Wave "Bye-Bye" to Chris Christie's Chances in 2016!

Typical Republican response and why Democrats have been winning the White House as Democrats work hard for the American people. Republicans merely sleep and bypass important issues of great matter to Americans. Can you therefore blame people for Voting Democratic!
This matter how? He is the governor of New Jersey and anything that pertains to him does not affect the nation as a whole. Unlike the war the NJ Bloods have declared on law enforcement that should bge an excuse for federal agencies to destroy all gangs in United States.
Christie was never the choice of Republicans. He was the democrat choice for Republicans. Now democrats are just floored to find out that republicans don't want a New England liberal.
Last I heard Christie wasn't running.

Doesn't take much to get Politicaltouchhole in and uproar. LMAO
When even his own party wants to disown Christie, that HAS to be very telling about his chances of running for president in 2016! The Democrats don't want him either, of course. Yes, "ChristieGate" sure did him in this time.

Chris Christie's White House Chances DOA As GOP Voters Tell Him To Get Lost

And yet Benghazigate, Obamacaregate, IRSgate, Fast and FuriousGate and assorted other gates for Obama seemingly have no effect. In the bridgegate at least no one got killed.

The spin is all because the MSM is the propaganda arm of the DNC, sad really sad.

But thanks for the daily message the DNC really keeps you abreast of current issues.
When even his own party wants to disown Christie, that HAS to be very telling about his chances of running for president in 2016! The Democrats don't want him either, of course. Yes, "ChristieGate" sure did him in this time.

Chris Christie's White House Chances DOA As GOP Voters Tell Him To Get Lost

I would much rather have someone in office who admits that they are big government goons and proud of it rather than someone who is and pretends not to be.
I thought Dems wanted Christi. Here's why.

Christi was out long before anything like this happened. An anti-gun northeastern anti freedom liberal masquerading as a Republican. Mitt Romney and John McCain combined. Literally.
I thought Dems wanted Christi. Here's why.

Christi was out long before anything like this happened. An anti-gun northeastern anti freedom liberal masquerading as a Republican. Mitt Romney and John McCain combined. Literally.

Christie is glowing in that picture.

I knew Obama swung that way but I had no idea about Christie.

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