We all know you hate labor unions but do you hate collective bargaining itself?

Right to work states have cheap wages. Workers reap fewer benefits from economic growth. Business owners gain, workers lose.

GOP doesn't care about workers, just business owners.

Right to work states prevent workers from negotiating better wages from their employers. Living standards for workers decline.

do tell... how is it workers loose?

they chose to ASK for the job...and took it.
they choose to stay.... as they can leave at any time
if they are making minimum wage.... there is nothing to complain about. And if they do want to complain... take it up with the government.
Hey, relax. I'm not here to argue. I'm just putting out my thoughts about the topic.

Workers rights seem like a no brainer to me. That's probably because I've worked all my life.
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Hey, relax. I'm not here to argue. I'm just putting out my thoughts about the topic.

Workers rights seem like a no brainer to me. That's probably because I've worked all my life.

Most of us have in one way or another, I am pretty sure that there are not a lot of trust fund kids and billionaires on this board, yet the bile I encounter when simply defending and standing up for the American worker is astounding. They are characterized as lazy, greedy, spoiled, incompetent lumps of flesh who barely deserve what they make as it is and I compare that image to the one of my childhood where the American working man was the pinnacle of freedom and democracy and feel sort of ill. What the fuck happened to the American conservative to abandon the working class so completely?
Hey, relax. I'm not here to argue. I'm just putting out my thoughts about the topic.

Workers rights seem like a no brainer to me. That's probably because I've worked all my life.

Most of us have in one way or another, I am pretty sure that there are not a lot of trust fund kids and billionaires on this board, yet the bile I encounter when simply defending and standing up for the American worker is astounding. They are characterized as lazy, greedy, spoiled, incompetent lumps of flesh who barely deserve what they make as it is and I compare that image to the one of my childhood where the American working man was the pinnacle of freedom and democracy and feel sort of ill. What the fuck happened to the American conservative to abandon the working class so completely?

You guys should really abandon this baloney where right-to-work legislation is a good thing for people who work because it's not. It has no positive effect in unemployment, wages, benefits, work conditions, nothing whatsoever. It does give management another tool to eventually get unions voted out of their hair, that's all, that's it, the whole ball of wax.

You make less, but RTW states are usually the cheapest to live in as well.

Cold consolation there guy, It seems we are going in the wrong direction in working class wages as things like energy, medicine and food just continue to get more expensive all the damned time. Wage growth for Americans is as dead as Elvis, with a legion of working class Americans willing to trade that for simply continuing to be employed is absolute proof that the American dream is dead as well. Who will be around to speak for them when the unions are finally dead too?

I don't see how it is a cold consolation. Why do workers need a union to speak for them?
Hey, relax. I'm not here to argue. I'm just putting out my thoughts about the topic.

Workers rights seem like a no brainer to me. That's probably because I've worked all my life.

Most of us have in one way or another, I am pretty sure that there are not a lot of trust fund kids and billionaires on this board, yet the bile I encounter when simply defending and standing up for the American worker is astounding. They are characterized as lazy, greedy, spoiled, incompetent lumps of flesh who barely deserve what they make as it is and I compare that image to the one of my childhood where the American working man was the pinnacle of freedom and democracy and feel sort of ill. What the fuck happened to the American conservative to abandon the working class so completely?


Temporarily embarrassed millionaires trying to sound the part.
You make less, but RTW states are usually the cheapest to live in as well.

Cold consolation there guy, It seems we are going in the wrong direction in working class wages as things like energy, medicine and food just continue to get more expensive all the damned time. Wage growth for Americans is as dead as Elvis, with a legion of working class Americans willing to trade that for simply continuing to be employed is absolute proof that the American dream is dead as well. Who will be around to speak for them when the unions are finally dead too?

I don't see how it is a cold consolation. Why do workers need a union to speak for them?

The answer is lawyers, if management breaks contract can a regular guy challenge that? Labor disputes frequently end in court rather than a strike because the union can bring in a labor lawyer to speak for the workers. Strikes are rather more rare than they used to be because we have a legal framework to settle these things.
Cold consolation there guy, It seems we are going in the wrong direction in working class wages as things like energy, medicine and food just continue to get more expensive all the damned time. Wage growth for Americans is as dead as Elvis, with a legion of working class Americans willing to trade that for simply continuing to be employed is absolute proof that the American dream is dead as well. Who will be around to speak for them when the unions are finally dead too?

I don't see how it is a cold consolation. Why do workers need a union to speak for them?

The answer is lawyers, if management breaks contract can a regular guy challenge that? Labor disputes frequently end in court rather than a strike because the union can bring in a labor lawyer to speak for the workers. Strikes are rather more rare than they used to be because we have a legal framework to settle these things.

Public, unions, yes. We didn't have to go to court, we got what we wanted.
I don't see how it is a cold consolation. Why do workers need a union to speak for them?

The answer is lawyers, if management breaks contract can a regular guy challenge that? Labor disputes frequently end in court rather than a strike because the union can bring in a labor lawyer to speak for the workers. Strikes are rather more rare than they used to be because we have a legal framework to settle these things.

Public, unions, yes. We didn't have to go to court, we got what we wanted.

And I'll grant the lawyers.
The answer is lawyers, if management breaks contract can a regular guy challenge that? Labor disputes frequently end in court rather than a strike because the union can bring in a labor lawyer to speak for the workers. Strikes are rather more rare than they used to be because we have a legal framework to settle these things.

Public, unions, yes. We didn't have to go to court, we got what we wanted.

And I'll grant the lawyers.

It's really the entire point of unions these days, from negotiating contracts to recognizing breech of contract to taking it to court they are the real power behind the labor union, not the stereotypical thug many are fond of envisioning. You can bet management can afford lawyers galore but what about a non-unionized workforce who feel cheated? Even if a non-unionized workforce pools their resources how can they afford to pay lawyers or even know where to start in a class action lawsuit or protect themselves from retaliation?
Public, unions, yes. We didn't have to go to court, we got what we wanted.

And I'll grant the lawyers.

It's really the entire point of unions these days, from negotiating contracts to recognizing breech of contract to taking it to court they are the real power behind the labor union, not the stereotypical thug many are fond of envisioning. ...

Actually, lawyers are exactly the kinds of thugs I envision when it comes to this kind of corruption.
NEVER hire a fucking liberal.

Awesome display of the kind of discrimination the labor movement helped make illegal and the plutocrat party wants to bring back. BTW I have been fucking awesome at every job I have ever had in nearly 40 years of continual employment while many conservative types griped the entire day away and wanked off in the can.
Public, unions, yes. We didn't have to go to court, we got what we wanted.

And I'll grant the lawyers.

It's really the entire point of unions these days, from negotiating contracts to recognizing breech of contract to taking it to court they are the real power behind the labor union, not the stereotypical thug many are fond of envisioning. You can bet management can afford lawyers galore but what about a non-unionized workforce who feel cheated? Even if a non-unionized workforce pools their resources how can they afford to pay lawyers or even know where to start in a class action lawsuit or protect themselves from retaliation?

No, the thuggery still happens.
They can protect themselves from retaliation by knowing the laws on the books.
And I'll grant the lawyers.

It's really the entire point of unions these days, from negotiating contracts to recognizing breech of contract to taking it to court they are the real power behind the labor union, not the stereotypical thug many are fond of envisioning. ...

Actually, lawyers are exactly the kinds of thugs I envision when it comes to this kind of corruption.

I suppose the legal team every big business has on retainer are filled to the brim with integrity? The quickest way to get robbed in this country is by contract and corporate lawyers are quite skilled at doing it. It almost sounds like you think workers should be disarmed in this situation.
So you think the government offers sufficient worker protections to make unions unnecessary and strikes punishable by management? This is a pretty loaded question, I would think before answering it.

getting replaced for quitting ie.. walking off your job.. is not punishment. They left, quit.... The employer should have the right to fill the positions........without..said... bloody affairs.
I think you are under the impression that labor disputes are somehow unprovoked, if management decides to cut wages, stop paying into the pension plan, demand unpaid overtime, cut breaks, any number of things, are the workers just supposed to take it? If not what other recourse do they have?

Are you saying strikes in solidarity with other unions don't happen?

How is that productive?

Teamster Sympathy Strikes Defeat Lockout | Labor Notes

It's pure thuggery to damage an operation doing things correctly out of anger that another operation is unsatisfactory for its workers.
Right to work states have cheap wages. Workers reap fewer benefits from economic growth. Business owners gain, workers lose.

GOP doesn't care about workers, just business owners.

Right to work states prevent workers from negotiating better wages from their employers. Living standards for workers decline.

I live in a right to work state.
A couple years ago, I decided that I didn't want a raise as much as I wanted more vacation. I negotiated more time off in lieu of a larger raise. If i was in a union, I would have had to convince the entire union that time off was better than an increase in salary.
I prefer to negotiate my own employment agreements. Only fools acquiesce that to a union.
It's really the entire point of unions these days, from negotiating contracts to recognizing breech of contract to taking it to court they are the real power behind the labor union, not the stereotypical thug many are fond of envisioning. ...

Actually, lawyers are exactly the kinds of thugs I envision when it comes to this kind of corruption.

I suppose the legal team every big business has on retainer are filled to the brim with integrity? The quickest way to get robbed in this country is by contract and corporate lawyers are quite skilled at doing it. It almost sounds like you think workers should be disarmed in this situation.

Not at all. The problem is the privilege and perks our government grants to corporations. The answer is not to "balance" the corruption by granting "equal" perks and favors to other favored interest groups (in this case the unions). The answer is to end the corporatism that creates the injustice in the first place, and replace it with genuine rule of law where government protects equal rights for everyone, not special rights depending on which group you belong to.

Does your false front of illusory freedom have a point? This campaign to kill unions has about as much to do with freedom as the patriot act had to do with patriotism. Get rid of that liberty bell as a symbol, and honestly represent it with a monopoly man cartoon rolling in cash or something.

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