WashPost TRIGGERED ‘Far-Right’ Javier Milei Won Argentina Presidency


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
WashPost TRIGGERED ‘Far-Right’ Javier Milei Won Argentina Presidency

20 Nov 2023 ~~ By Joseph Vazquez

The Washington Post threw a temper tantrum over “far-right economist” Javier Milei sending a shockwave throughout the world with his victorious presidential bid against leftist Economy Minister Sergio Massa in Argentina.
The Post attempted to denigrate Argentina’s president-elect as a “Trump-like radical” with “no governing experience” who rode a “wave of voter rage” to victory with 56 percent of the vote. The rag characterized Milei’s win as a “stunning upset” over Massa, “the center-left economy minister who has struggled to resolve the country’s worst economic crisis in two decades.” Oh, who knew that voters didn’t want to reward the government bureaucrat overseeing Argentina’s most horrific inflation crisis in decades a job promotion! The Post, behaving like the pathetic excuse for a newspaper that it is, mourned how “Massa sought to stoke fear over a Milei presidency they argued could threaten Argentina’s democracy and way of life.”
For the Argentine citizenry, The Post grumbled, “anger won over fear.” Or, perhaps voters simply chose to vote with their wallets. Consumer prices skyrocketed 143 percent in October on an annualized basis, according to Bloomberg News, which referred to Argentina’s economic situation as “dire.” In fact, Bloomberg News reported that Argentina’s annual inflation rate is set to reach a bone-chilling 185 percent by the end of this year, with GDP expected to contract two percent. But The Post just couldn’t stop taking pot-shots at the “wild-haired,” chain-saw “wielding” Milei:
The Post doom mongered that Milei’s election was going to have a “seismic effect on the economy” in the days ahead. Uh, more seismic than the economic crisis Argentines are already facing? “[Milei’s] proposals for dollarization have sent Argentines rushing to shed their pesos, causing the currency’s value to plunge,” cried The Post, already attributing policy failure to the libertarian president-elect before he even assumes office.
The Post should get a grip and maybe not let its Trump-Derangement-Syndrome infect every aspect of its reporting if it has any hopes of retaining whatever credibility it believes it has as a news source.

Hmm...., WAPO worries about Trump destroying democracy. To the left, democracy is great, unless the voters vote the ‘wrong’ way. Then it’s a ‘tantrum’.
The Argentinians were absolutely ecstatic last night.
You could tell they saved themselves from the fate of socialism and if Argentina turns itself around quickly, other SA countries will follow.
It's interesting how the establishment media gets more and more irrelevant daily. across the world, the people are totally ignoring what they have to say.
Brought to you by the people who consider AOC or Omar or Rashida moderate left at the very most.
Everyone not liked by the Marixsts is "far right."

Not true in the slightest. But the most virulent forms of fascism are taking hold in democratic countries. Hitler was legally elected to power and everything they did was legal under the laws they passed, including the concentration camps and the "Final Solution".

There was a huge fascist movement in the USA, and pro-Hitler rallies in Madison Square Garden in the 1930's. And now it's back. We see lots of fascism in the right wing posters here. They want a white authoritarian dictator. They don't want immigration from "shithole countries". They believe in the "Replacement Theory".

The USA has a long history of "Democracy for me but not for thee". Chile being a prime example. The Phillipines, Panama, Indonesia, Iran. The motto "Better dead than Red", wasn't just a bumper sticker for US Foreign Policy in the 50's, 60's and 70's regardless of which party was in office.
Yes , not what the CIA expected and wanted

Argentina will be in total anarchy within 6 months.

This guy has no clue how government works. Won't know how to get anything done within the government, just like Trump, and he'll fuck everything up and worse.

He won't have a strong Constitution and government structure to protect the nation from his violent tendencies, like Trump did, and he'll run amok, sooner rather than later.
Not true in the slightest. But the most virulent forms of fascism are taking hold in democratic countries. Hitler was legally elected to power and everything they did was legal under the laws they passed, including the concentration camps and the "Final Solution".

There was a huge fascist movement in the USA, and pro-Hitler rallies in Madison Square Garden in the 1930's. And now it's back. We see lots of fascism in the right wing posters here. They want a white authoritarian dictator. They don't want immigration from "shithole countries". They believe in the "Replacement Theory".

The USA has a long history of "Democracy for me but not for thee". Chile being a prime example. The Phillipines, Panama, Indonesia, Iran. The motto "Better dead than Red", wasn't just a bumper sticker for US Foreign Policy in the 50's, 60's and 70's regardless of which party was in office.
Trump's father, Mr. Drumpf, was in attendance at the MSG Nazi rally with, guess what, a Confederate flag in hand.

Any wonder why Trump is the way he is?
Argentina will be in total anarchy within 6 months.

This guy has no clue how government works. Won't know how to get anything done within the government, just like Trump, and he'll fuck everything up and worse.

He won't have a strong Constitution and government structure to protect the nation from his violent tendencies, like Trump did, and he'll run amok, sooner rather than later.
What you really mean is that leftists will wage war on his government in their attempt to undermine it.
You base that on his political opinions?

No I based that on the platform he was running - the policies he's promised to implement once in office. He has proposed replacing the local currency, the peso, with the U.S. dollar, and has called to eliminate Argentina’s Central Bank. I don't see how he can do that without the consent of the USA, and the IMF, and they're not going to let him do that.

He has proposed reducing welfare payments, in a country which has 140% inflation and more than 6% unemployment, while vowing to cut public works “down to zero,”. Throwing government workers out of work and reducing welfare. When do the food riots start?

He is a staunch opponent of feminist policies and abortion, which is legal in Argentina. And while the consensus seems to be he lacks the governmental experience or the legislative backing of their House or senate to pass any of it, like Trump, he seems prepared to give it a good try.

The difference being that Trump took over the USA when its economy was strong and stable, and crashed it utterly, leaving behind an out of control pandemic, and the smoking wreckage from a summer of unresolved racial unrest, exacerbated by right wing violence which Trump openly encouraged by inviting Kyle Rittenhouse to the White House.

Argentina's economy is already crashed. This guy has just come in with his chain saw, to set fire to the wreckage.
Yeah, because your "experts" were doing such a stellar job....


What "experts" would those be? Where did I ever say that things were great in Argentina????

South America has been a clusterfuck since the CIA helped right wing dictators seize powerr and murder all of the leftists in the 1970's. The continent has never recovered economically from the effects of Milton Friedman's "freemarket capitalist" experiment, and it is sadly where the USA is headed if they continue the Republican "capitalism on steriods" policies that Friedman espoused.

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