We are ending the Afghan war, but increasing the defense budget to $753 B? Why?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crank up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

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Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!
when you look at what china and russia are currently doing I hope its to bring troops home and prepare to defend the country,,
I think you are wrong about a Syrian War....which would essentially mean a war with Putin. It's not really in the Communist Party of China's interest to go to war with Putin...so Xiden won't be doing that
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!
when you look at what china and russia are currently doing I hope its to bring troops home and prepare to defend the country,,

US has no one to blame but themselves for the current situation with China. There are many politicians ON BOTH SIDES and many business leaders who should be shot in the face for treason with regards to our China policies.
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Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

Tranny Training?
You gotta feed the beast. How much money do defense contractors give to politicians?
We are ending the Afghan war, but increasing the defense budget to $753 B? Why?

You forget CA that it costs a lot of money to
  • Keep a battalion of soldiers around you for no reason.
  • Accuse 75 million Trump voters of all being enemy subversives.
  • Bring on thousands of new talking heads 24/7 spinning Trump as a threat, now that we know he will be back in a year or two.
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

Distraction. This was Trump's date. Biden wants to have a big war ending ceremony on 9/11.LOLOL. THe work has been done ya GD Vegetable.

Can you believe it? Clinton totally ignored Bin Laden and could have greased him more than once. For 6 yrs Clinton let the plan go. That is why I wish Bush lost. Because 911 would have happened no matter what, on the Clinton/Gore team. Biden was part of this Clinton operation
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

Hunter will be negotiating deals and the kickbacks are pricey.
I think you are wrong about a Syrian War....which would essentially mean a war with Putin. It's not really in the Communist Party of China's interest to go to war with Putin...so Xiden won't be doing that

Xi would love to have Russia and the USA go to war
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

Syria and Ukraine will be proxy wars with Russia
and a nice distraction while China takes Taiwan, and stretches its' tentacles into Africa, Australia, Venezuela and eventually here. And 2000 more of our kids will
be eating sand in Aleppo or Baghdad.

Afghanistan is no mans land between Iran an Pakistan...hell on earth pretty much.
We are ending the Afghan war, but increasing the defense budget to $753 B? Why?

If you had to ask then you must not have gotten very far through the article.
what does Sleepy Joe know about the INTENSE PACE and CHAOTIC DEADLY NATURE of war combat? absolutely zero!
Remember when Sarah Palin said Russia was a threat to the U.S and the Dems called her a "Cold War relic"??
Then Trump said Russia could be friends and the Dems called him a "Russian asset".
You can't win with these people.
Biden is so progressive and liberal that he LOVES THE WAR MACHINE!

You lefties sold your souls....for what? War.

Get ready for the Syrian war,

Crack up that military industrial complex! Those guys have houses in Martha’s Vineyard they have to pay for!

Distraction. This was Trump's date. Biden wants to have a big war ending ceremony on 9/11.LOLOL. THe work has been done ya GD Vegetable.

Can you believe it? Clinton totally ignored Bin Laden and could have greased him more than once. For 6 yrs Clinton let the plan go. That is why I wish Bush lost. Because 911 would have happened no matter what, on the Clinton/Gore team. Biden was part of this Clinton operation
You are not going to fund a big war on a 1.7% increase. Looks like he went moderate again. Republicans pushing for 3-5% increase while progressive Democrats want a 10% decrease.
The Atlanta Jewish times told us why 10 years ago...

"Give the go ahead for US based Mossad agents to take out a President (the one hiding in the CLOSET) deemed unfriendly to Israel so that the current VP (Traitor Joe) could forcefully dictate US foreign policy to help Israel obliterate its enemies"
Joe Biden is acting out of fear, Joe Biden is acting out of anger, Joe Biden is acting based on wild impulses, Joe Biden is not fit to be commander in chief of our troops!

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