abu afak
- Mar 3, 2006
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A joke of a website posted here INCESSANTLY.
Anthony Watts - RationalWiki
Willard Anthony Watts is a former Radio and TV Weatherman and notable global warming Denier...He is the proprietor of the Jerry Seinfeldian Watts Up With That (geddit?) blog, usually shortened to WUWT or, as it is sometimes affectionately nicknamed, LOLWUWT or WTFUWT. [.........]. Mostly he just Repeats the same Tired old denier talking points, or pulls out some random data and says, "Look, it's Cold somewhere!"
As is typical of media Weathercasters, Watts (a college dropout) has No academic training in the physics of climate or related disciplines. Unencumbered by scientific expertise he works by intuition...
The Surface Stations Project:: Ironically, Watts has done more to strengthen the scientific evidence for AGW than refute it.[.....]the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres did analyze the data, and found that the stations Watts flagged as unreliable were indeed unreliable. They had actually Underestimated the maximum temperatures.[5] Good catch, Anthony!
BESTed::: Watts appeared to stake his entire stance on the reliability of surface temperature data on a single study: the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study (BEST)..... However, when BEST's results confirmed the Reliability of preexisting surface temperature records, Watts Backpedaled.[7] [.....] Lately Watts has Degenerated into Boringness, Repeating the Same tired arguments and making Al Gore jokes on LOLWUWT.
Anthony Watts - RationalWiki
Willard Anthony Watts is a former Radio and TV Weatherman and notable global warming Denier...He is the proprietor of the Jerry Seinfeldian Watts Up With That (geddit?) blog, usually shortened to WUWT or, as it is sometimes affectionately nicknamed, LOLWUWT or WTFUWT. [.........]. Mostly he just Repeats the same Tired old denier talking points, or pulls out some random data and says, "Look, it's Cold somewhere!"
As is typical of media Weathercasters, Watts (a college dropout) has No academic training in the physics of climate or related disciplines. Unencumbered by scientific expertise he works by intuition...
The Surface Stations Project:: Ironically, Watts has done more to strengthen the scientific evidence for AGW than refute it.[.....]the Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres did analyze the data, and found that the stations Watts flagged as unreliable were indeed unreliable. They had actually Underestimated the maximum temperatures.[5] Good catch, Anthony!
BESTed::: Watts appeared to stake his entire stance on the reliability of surface temperature data on a single study: the Berkeley Earth Surface Temperature Study (BEST)..... However, when BEST's results confirmed the Reliability of preexisting surface temperature records, Watts Backpedaled.[7] [.....] Lately Watts has Degenerated into Boringness, Repeating the Same tired arguments and making Al Gore jokes on LOLWUWT.
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