Watch Out for Elizabeth Warren: Her plans are more radical than anything Obama proposed.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The reasons for caution about Ms. Warren’s candidacy extend to her positions on key issues. She strongly favors Medicare for All, but the American people reject a program that abolishes private health insurance by a margin of 56% to 41%. By 62% to 36% they oppose extending health insurance to immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally, another measure in her plan. She has endorsed Julián Castro’s proposal to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings, a move that 66% reject. She favors abolishing the death penalty and the Electoral College, two more proposals strong majorities oppose.

Ms. Warren also has endorsed a national ban on fracking, a stance that plays better in solidly Democratic coastal states than in the interior of the country. It is hard to imagine Texas will shift from red to blue to back a presidential candidate who wants to eliminate drilling for natural gas.

In Pennsylvania, state statistics show the natural-gas industry supports 80,000 jobs, most in areas of the state that have been devastated by the decline of traditional mining and manufacturing. These are the regions that generated a tidal wave of nearly 300,000 new votes for Mr. Trump in 2016, enabling him to overcome the longstanding Democratic edge in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

Beyond these specifics, a larger question looms: Are the American people discontented enough with current conditions to embrace a candidate who unabashedly favors expansive and expensive federal programs in every sector of America’s economy and society? Will they believe that a candidate who advocates raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations by many trillions of dollars over the next decade will leave the middle class untouched?

Ms. Warren is betting that the country is ready for structural change far more radical than anything Barack Obama dared propose.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Now that she has gone into FIRST PLACE in the polls, Fauxahontas has come out with a new campaign song!

She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?
She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?

She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?

Nope, she changed before Trump came along.
Liz Warren 15 years ago was interesting, and reasonable.
It's like her brain snapped or something. She went bonkers. She puts put a health plan but repeatedly refuses (like Bernie Sanders) to say what it will cost people. Who the hell does that??
She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears
She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?

"Finished"? You are looking at a tiny part of a much larger picture.

America has been over run by foreign invaders. That's what happened.
We passively allowed people with a desire to transform America into something it was never intended to be, into a failing state that is slowly rotting from the inside.
It was our CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to defend and protect the Constitution and the nation, and instead we chose a little comfort and false security.

We will have neither.
People denying that the slow march towards tyranny is well underway are out of touch and in total denial.
Even if Warren loses this round (we aren't guaranteed she will lose), the trend is clear going forward. The New generation favors free stuff that the Socialist party is hawking. They're coming of voting age as the old generation dies off.

"Talk" of being outraged will never stop tyrants. as we can CLEARLY see. God help those born after about 1960. Their future looks horrid. see Venezuela.
We are but ONE disastrous election way from the collapse of the American way.
Barely hanging on by a thread.

They have no regard for law and order, as evidenced by their willingness to silence the opposition, ie...the Kavanaugh attack and the never ending attacks on a duly elected President.

We're fooling ourselves if we think we can win this through passive acceptance and forum arguments.
E. Warren will be a Saint compared to what's coming on our current trajectory.
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She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?

America has been over run by foreign invaders. That's what happened.
We passively allowed people with a desire to transform America into something it was never intended to be, into a failing state that is slowly rotting from the inside.
It was our CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to defend and protect the Constitution and the nation, and instead we chose a little comfort and false security.

We will have neither.
People denying that the slow march towards tyranny is well underway are out of touch and in total denial.
Even if Warren loses this round (we aren't guaranteed she will lose), the trend is clear going forward. The New generation favors free stuff that the Socialist party is hawking. They're coming of voting age as the old generation dies off.

"Talk" of being outraged will never stop tyrants. as we can CLEARLY see. God help those born after about 1960. Their future looks horrid. see Venezuela.
We are but ONE disastrous election way from the collapse of the American way.
Barely hanging on by a thread.

They have no regard for law and order, as evidenced by their willingness to silence the opposition, ie...the Kavanaugh attack and the never ending attacks on a duly elected President.

We're fooling ourselves if we think we can win this through passive acceptance.
E. Warren will be a Saint compared to what's coming on our current trajectory.
I am for the first time worried about America... there have been liberals and conservatives since day one.
But never leftist. Leftist who are fascist to the core.
The reasons for caution about Ms. Warren’s candidacy extend to her positions on key issues. She strongly favors Medicare for All, but the American people reject a program that abolishes private health insurance by a margin of 56% to 41%. By 62% to 36% they oppose extending health insurance to immigrants who entered the U.S. illegally, another measure in her plan. She has endorsed Julián Castro’s proposal to decriminalize unauthorized border crossings, a move that 66% reject. She favors abolishing the death penalty and the Electoral College, two more proposals strong majorities oppose.

Ms. Warren also has endorsed a national ban on fracking, a stance that plays better in solidly Democratic coastal states than in the interior of the country. It is hard to imagine Texas will shift from red to blue to back a presidential candidate who wants to eliminate drilling for natural gas.

In Pennsylvania, state statistics show the natural-gas industry supports 80,000 jobs, most in areas of the state that have been devastated by the decline of traditional mining and manufacturing. These are the regions that generated a tidal wave of nearly 300,000 new votes for Mr. Trump in 2016, enabling him to overcome the longstanding Democratic edge in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.

Beyond these specifics, a larger question looms: Are the American people discontented enough with current conditions to embrace a candidate who unabashedly favors expansive and expensive federal programs in every sector of America’s economy and society? Will they believe that a candidate who advocates raising taxes on the wealthy and large corporations by many trillions of dollars over the next decade will leave the middle class untouched?

Ms. Warren is betting that the country is ready for structural change far more radical than anything Barack Obama dared propose.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...


Now that she has gone into FIRST PLACE in the polls, Fauxahontas has come out with a new campaign song!

She's certifiable. A complete, genuine lunatic
She is finished.
She can't answer simple questions without getting rattled. She is all over the place. And Elizabeth Warren just 10 years ago...and her today... it's like they are two completely different people!! It is hard to believe that this woman wrote a BLOCKBUSTER anti-feminist book just a few years ago - and now this???
What the hell happened?

"Finished"? You are looking at a tiny part of a much larger picture.

America has been over run by foreign invaders. That's what happened.
We passively allowed people with a desire to transform America into something it was never intended to be, into a failing state that is slowly rotting from the inside.
It was our CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to defend and protect the Constitution and the nation, and instead we chose a little comfort and false security.

We will have neither.
People denying that the slow march towards tyranny is well underway are out of touch and in total denial.
Even if Warren loses this round (we aren't guaranteed she will lose), the trend is clear going forward. The New generation favors free stuff that the Socialist party is hawking. They're coming of voting age as the old generation dies off.

"Talk" of being outraged will never stop tyrants. as we can CLEARLY see. God help those born after about 1960. Their future looks horrid. see Venezuela.
We are but ONE disastrous election way from the collapse of the American way.
Barely hanging on by a thread.

They have no regard for law and order, as evidenced by their willingness to silence the opposition, ie...the Kavanaugh attack and the never ending attacks on a duly elected President.

We're fooling ourselves if we think we can win this through passive acceptance and forum arguments.
E. Warren will be a Saint compared to what's coming on our current trajectory.
If Trump doesn't wipe them down in his second term, we're guaranteed to have a genuine Civil War 2.0
She's the best hope to salvage what Conservatism has done to this country. She or Bernie.
She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears

And she lies...she has had to lie like a dog to win her seat in the senate...and in this day and age its all on video....
She's the best hope to salvage what Conservatism has done to this country. She or Bernie.

She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears

And she lies...she has had to lie like a dog to win her seat in the senate...and in this day and age its all on video....

Does lying bother you?
That Warren minority-scamming fraud is soooo jaw-droppingly stupid she says that her "high cheekbones" are proof of her Amerindian, drunken failed-race ancestry...........when high cheekbones are a classic CAUCASIAN quality. Amerindians have a rounded facial structure while us whites have more triangular faces, resulting in higher cheekbones.
She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears

And she lies...she has had to lie like a dog to win her seat in the senate...and in this day and age its all on video....

Does lying bother you?
Does it bother you?...hold that thought I'm looking for a new doctor and health plan....
She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears

And she lies...she has had to lie like a dog to win her seat in the senate...and in this day and age its all on video....

Does lying bother you?
Does it bother you?...hold that thought I'm looking for a new doctor and health plan....

A simple yes or no is all I need.

Does lying bother you?
Elizabeth Warren is a pathological liar, in her case is not just the simple white lie, but she lies compulsively.

I believe people can see through her, she is done, put her fork in her too along with "Quid Pro Quo Biden".
She will never be elected president.....
Would do worse than Hillary.
Hillary was smart enough to not really say anything but rhetoric...that way she didn't have to defend or get specific.
Liz has talked about specific plans and changes... but refuses to talk about it other than rhetorically. That is easy to beat.
Plus she is all over the place. Trumps team would eat that up.
And the Democrats know it. And that is exactly why they are getting more and more desperate as 2020 nears

And she lies...she has had to lie like a dog to win her seat in the senate...and in this day and age its all on video....

Does lying bother you?
Does it bother you?...hold that thought I'm looking for a new doctor and health plan....

A simple yes or no is all I need.

Does lying bother you?
On a case by case basis....

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