We are clued up on the NHS in the UK, or are we?

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
So I was in the pub tonight catching up with a friend and I always try to keep away from politics. But my mate suddenly said, "Think I'll vote Labour this time".

Now, vote for whoever you want, we all have our own reasons on why, who, where etc.. So out of interest, I asked, "Why?".

He said, "The NHS is underfunded and it's shit"

Excellent I thought, I'll ask him some basic questions -

So I asked, "Oh, what should the funding be, I mean, how much is the shortfall?"

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I asked, "So compared to say, the EU countries, on the healthcare index, how is the UK doing?".

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I Googled the link for the EU and UK healthcare funding, and the healthcare index. So on the median for funding, but 10th on the index, which means 9 are better and 23 are worse. Oh, Germany spends best part of twice as much, but are 14th.

His reply, "Oh".

Do us Brits know our NHS facts? Well, if you're a Lefty or your mind goes into Lefty mode by listening to the same ole same hot air, then.....no.

So to make a bold statement but not know what the funding is and how we are ranked to other countries, is embarrassing, well, I felt embarrassed for him.

What a sad state of affairs. But, how he will vote now, upto him.
So I was in the pub tonight catching up with a friend and I always try to keep away from politics. But my mate suddenly said, "Think I'll vote Labour this time".

Now, vote for whoever you want, we all have our own reasons on why, who, where etc.. So out of interest, I asked, "Why?".

He said, "The NHS is underfunded and it's shit"

Excellent I thought, I'll ask him some basic questions -

So I asked, "Oh, what should the funding be, I mean, how much is the shortfall?"

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I asked, "So compared to say, the EU countries, on the healthcare index, how is the UK doing?".

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I Googled the link for the EU and UK healthcare funding, and the healthcare index. So on the median for funding, but 10th on the index, which means 9 are better and 23 are worse. Oh, Germany spends best part of twice as much, but are 14th.

His reply, "Oh".

Do us Brits know our NHS facts? Well, if you're a Lefty or your mind goes into Lefty mode by listening to the same ole same hot air, then.....no.

So to make a bold statement but not know what the funding is and how we are ranked to other countries, is embarrassing, well, I felt embarrassed for him.

What a sad state of affairs. But, how he will vote now, upto him.
Well judging from the fact that you had to Google it... neither did you.

You did not know what the NHS facts were and the irony is that you are embarrassed about your friend and all the other Libs?

LOL, I am embarrassed for you, mate. :itsok:
So I was in the pub tonight catching up with a friend and I always try to keep away from politics. But my mate suddenly said, "Think I'll vote Labour this time".

Now, vote for whoever you want, we all have our own reasons on why, who, where etc.. So out of interest, I asked, "Why?".

He said, "The NHS is underfunded and it's shit"

Excellent I thought, I'll ask him some basic questions -

So I asked, "Oh, what should the funding be, I mean, how much is the shortfall?"

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I asked, "So compared to say, the EU countries, on the healthcare index, how is the UK doing?".

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I Googled the link for the EU and UK healthcare funding, and the healthcare index. So on the median for funding, but 10th on the index, which means 9 are better and 23 are worse. Oh, Germany spends best part of twice as much, but are 14th.

His reply, "Oh".

Do us Brits know our NHS facts? Well, if you're a Lefty or your mind goes into Lefty mode by listening to the same ole same hot air, then.....no.

So to make a bold statement but not know what the funding is and how we are ranked to other countries, is embarrassing, well, I felt embarrassed for him.

What a sad state of affairs. But, how he will vote now, upto him.
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.
Well judging from the fact that you had to Google it... neither did you.

You did not know what the NHS facts were and the irony is that you are embarrassed about your friend and all the other Libs?

LOL, I am embarrassed for you, mate. :itsok:
I did know, you burke. I gave Tommy Tit here the links awhile ago. It was to show him the evidence. Are you being thick on purpose?
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.
They don't believe in it that much that Labour decided to bring privatisation into it, then pissed the doctors off. You go and Google it, if you get stuck, report back.

So you are now wanting Labour to charge £50 for a GP visit??
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.

Do you think you are the only country which has medical care free at the point of delivery?
So I was in the pub tonight catching up with a friend and I always try to keep away from politics. But my mate suddenly said, "Think I'll vote Labour this time".

Now, vote for whoever you want, we all have our own reasons on why, who, where etc.. So out of interest, I asked, "Why?".

He said, "The NHS is underfunded and it's shit"

Excellent I thought, I'll ask him some basic questions -

So I asked, "Oh, what should the funding be, I mean, how much is the shortfall?"

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I asked, "So compared to say, the EU countries, on the healthcare index, how is the UK doing?".

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I Googled the link for the EU and UK healthcare funding, and the healthcare index. So on the median for funding, but 10th on the index, which means 9 are better and 23 are worse. Oh, Germany spends best part of twice as much, but are 14th.

His reply, "Oh".

Do us Brits know our NHS facts? Well, if you're a Lefty or your mind goes into Lefty mode by listening to the same ole same hot air, then.....no.

So to make a bold statement but not know what the funding is and how we are ranked to other countries, is embarrassing, well, I felt embarrassed for him.

What a sad state of affairs. But, how he will vote now, upto him.
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.
Do you think you are the only country which has medical care free at the point of delivery?
I don't think about it at all, i am just telling you what the Tories think.
It is a huge pity that UK moaners plus Turdy Tithead cannot experience the woes of US health abuse .

Apart from the minor concern of personal bankruptcy from use , this now drooping country boasts the number three people killer as coming from those who wrongly prescribe and misdiagnose generally , as though they are on special force kill missions .

Probably links to crashed education standards plus the increasing psychopathic tendencies of so many Americans .

The British NHS flies the flag with pride --- not the unfortunate pride perverts , although even they are looked after for some odd reason tenuously linked to Human Rights .
They don't believe in it that much that Labour decided to bring privatisation into it, then pissed the doctors off. You go and Google it, if you get stuck, report back.

So you are now wanting Labour to charge £50 for a GP visit??
I don't want them to do any such thing the Tories were against the NHS from the start.
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.

I don't think about it at all, i am just telling you what the Tories think.

What for?
I did know, you burke. I gave Tommy Tit here the links awhile ago. It was to show him the evidence. Are you being thick on purpose?
Going by what you posted, retard. Next time, read what you wrote before hitting the post button.

It will help you look less of a fool. Good luck. :itsok:
Tories don't believe in the NHS no matter how much they say, people who slag off the NHS won't be happy until they get a bill for £50 to visit a GP.

I don't think about it at all, i am just telling you what the Tories think.
You need to start and thunk better
Going by what you posted, retard. Next time, read what you wrote before hitting the post button.

It will help you look less of a fool. Good luck. :itsok:
Stop being a retard, retard. Use both braincells in future, or try to break the circle of family inbreeding.

Of cos I know the score, you retards don't.

And Tommy Tit will keep clear of the thread because his knowledge is below zero.
The Tories voted 21 times against establishing the NHS you uninformed arshole.
And Labour privatised it, dickhead. The NHS is paying millions in rent for hospitals because of you retarded arseholes. You fucking useless ****s.

You haven't a fucking clue, whatsoever you mong.
Deadstick please engage your inbred braincells, who brought privatisation into the NHS? Who brought 25 year shit food contracts into the NHS?

Come on Deadstick just say one party name, who brought privatisation into the NHS? And just say one other party name, which one brought 25 year shit food contracts into the NHS?

Fucking man up. Who are you voting for, so Labour can finish where Blair and Brown left off?
So I was in the pub tonight catching up with a friend and I always try to keep away from politics. But my mate suddenly said, "Think I'll vote Labour this time".

Now, vote for whoever you want, we all have our own reasons on why, who, where etc.. So out of interest, I asked, "Why?".

He said, "The NHS is underfunded and it's shit"

Excellent I thought, I'll ask him some basic questions -

So I asked, "Oh, what should the funding be, I mean, how much is the shortfall?"

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I asked, "So compared to say, the EU countries, on the healthcare index, how is the UK doing?".

Reply, "Erm, erm, dunno"

So I Googled the link for the EU and UK healthcare funding, and the healthcare index. So on the median for funding, but 10th on the index, which means 9 are better and 23 are worse. Oh, Germany spends best part of twice as much, but are 14th.

His reply, "Oh".

Do us Brits know our NHS facts? Well, if you're a Lefty or your mind goes into Lefty mode by listening to the same ole same hot air, then.....no.

So to make a bold statement but not know what the funding is and how we are ranked to other countries, is embarrassing, well, I felt embarrassed for him.

What a sad state of affairs. But, how he will vote now, upto him.
If more people bothered to check out the political positions they hold, everybody in all countries including the U.K. and the USA might vote a lot smarter. Unfortunately too many are content to spew the assigned propaganda and don't bother to see or even care if their opinions are worth defending.

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