The United States "must re-examine the relevance of the carrier and its air wing and explore innovative options for future operations and force structure," the report concludes. "If the United States is to maintain its military superiority well into the future, it cannot afford to do otherwise."

© 2016 The Washington Post

You know that RT is the official propaganda arm of the Putin regime, right?
What I KNOW is they tell the truth one hell of a lot more then liberal media. Besides they QUOTE the reports published by OUR government and buried.
What an easy sucker you are.
RT mixes some relevant news with their propaganda to confuse idiots like you.
Have you read ANYTHING from RT that criticizes Putin or makes Russians look bad?
You know that RT is the official propaganda arm of the Putin regime, right?
What I KNOW is they tell the truth one hell of a lot more then liberal media. Besides they QUOTE the reports published by OUR government and buried.
What an easy sucker you are.
RT mixes some relevant news with their propaganda to confuse idiots like you.
Have you read ANYTHING from RT that criticizes Putin or makes Russians look bad?
Yeah, they just ran a story not to long ago about a Russian agency head popped for fraud.
You know that RT is the official propaganda arm of the Putin regime, right?
What I KNOW is they tell the truth one hell of a lot more then liberal media. Besides they QUOTE the reports published by OUR government and buried.
What an easy sucker you are.
RT mixes some relevant news with their propaganda to confuse idiots like you.
Have you read ANYTHING from RT that criticizes Putin or makes Russians look bad?
Yeah, they just ran a story not to long ago about a Russian agency head popped for fraud.
Did he criticize Putin?
If so, you may not know it and he was lucky he was not assassinated like Nemtsov and journalists have been.
I think we've been spending too much money putting our troops where they never should have been in the first place than keeping our defensive strategies & tools up to date with the changing needs. You can't keep doing the same old sh*t with the same old ships, tanks, etc and expect it to work for new wars with new enemies that have newer, bigger, better tools of the trade.

It's kinda like trying to use a .38 revolver. Once upon a time it was a good weapon, but now it doesn't have a chance against an AK
New government reports out state that. Our media has failed to bring that to our attention. Russian media on the other hand is doing its best to inform Americans of our islamic presidents FAILURES.

A Russian news service RTV secured the reports and broadcast them via RTV to us. The broadcast covers the waste and lack of oversight in SDI. The theft and re-routing of funds from say NASA from defense to "global warming" has cost us so dearly we cannot defend a missile strike from ANY major power.

Under Obama and his programs we can no longer defend against second world missile strikes {Iran} or even THIRD world missile strikes {North Korea}. He ALLOWS Iran to go after nukes and North Korea to keep nukes knowing full well we do NOT have the needed ability to defend from them.

Many would argue what Obama has done here amounts to treason and they would be RIGHT. His need for greed and that of the DNC as a whole has left our ability to defend in shambles. We are facing at LEAST a decade long need to repair and upgrade our abilities.

And with Hillary it will only get worse. Here is the RTV news report..

Liberal CONTROLLED media is NOT gooing to bring you that. Because in liberal utopia everything is fine. Well in the REAL world its NOT.


You....you realize that you're quoting a Russian government funded source, right?

Many would argue what Obama has done here amounts to treason and they would be RIGHT. His need for greed and that of the DNC as a whole has left our ability to defend in shambles. We are facing at LEAST a decade long need to repair and upgrade our abilities.

Sure. But they'd be hapless idiots who don't understand the meaning of the term and don't have the slightest clue what they're talking about.

As what, pray tell, would you propose be done? Let me guess.......war. Not just war, but double war. Unless you're arguing for triple war. War with Iran, war with N. Korea, war with their allies. And anything short of a two front war with both and all of their allies amounts to 'treason'?

Does that about cover it?
But you do realize war is on the horizon and inevitable, right?

Do you really think any of these countries, such as NK, China, Russia, Iran are just playing with tinker toys to pass the time? NO, they are arming themselves & testing their capabilities, while we keep poking sticks in the fire with the ME & wearing ourselves out over there.

What do you really think would happen if say, North Korea did finally decide to follow thru on any of those threats of the last few years? So far, we've laughed at them because they couldn't find us on the map. Maybe they still can't find us, but they are learning & practicing. But what are we doing? Still fighting the same ragheads in the same areas for what? 14 years now?

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