We are being tested.

The fabric of our society is being tested against a storm. The storm did not just suddenly appear, it has been brewing and strengthening for a long time. We in America have been living in a system that is essentially an experiment that is a departure from much of human history. We have been served well by a representative democracy here whereby the people elect representative leadership through free and fair elections. The coming US presidential election will be rigged by fraud and contaminated with propaganda.

Our system is not just majority rule, there are checks and balances in place to protect minorities, the poor and the disenfranchised. Our founders realized that simple majority rule without counterbalances to act as safety valves would lead to discord, chaos, and the constant threat of revolution by dissatisfied factions. They were right of course and the Storming of the Bastille in France in 1789 served as a template for what they were trying to avoid.

History demonstrates that most human societies evolve so that intellectuals and aristocrats control the rank and file citizens. Wealth and wellbeing are determined by the whims of ascended, educated leadership based on models crafted to place itself at the top where rules are made to favor the rule makers. It is not surprising that all of the wealth and power ends up in the hands of leadership.

In a system where all of the benefits of life are bestowed by leadership onto itself while all of the drudgery and poverty is suffered by lower classes, the specter of bloody revolution is always lurking. America tried to solve that with its brand of democracy.

But America’s intellectual class became discontented with the arrangement. They partnered with a political party to enforce the old ways back onto society. They did it by using mandatory education to indoctrinate groups of humans setting themselves against one another based on differences not the least of which is skin color. It is a carefully planned counterrevolution of government against the people.

Today America is in the midst of a calculated, incited insurrection not from the bottom up but from the top down. All of the blood spilled will be by the controlled while the leadership hoping to pick up the pieces in the aftermath solidifying its privilege like every other totalitarian oppressor on Earth.

We need to keep Trump in office.

You're saying that education caused racism?
You're nuts, Did you know that?
The country has turned into a shit pile, chaos rules, we are seriously vulnerable, our enemies are smiling, and these people still don't see what they have done.

Now we know - his Fifth Avenue Rule was correct.
We were attacked with a research bioweapon from the People's Republic of China. All the Trump hate in the world cannot change that.
Conspiracy theories are for making stupid people feel smart.

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