Washington Post: Let The Trump team eat in peace

That's right bed wetters, reject any call from other sniveling bed wetters to act reasonable or civil.

Keep proving what despotic spoiled children you really are so that your asinine policies and sociopath political whores continue to be rejected.

You should probably even step up the violence.

Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

No. The should be shunned. There're lying to voters, they're caging children and they're covering for a Putin pawn. No

Actually, I kinda agree with the opinion piece. Why? Because they brought up a very good point, there is a difference between work time and off duty time. Now, some people would say that government types are on duty 24/7 like the military is, but even the military gets some time off.

And, it brought up a good point about the slippery slope. If we allow this to happen to Trump's people, then where will it stop? Will conservatives start going to the Planned Parenthood leaders and heckling them in public at places they are trying to go?

I also agree that this partisan bullshit has to stop, because we are allowing our politicians to divide this country into an us and them kind of place, and that isn't conducive to unity. But, in order for that to happen, we need to get in place the kind of leaders that understand how to work together and still understand the value of compromise.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

No. The should be shunned. There're lying to voters, they're caging children and they're covering for a Putin pawn. No
The party of tolerance.
As long as you agree with them.

Actually, that can be said for politicians on both sides of the aisle. There are those on both sides who are unwilling to compromise or work things out.

Those are the ones that need to be voted out this time around.
There're lying to voters, they're caging children and they're covering for a Putin pawn. No

You mean they lied to voters like when Obama said we could keep our doctors and would get $2500 back and KNEW it was a lie?

You mean caging children like Obama did throughout his 8 years?

Covering for Putin's pawn like when Obama told the Russian Ambassador he'd be more flexible AFTER the 2012 election?

Do please tell me you really do have a brain and are just a VERY BAD LIAR.
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis

No. The should be shunned. There're lying to voters, they're caging children and they're covering for a Putin pawn. No

Actually, I kinda agree with the opinion piece. Why? Because they brought up a very good point, there is a difference between work time and off duty time. Now, some people would say that government types are on duty 24/7 like the military is, but even the military gets some time off.

And, it brought up a good point about the slippery slope. If we allow this to happen to Trump's people, then where will it stop? Will conservatives start going to the Planned Parenthood leaders and heckling them in public at places they are trying to go?

I also agree that this partisan bullshit has to stop, because we are allowing our politicians to divide this country into an us and them kind of place, and that isn't conducive to unity. But, in order for that to happen, we need to get in place the kind of leaders that understand how to work together and still understand the value of compromise.

Imagine this.

I'm Herr Fukkadajoos from a small town in Germany and it's 1943.

I've just finished work at Auschwitz and I want to go into the local town for a meal and a beer. The owner of the restaurant there refuses to serve me because they hate the fucking Nazis who have taken over their country and are killing Jews left right and center and the ashes from their bodies float down onto my restaurant every day.

My argument, as Herr Fukkadajoos is that I'm off duty so they shouldn't really get a say.

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