Waterboarding? 183 Times? Wrong...

Argument summarized. Speaks for itself.

And yet another loser who neg reps when he loses an argument.

ROFLMNAO... this idiot negs me and cries when it's returned... ]

After you hit me first damn right.

Which considering my policy of inequitable response; which rolls at an adjustable rate of 6:1... that doesn't bode well for the well being of those tender feelings; with that said, as a general rule I don't neg unless neg'd... not hard and fast... I will neg overt trolls, but that's fairly rare.

But anywho... the suggestion that you've carried so much as one exchange, is absurd on it's face; your argument have been destroyed; that you can't or won't accept that is irrelevant.

The loser who can only cry "I won I won"

You've equated 'stress' with torture; demanded that US stress inducing coercive interrogation is equitable with that implemented by the Imperial Japanese and that the US inducing of stress to Mass murdering detainees amounts to cruel and unusual punshment...

I've done no such thing. Once again having to resort to lying about what I said in a lame attempt to fabricate an argument.

When in point of demonstrable fact, stress inducement is NOT torture, or anything approaching it; the Imperial Japanese Military killed tens of thousands of people through the use of ACTUAL TORTURE... which is a rather common side effect from such; and no one to the best of my knowledge has died as a result of US stress inducing techniques... and if on the odd chance that they have... it's the rare EXCEPTION; and for the 5th time, Stress induced coercive interrogation is NOT PUNISHMENT...

We prosecuted Japanese for waterboarding. That is undisputed fact.

You can say its not torture and babble on for pages. I couldn't care less what your opinion is. You have no credibility. Back it up with something reliable. If I want hot air I'll buy a blow dryer.

Now you can rationalize that it is in response TO their failure to be initially forthcoming; but such ad hoc reasoning is invalid; thus could never withstand the contest wherein the simple fact that US interrogation of Mass Murdering Terrorists is NOT a "Request For Information"... It is a process by which the interrogator is tasked with getting the information; and they will get information; and this is without regard to the Mass Murdering Terrorists feelings on the issue of cooperation; it's a process which is going to be applied, and it the individual is forthcoming... great... that moves things along nicely; but if not, no big deal, the process is perfectly prepared for just such circumstances.

If they were there to get a heart by-pass, they'd get one... We aren't interested in how the mass murderers feel about it; we aren't interested in how the feminized left feels about it and until the CinC declares the policy to be off the table, it's goign to happen.

And odds are it's going to happen anyway... just with sufficient plausible deniability for The Lord of the Idiots to feel better about it.... Setting aside stress inducement is like a carpenter setting aside his laser square, tape measure, nail gun and his pouch... Oh sure... he could still be a carpenter, just a real slow one which is prone to building crooked crap...

They're there to provide information and they're perfectly entitled to do resist providing that information; but they're going to provide it...

The US prosecuted waterboarding for torture. In the Philipines, in WWII, in Viet nam.

Waterboarding torture is the tactic of the Gestapo, the IJA, and the Khmer Rouge.

America, home of the torurers.

That is *your* version of America, along with secret dugeons where we lock people away forwever without hearing, proof or trial. Not mine.
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Each 'pour' is not a simulated drowning... a pour is a period where water os flowing from a vessel... or a hose... whatever is being used... one doesn't just pour water on the idiots... one pours, waits for the water to soak in, allows for the experience to set in... and one pours again... pour... wait a second or two... pour again= two pours...

You just disqualified yourself as someone which has the slightest notion of what they're talking about.

Got anything to back up your claim here? There are documents from the claiming 183 waterboardings...there are documents claiming 83....supposedly people seldom last more then 14 seconds before caving. Your claims of just a few waterboardings and a multitude of "pours" don't add up.

You made claims of being some sort of military person with what...was it....SERRE training or something?

Frankly - I think that is bullshit because if you were you would have the professional discretion not to be bandying it about on a political message board.

You've just disqualified yourself from reality.


The record is clear as to what you said.

Yes, that's what I love about text debate... it does away with the left's ability to 'remember wrong...

The record is perfectly clear and indisputable and it is the source of your humiliation.

And just proves you'll say things when you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Just like torture is not punishment and the US did not prosecute war crimes for waterboarding.

It proves that your posts scream 'irrational female'... When I read your posts, I get a distinct feminine vibe... and not the Jennifer Aniston vibe... but the hammered, panty-less Britanny Spears vibe...

The US hasn't tortured anyone, we induce stress for the purposes of inducing those being interrogated to be forthcoming with truthful responses; it is not punishment... it is a function of a process wherein not being forthcoming is NOT an option.

As would be the case in your fairyland...

Answer your own question... Does it? I'd say that you would consider it as such; which just demonstrates your definition of the word to be ridiculous...

I consider it both punishment and torure.

As I knew you would... which establishes that you believe that your willful participation in a debate on a message board is the equivilent of that suffered at the hand of the Japanese Imperial Military, where tens if not hundreds of thousands of human beings were irreversibly maimed and/or died as a result of days and weeks of unspeakable, unimaginable agony...

I think that pretty much covers it...

Anyone need anything else?

Yes, that's what I love about text debate... it does away with the left's ability to 'remember wrong...

The record is perfectly clear and indisputable and it is the source of your humiliation.

LOL -- "I won I won You lost!" Sixth grader.

It proves that your posts scream 'irrational female'... When I read your posts, I get a distinct feminine vibe... and not the Jennifer Aniston vibe... but the hammered, panty-less Britanny Spears vibe...

It proves you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

The US hasn't tortured anyone, we induce stress for the purposes of inducing those being interrogated to be forthcoming with truthful responses; it is not punishment... it is a function of a process wherein not being forthcoming is NOT an option.

As would be the case in your fairyland...

Nice double speak. It's not "punishment" its "interrogation". It's not "torture," its' "stress".

You'd fit right in with the Goebbels propoganda ministry.

As I knew you would... which establishes that you believe that your willful participation in a debate on a message board is the equivilent of that suffered at the hand of the Japanese Imperial Military, where tens if not hundreds of thousands of human beings were irreversibly maimed and/or died as a result of days and weeks of unspeakable, unimaginable agony...

And were prosecuted for that, as well as waterboarding.

I think that pretty much covers it...

Anyone need anything else?
And yet another loser who neg reps when he loses an argument.

ROFLMNAO... this idiot negs me and cries when it's returned... ]

After you hit me first damn right.

Anyone catch 'irrational chick' in that? It's almost a perfect illustration of my sister when she was 5 or 6...

Here's a clue... don't want to be neg'd... DON'T NEG. This one is going to cost you 5 more... so just stand by.

The loser who can only cry "I won I won"

Yeah... I hear ya sis... happens all the time. Why that would explain why Arizona was dancing on the field at the end of the super bowl a few months back... cause the lost and were declaring they won...

Here's the thing; you've not carried a single exchange; but you're entitled to your delusion... and if you'd like to test it... go back and find the exchange in which you feel you REALLY SHINED!

Then prepare the self esteem for a bruising... cause it's not going to go any better the 45th time than it did the first.

PI said:
You've equated 'stress' with torture; demanded that US stress inducing coercive interrogation is equitable with that implemented by the Imperial Japanese and that the US inducing of stress to Mass murdering detainees amounts to cruel and unusual punshment...

I've done no such thing. Once again having to resort to lying about what I said in a lame attempt to fabricate an argument.

Oh... Lying? Really? ROFLMNAO... OK Sis... suit yourself.

So you've now flatly testified that you have not equated the US use of stress techniques to induce cooperation with interrogators, with the unspeakably, brutal, murderous sadism inflicted by the Japs?

And you are a fool. We hung some Japanese soldiers for doing that to our boys. As McCain stated, it isn't so much what torture does to the terrorists, as what it does to us. The people that set this up should see jail time.

No, we didn't.

I haven't seen evidence we hung anyone solely for waterboarding. However Japs were prosecuted and sentenced 15 years hard labor solely for waterboarding. The US treated it as a war crime.

Now that's you equating US Stress techniques with war crimes of the murderous variety, purpetrated by the Japanese Military on conventional US troops who were executing a valid and legal war against the Japanese people...

Here's you demonstrating evidence which you used to ESTABLISH that US Stress techniques were equitable with those which the Japanese used... >>>

Okay, read slowly. We are in a debate about the valdity of the using waterboarding as an enhanced interrogation technique. Waterboard is one of the many things the Japanese were tried for after WW2. Th equestion that is being posed is this: Is it morally acceptable for the US to use a technique that it has prosecuted men for in the past?

No one is saying it is the only thing the Japanese were tried for. We are sayin that it is one of the things we tried them for. Sink in that time? Good, now move along.

Nope,posters have been saying that we tried the Japanese for "waterboarding". Not true. The Japanese went on a murdering spree where they raped,beheaded,dis emboweled,burned people alive,stuck hoses down peoples throats and drowned them etc..etc. Not even close to being the same thing.

Now you folks are trying to compare the two senarios and it is just not credible to me. As the Japanese were hung for murdering hundreds of people including women,children,babies, priests and soldiers.

Japanese War Crime Trials » HistoryNet

Your link doesn't say waterboarding was not prosecuted, nor does it purport to be an exhaustive list of war crimes or types of torture the Japanese were prosecuted for.

The fact that the US prosecuted and convicted Japanese for war crimes for waterboarding is evidenced by numerous sources.

Twenty-one years earlier, in 1947, the United States charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for carrying out another form of waterboarding on a U.S. civilian. The subject was strapped on a stretcher that was tilted so that his feet were in the air and head near the floor, and small amounts of water were poured over his face, leaving him gasping for air until he agreed to talk.

"Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor," Sen. Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) told his colleagues last Thursday during the debate on military commissions legislation. "We punished people with 15 years of hard labor when waterboarding was used against Americans in World War II," he said.

Waterboarding Historically Controversial - washingtonpost.com

In the war crimes tribunals that followed Japan's defeat in World War II, the issue of waterboarding was sometimes raised. In 1947, the U.S. charged a Japanese officer, Yukio Asano, with war crimes for waterboarding a U.S. civilian. Asano was sentenced to 15 years of hard labor.

"All of these trials elicited compelling descriptions of water torture from its victims, and resulted in severe punishment for its perpetrators," writes Evan Wallach in the Columbia Journal of Transnational Law.

Waterboarding: A Tortured History : NPR

Following World War II (1939-1945) American prosecutors convicted several Japanese soldiers for waterboarding Allied prisoners of war. The soldiers were tried as part of the International Military Tribunal for the Far East, also known as the Tokyo War Crimes Trials.

Waterboarding - MSN Encarta

Waterboarding was torture when it was used during the Spanish Inquisition; it was torture when it was used on Filipino rebels during the 1890s; it was torture when the Japanese Army used it on prisoners in World War II; it was torture when it was used by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia; and it's torture when CIA officers or others use it on terrorists.

Is Waterboarding Torture? Yes.

After the second world war, US military commissions successfully prosecuted as war criminals several Japanese soldiers who subjected US prisoners to waterboarding.

Cheney endorses simulated drowning | World news | guardian.co.uk

Many more sources can be found with a google search.

Here's you referencing that thread to ram home the POINT!>>>

I haven't seen evidence we hung anyone solely for waterboarding. However Japs were prosecuted and sentenced 15 years hard labor solely for waterboarding. The US treated it as a war crime.

That is not true either. Annie posted an article in the last thread you repeated this, stating the soldiers procecuted also burned people with cig's,beat them etc.. They didn't just get sentenced for "waterboarding".

I don't remember Annie's post. Someone posted a Wiki article about various torture that was done in Siagon, but that is different.

Here again for anyone who wants to see it is my post containing five separate sources that they the Japs were convicted for waterboarding. There are many others if you do a google search.


Now if you weren't equating US Stress techniques to Torture, in those posts, one has to wonder what it would have to look like for you to simply admit that ya did...

And just for fun... Here's your latest effort to 'equate 'stress' with torture; demand that US stress inducing coercive interrogation is equitable with that implemented by the Imperial Japanese and that the US inducing of stress to Mass murdering detainees amounts to cruel and unusual punshment... '

... The US prosecuted waterboarding for torture. In the Philipines, in WWII, in Viet nam.

Waterboarding torture is the tactic of the Gestapo, the IJA, and the Khmer Rouge.

America, home of the torurers.

Which is just a few inches DOWN THIS VERY POST...

And FTR; that is an absolute evisceration; a refutation of the first order and what's more it's a refuation which strikes at your personal honor and your severe intellectual limitations... which is fairly obvious to pretty much anyone that reads this; but given those limitations, I wanted to make certain that you understand it... Ya don't have to admit it... as if ya did, it would cut into the hilarity; just as long as YOU understand it... and we both know ya do.

When in point of demonstrable fact, stress inducement is NOT torture, or anything approaching it; the Imperial Japanese Military killed tens of thousands of people through the use of ACTUAL TORTURE... which is a rather common side effect from such; and no one to the best of my knowledge has died as a result of US stress inducing techniques... and if on the odd chance that they have... it's the rare EXCEPTION; and for the 5th time, Stress induced coercive interrogation is NOT PUNISHMENT...

Now just so ya know... This is a concession, of the default variety... >>>

You've throughly dodged the argument; attempted to summarily declare the argument as lacking credibility on absolutely NO STATED BASIS... and demanded 'back-up' for points which you've failed to specify along with a valid contest of those points... My argument rests upon the uncontested and long standing historical record of the Pacific Campaign of WW2... Simply declaring 'nuh huh' I don't believe it is an invalid argument and as such summarily FAILS... a farce on the whole.

Maybe you don't understand. You sit that and blather on and on. I couldn't care less what your opinion is. You have no credibility. Back it up with something reliable. If I want hot air I'll buy a blow dryer.

PI said:
Now you can rationalize that it is in response TO their failure to be initially forthcoming; but such ad hoc reasoning is invalid; thus could never withstand the contest wherein the simple fact that US interrogation of Mass Murdering Terrorists is NOT a "Request For Information"... It is a process by which the interrogator is tasked with getting the information; and they will get information; and this is without regard to the Mass Murdering Terrorists feelings on the issue of cooperation; it's a process which is going to be applied, and it the individual is forthcoming... great... that moves things along nicely; but if not, no big deal, the process is perfectly prepared for just such circumstances.

If they were there to get a heart by-pass, they'd get one... We aren't interested in how the mass murderers feel about it; we aren't interested in how the feminized left feels about it and until the CinC declares the policy to be off the table, it's goign to happen.

And odds are it's going to happen anyway... just with sufficient plausible deniability for The Lord of the Idiots to feel better about it.... Setting aside stress inducement is like a carpenter setting aside his laser square, tape measure, nail gun and his pouch... Oh sure... he could still be a carpenter, just a real slow one which is prone to building crooked crap...

They're there to provide information and they're perfectly entitled to do resist providing that information; but they're going to provide it...

The US prosecuted waterboarding for torture. In the Philipines, in WWII, in Viet nam.

Waterboarding torture is the tactic of the Gestapo, the IJA, and the Khmer Rouge.

America, home of the torurers.

That is *your* version of America, along with secret dugeons where we lock people away forwever without hearing, proof or tiral. Not mine.

You bet your ample ass sis... As a American I hold people accountable for their actions... if ya don't want to be interrogated with stress inducement which will result in the certainty that what you know will be used to kill your mass murdering comrades? Don't wage war on Americans...

Now how hard is that?

Now here's your ass back...
Any questions?
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Say they same thing for yourself. The only source that is telling the truth is the one that agrees with you, right? Why do you assume KSM was telling the truth?

The memo said 183. I didn't say which was right or wrong, only that there was conflicting information.

The CIA stated 183. KSM clarified it. The RC reported it.

Based on the statement he prepared for the court, he wasn't afraid of anything.

The CIA didn't lie. I never said they did.

Why do you assume KSM was telling the truth?

Why do you assume he was lying? He had no reason. The enhanced technique had already occurred. He had already told the interrogators the information.
Each 'pour' is not a simulated drowning... a pour is a period where water os flowing from a vessel... or a hose... whatever is being used... one doesn't just pour water on the idiots... one pours, waits for the water to soak in, allows for the experience to set in... and one pours again... pour... wait a second or two... pour again= two pours...

You just disqualified yourself as someone which has the slightest notion of what they're talking about.

Got anything to back up your claim here?

Well I dunno if that's really necessary at this point... Let me ask you, have you ever been waterboarded, or trained in it's implementation and the techniques of such?

(The answer is NO...)

Which stands in direct conflict with say... my having been waterboarded and having been trained in the implementation of waterboarding; and having implented this and many other wonderful techniques upon others...

So I am the source; the back up and the front down...

But it's not real complex... it just seems like it is to you, because it requires basic reasoning skills and it falls under common sense and basic human anatomy and instinct.

"A pour" is the instance of "POURING"... now take a breath and think that one through.

Thus 'a pour' is one necessarily repetitious element of waterboarding, it is NOT the means by which waterboarding... the PROCESS on the whole is defined... One tracks the process by accounting for the number of pours... for many good reasons, none of which will I be sharing with you... suffice it to say that 'a pour' is simply the phrase used to describe one instance where water is being applied, in a process of numerous 'pours' which comprise the process of 'waterboarding'... meaning one instance of waterboarding requires many repeated 'pours'...

Now it is impossible to reduce it to more simple terms... if you can't understand that, then you're in the wrong thread.

There are documents from the claiming 183 waterboardings...there are documents claiming 83....supposedly people seldom last more then 14 seconds before caving. Your claims of just a few waterboardings and a multitude of "pours" don't add up.

First, I didn't provide the figures you reference... I stated that it takes numerous pours to get to a point where the process becomes real to the subject. I don't give a damn what you've read, or who wrote it; the process of one water boarding session takes a minimum of several minutes from beginning to end, wherein many 'pours' are implemented. The mechanics alone require such... and how many sessions will be implemented and at what frequency is not something I'm going to discuss on this or any other public forum... again, there is a very specific moment within the process where 'reality sets in' and it's a rare bird indeed that goes more than a few seconds beyond that point... which has nothing to do with your detached conclusions on the subject regarding 'pours'.

You made claims of being some sort of military person with what...was it....SERRE training or something?

Close... SERE... Survival Evasion Resistance Escape.

Frankly - I think that is bullshit because if you were you would have the professional discretion not to be bandying it about on a political message board.

Yes... because it's such a secret... VERY HUSH HUSH... :eusa_shhh:

You've just disqualified yourself from reality.

ROFLMNAO... Oh GOD that's precious... A leftist speaking to reality... funny stuff...

This is where you begin to tutor us on 'Fiscal Responsibility...'
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ROFLMNAO... this idiot negs me and cries when it's returned... ]

After you hit me first damn right.

Anyone catch 'irrational chick' in that? It's almost a perfect illustration of my sister when she was 5 or 6...

Here's a clue... don't want to be neg'd... DON'T NEG. This one is going to cost you 5 more... so just stand by.

Yeah... I hear ya sis... happens all the time. Why that would explain why Arizona was dancing on the field at the end of the super bowl a few months back... cause the lost and were declaring they won...

Here's the thing; you've not carried a single exchange; but you're entitled to your delusion... and if you'd like to test it... go back and find the exchange in which you feel you REALLY SHINED!

Then prepare the self esteem for a bruising... cause it's not going to go any better the 45th time than it did the first.

Oh... Lying? Really? ROFLMNAO... OK Sis... suit yourself.

So you've now flatly testified that you have not equated the US use of stress techniques to induce cooperation with interrogators, with the unspeakably, brutal, murderous sadism inflicted by the Japs?


Now that's you equating US Stress techniques with war crimes of the murderous variety, purpetrated by the Japanese Military on conventional US troops who were executing a valid and legal war against the Japanese people...

Here's you demonstrating evidence which you used to ESTABLISH that US Stress techniques were equitable with those which the Japanese used... >>>

Here's you referencing that thread to ram home the POINT!>>>

Now if you weren't equating US Stress techniques to Torture, in those posts, one has to wonder what it would have to look like for you to simply admit that ya did...

And just for fun... Here's your latest effort to 'equate 'stress' with torture; demand that US stress inducing coercive interrogation is equitable with that implemented by the Imperial Japanese and that the US inducing of stress to Mass murdering detainees amounts to cruel and unusual punshment... '

Which is just a few inches DOWN THIS VERY POST...

And FTR; that is an absolute evisceration; a refutation of the first order and what's more it's a refuation which strikes at your personal honor and your severe intellectual limitations... which is fairly obvious to pretty much anyone that reads this; but given those limitations, I wanted to make certain that you understand it... Ya don't have to admit it... as if ya did, it would cut into the hilarity; just as long as YOU understand it... and we both know ya do.

PI said:
Now you can rationalize that it is in response TO their failure to be initially forthcoming; but such ad hoc reasoning is invalid; thus could never withstand the contest wherein the simple fact that US interrogation of Mass Murdering Terrorists is NOT a "Request For Information"... It is a process by which the interrogator is tasked with getting the information; and they will get information; and this is without regard to the Mass Murdering Terrorists feelings on the issue of cooperation; it's a process which is going to be applied, and it the individual is forthcoming... great... that moves things along nicely; but if not, no big deal, the process is perfectly prepared for just such circumstances.

If they were there to get a heart by-pass, they'd get one... We aren't interested in how the mass murderers feel about it; we aren't interested in how the feminized left feels about it and until the CinC declares the policy to be off the table, it's goign to happen.

And odds are it's going to happen anyway... just with sufficient plausible deniability for The Lord of the Idiots to feel better about it.... Setting aside stress inducement is like a carpenter setting aside his laser square, tape measure, nail gun and his pouch... Oh sure... he could still be a carpenter, just a real slow one which is prone to building crooked crap...

They're there to provide information and they're perfectly entitled to do resist providing that information; but they're going to provide it...

That is *your* version of America, along with secret dugeons where we lock people away forwever without hearing, proof or tiral. Not mine.

You bet your ample ass sis... As a American I hold people accountable for their actions... if ya don't want to be interrogated with stress inducement which will result in the certainty that what you know will be used to kill your mass murdering comrades? Don't wage war on Americans...

Now how hard is that?

Now here's your ass back...
Any questions?

No mein fuhrer. You've made yourself crystal clear for all to see.

Did you like it when you were waterboarding those guys?
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The CIA stated 183. KSM clarified it. The RC reported it.

Based on the statement he prepared for the court, he wasn't afraid of anything.

The CIA didn't lie. I never said they did.

Why do you assume KSM was telling the truth?

Why do you assume he was lying? He had no reason. The enhanced technique had already occurred. He had already told the interrogators the information.

I didn't assume anything. Tell us about your experiences observing the CIA torture.
Why do you assume KSM was telling the truth?

Why do you assume he was lying? He had no reason. The enhanced technique had already occurred. He had already told the interrogators the information.

I didn't assume anything. Tell us about your experiences observing the CIA torture.

What does this have to do with anything?

You seem kind of desperate now.
After you hit me first damn right.

Anyone catch 'irrational chick' in that? It's almost a perfect illustration of my sister when she was 5 or 6...

Here's a clue... don't want to be neg'd... DON'T NEG. This one is going to cost you 5 more... so just stand by.

Yeah... I hear ya sis... happens all the time. Why that would explain why Arizona was dancing on the field at the end of the super bowl a few months back... cause the lost and were declaring they won...

Here's the thing; you've not carried a single exchange; but you're entitled to your delusion... and if you'd like to test it... go back and find the exchange in which you feel you REALLY SHINED!

Then prepare the self esteem for a bruising... cause it's not going to go any better the 45th time than it did the first.

Oh... Lying? Really? ROFLMNAO... OK Sis... suit yourself.

So you've now flatly testified that you have not equated the US use of stress techniques to induce cooperation with interrogators, with the unspeakably, brutal, murderous sadism inflicted by the Japs?


Now that's you equating US Stress techniques with war crimes of the murderous variety, purpetrated by the Japanese Military on conventional US troops who were executing a valid and legal war against the Japanese people...

Here's you demonstrating evidence which you used to ESTABLISH that US Stress techniques were equitable with those which the Japanese used... >>>

Here's you referencing that thread to ram home the POINT!>>>

Now if you weren't equating US Stress techniques to Torture, in those posts, one has to wonder what it would have to look like for you to simply admit that ya did...

And just for fun... Here's your latest effort to 'equate 'stress' with torture; demand that US stress inducing coercive interrogation is equitable with that implemented by the Imperial Japanese and that the US inducing of stress to Mass murdering detainees amounts to cruel and unusual punshment... '

Which is just a few inches DOWN THIS VERY POST...

And FTR; that is an absolute evisceration; a refutation of the first order and what's more it's a refuation which strikes at your personal honor and your severe intellectual limitations... which is fairly obvious to pretty much anyone that reads this; but given those limitations, I wanted to make certain that you understand it... Ya don't have to admit it... as if ya did, it would cut into the hilarity; just as long as YOU understand it... and we both know ya do.

That is *your* version of America, along with secret dugeons where we lock people away forwever without hearing, proof or tiral. Not mine.

You bet your ample ass sis... As a American I hold people accountable for their actions... if ya don't want to be interrogated with stress inducement which will result in the certainty that what you know will be used to kill your mass murdering comrades? Don't wage war on Americans...

Now how hard is that?

Now here's your ass back...
Any questions?

No mein fuhrer. You've made yourself crystal clear for all to see.

Did you like it when you were waterboarding those guys?

Beat the hell out of GETTING waterboarded... just as leading a run, beats the hell out of following... but both are necessary and it's a certainty that both will lead to a better unit... across the board.

What you've just advanced is the feminized notion that if one doesn't 'like' something then that alone is reason enough to avoid it... when in truth, there is an endless list of that which we do not 'like' that must be done, which if such is NOT done, the relevant culture will suffer the calamity of having avoided the difficulty.
Well alrighty then...

It looks like the opposition has fled the scene...

So let's recap the win...

US Stress inducing coersive interrogation is demonstrably NOT torture and the assertions that it is, are baseless...

The thing to remember is that the idiots you see on TV spewing that idiocy are no more capable of defending their nonsense than these people were... the only difference being that we're not able to engage them and challenge their assertions.

But you can rest assured that IF we were... the result would be the same.

Thanks go out to everyone... particularly the Americans who particpated in defending American principle, truth and common freakin' sense.
Call the SCOTUS, POTUS, Congress, the FBI, CIA, DEA, your local law enforcement, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the UN, and anyone else you can think of:

USMB poster PubliusInfinitum has declared victory in his war for torture. There is no need to address this issue any further.
Call the SCOTUS, POTUS, Congress, the FBI, CIA, DEA, your local law enforcement, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the UN, and anyone else you can think of:

USMB poster PubliusInfinitum has declared victory in his war for torture. There is no need to address this issue any further.

Get 'em on the phone... If they want to debate it and take the same advocacy... they'll come away unable to defend that advocacy any better than you idiots did.

Which is the simple point... sadly you were just not sufficiently intellectually equipped to grasp it.

But that's the nature of idiots... now isn't it?
The CIA stated 183. KSM clarified it. The RC reported it.

Based on the statement he prepared for the court, he wasn't afraid of anything.

The CIA didn't lie. I never said they did.

Why do you assume KSM was telling the truth?

Why do you assume he was lying? He had no reason. The enhanced technique had already occurred. He had already told the interrogators the information.

How do you know he had no reason? After getting waterboarded 183 (according to the DOJ memo) he may have feared more if he didn't minimize the treatment he got.

The DOJ memo said he was waterboarded 183 times. That's a lot more than 5 sessions and getting the water torture 4-5 times per session.
Well alrighty then...
US Stress inducing coersive interrogation is demonstrably NOT torture and the assertions that it is, are baseless...

I'm waiting for you to prove that assertion....thus far...nada....

Sweetcheeks - just saying it's so don't make it so.

Well Ok... I suppose this requires something of a graphic nature to illustrate what the lessor intellects are incapable of grasping through sound argument.

Below are four videos of actual TORTURE...

These videos are not suitable for children; they are not suitable for people with weak constitutions... they are video-tape recordings of gross inhumanity to man...





Compare that to stress induced interrogation techniques used by the US Military...


Judge for yourself...
Well alrighty then...
US Stress inducing coersive interrogation is demonstrably NOT torture and the assertions that it is, are baseless...

I'm waiting for you to prove that assertion....thus far...nada....

Sweetcheeks - just saying it's so don't make it so.

Well Ok... I suppose this requires something of a graphic nature to illustrate what the lessor intellects are incapable of grasping through sound argument.

Below are four videos of actual TORTURE...

These videos are not suitable for children; they are not suitable for people with weak constitutions... they are video-tape recordings of gross inhumanity to man...





Compare that to stress induced interrogation techniques used by the US Military...


Judge for yourself...

And the point is that the US did not torture as bad as other groups or countries have? What a revelation. Thank for clarifying that. I'd have never guessed.

It's like linking to a pic of Hiroshima and arguing that the US never bombed Hanoi.
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