CDZ We Bet On The Wrong Horse Again

Or maybe this is what happens when you try to be on both get a disaster......who'd a thunk
What do you think is behind Obamas lack of a plan to fight ISIS....because he built em.......he doesnt even lend support to Allies who want to buy equip......nothing for the kurds or Jordanians or Egyptians....makes ya go hmmmm
No one has a good plan to fight ISIS or do anything else in the Middle East. If someone has a comprehensive plan to deal with the root causes of conflict in the region, I'd sure like to hear from him. Maybe something that includes more than going hmmmmmm.
so you admit Obamas failure.....
That goes without saying. Is that as much as the FOX News fans can glean from this situation? What more would FOX News fans need to know?
Or maybe this is what happens when you try to be on both get a disaster......who'd a thunk
What do you think is behind Obamas lack of a plan to fight ISIS....because he built em.......he doesnt even lend support to Allies who want to buy equip......nothing for the kurds or Jordanians or Egyptians....makes ya go hmmmm

No one will admit to the truth of ISIS.
I will. The truth is: ISIS is a direct result of the Bush Administration disbanding the Iraqi Army.
Or maybe this is what happens when you try to be on both get a disaster......who'd a thunk
What do you think is behind Obamas lack of a plan to fight ISIS....because he built em.......he doesnt even lend support to Allies who want to buy equip......nothing for the kurds or Jordanians or Egyptians....makes ya go hmmmm

No one will admit to the truth of ISIS.
I will. The truth is: ISIS is a direct result of the Bush Administration disbanding the Iraqi Army.

Okey dokey brilliant one. We disbanded the Japanese army did we not? We disbanded the Nazis did we not?

No Japanese or German versions of ISIS arose did they?

Man oh man how stupid can you be? Blaming the rise of ISIS on the disbanding of Hussein's army is so over the top outrageous. Cripes you guys really look like assholes with this one.
Lets save liberal embarrassment. Please go back and study the bullshit Arab Spring and look at the time lines involved. it was all a lie. It was all a phantom dream that there was this Arab Spring when in reality it was regime change thanks Obama and Hillary....we came we saw he died.
Or maybe this is what happens when you try to be on both get a disaster......who'd a thunk
What do you think is behind Obamas lack of a plan to fight ISIS....because he built em.......he doesnt even lend support to Allies who want to buy equip......nothing for the kurds or Jordanians or Egyptians....makes ya go hmmmm

No one will admit to the truth of ISIS.
I will. The truth is: ISIS is a direct result of the Bush Administration disbanding the Iraqi Army.

Okey dokey brilliant one. We disbanded the Japanese army did we not? We disbanded the Nazis did we not?

No Japanese or German versions of ISIS arose did they?

Man oh man how stupid can you be? Blaming the rise of ISIS on the disbanding of Hussein's army is so over the top outrageous. Cripes you guys really look like assholes with this one.
Tell me professor, what happened to all the German and Japanese officers? Did they slip away to Switzerland to start up an insurgency?
You're not listening.......the fact they know we are funding ISIS and not helping those who want to fight is sapping their will.
Who's will to do what? There hasn't been a real Iraqi Army since the Bush Administration disbanded it.
Once more slowly....Kurds Jordanians Egyptians
What about them?
Jordan wanted to buy deal ...Egypt wanted UN Security Council to take up the issue....shot down by Obama Kurds do plenty of fighting and get no support
You're not listening.......the fact they know we are funding ISIS and not helping those who want to fight is sapping their will.
Who's will to do what? There hasn't been a real Iraqi Army since the Bush Administration disbanded it.
Once more slowly....Kurds Jordanians Egyptians
What about them?
Jordan wanted to buy deal ...Egypt wanted UN Security Council to take up the issue....shot down by Obama Kurds do plenty of fighting and get no support
Good idea, let's send more weapons and money down a rat hole.
Betting that Obama would back the USA instead of Jihad was a losing bet
You guys are just silly, not even capable of an actual adult discussion.

Obama switched sides. We had Ramadi secured, at great cost and Obama decided to turn it over to ISIS and Al Qaeda
It must be very liberating to have such an uncomplicated view of the world.

We had Al Qaeda defeat in Al Anbar, then Obama decided to desert our friends and allies, leaving a vacuum to let ISIS and AQ back it. The only question is, is Obama stupid or working with AQ?
Betting that Obama would back the USA instead of Jihad was a losing bet
You guys are just silly, not even capable of an actual adult discussion.

Obama switched sides. We had Ramadi secured, at great cost and Obama decided to turn it over to ISIS and Al Qaeda
It must be very liberating to have such an uncomplicated view of the world.

We had Al Qaeda defeat in Al Anbar, then Obama decided to desert our friends and allies, leaving a vacuum to let ISIS and AQ back it. The only question is, is Obama stupid or working with AQ?
The good folks of the Bush Administration agreed with you. They thought we should occupy Iraq indefinitely.
The United States of America can bring it's might to bear, we can pour in billions of dollars, men, training, and equipment, we can provide our allies with all the tools of war. Yet none of that matters when people won't stand and fight for themselves.
It's our own fault for assuming too much. Perhaps we'd all be better off if we stopped meddling in the affairs of other sovereign countries.

I wonder why we haven't learned our lesson yet. Look at what this has cost us.


Well what do you think Egypt, Libya and Syria have cost you with Obama trying to install the MB in said countries?
Compared to what our wars there have cost us?

Trillions of dollars, thousands of young American lives, thousands more young American minds & limbs, a completely destabilized region, an emboldened Iran?


Maybe the Iraqi's are not willing to fight for the government the US has put in place in their country.
The United States of America can bring it's might to bear, we can pour in billions of dollars, men, training, and equipment, we can provide our allies with all the tools of war. Yet none of that matters when people won't stand and fight for themselves.
It's our own fault for assuming too much. Perhaps we'd all be better off if we stopped meddling in the affairs of other sovereign countries.

I wonder why we haven't learned our lesson yet. Look at what this has cost us.


Well what do you think Egypt, Libya and Syria have cost you with Obama trying to install the MB in said countries?
Compared to what our wars there have cost us?

Trillions of dollars, thousands of young American lives, thousands more young American minds & limbs, a completely destabilized region, an emboldened Iran?



Mac you had no option after 9/11. Let's get back to the reality of it all.

Were you just to sit there and go "hey no problem" terrorize us all you want. Blow up anything you want in America because you have a hard on for us?

Iraq is "iffy" in twenty twenty hindsight ( I personally still believe you had to take out Saddam's true WMD his crazy sons who would inherit the country) but you had no option but to unload in Afghanistan.

No option at all. You had to smoke the "bad guys". As to destabilizing the region take a look at 1600 for believing in regime change to take out Mubarak, Gaddafi and still trying to take out Assad.
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