washington post falsely reports that usps whistleblower recanted his story

Its Wendsday. Where is this info the article claims would be provided today?

You didnt watch the video.

From yesterday where he says more will be released tomorrow?

Jesus Christ!!!!
USPS Whistleblower demands Washington Post retract story saying he recanted allegations of voter fraud - Sara A. Carter

Hopkins hinted that he would have more information for the public on Wednesday in the video he posted demanding the retraction from The Post.

That can not be in a post from Tuesday. Where is this more information?

Possibly his lawyer told him not to comment on the case.
Which of course is common.
The fact is he flat out denied recanting his story...and that is the end of the story.

I'll agree there is no story here. If he had a lawyer he wouldn't have allowed him to make the original statement.

What original statement?

The one you read.

Than what are you bitching about?
His original statement was he witnessed voter fraud.
And he reiterated that with his statement of denying he ever retracted his original claim.
The Washington Post...bwhahha...Calling Woodward and Bernstein... What a joke. And All the Presidents Men was a Joke to. Shills...We let it happen. To put Prog shills to death would be great.

Federal Agent Who Intimidated and Coerced Pennsylvania USPS Whistleblower is a Trump-Hating Biden Supporter

James O’Keefe posted recordings of corrupt federal agents attempting to coerce and intimidate Hopkins into recanting.

Agent Russell Strasser says that “I am trying to twist you.”

“We have senators involved. We have the Department of Justice involved. We have-” Strasser says.

The “burner” Twitter account for Federal Agent of the IG Office Russell Strasser reveals he is a Trump-hating Joe Biden supporter.
Did we forget to mention that Federal Agent Russell Strasser who interrogated and used coercion tactics on @USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins also runs an Anti-Trump burner account @TitansFanJeff? pic.twitter.com/28yhPVnobj
— Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) November 11, 2020
For your plans tonight – DO NOT WATCH TRUMP’S TOWNHALL! Not even for the schadenfreude. All he cares about is ratings. Don’t give them to him. Otherwise for the next 19 days all he’ll talk about is how his ratings were better than Biden’s in place of answering real questions.
— Jeff Streeter (@TitansFanJeff) October 15, 2020
No wonder why he wanted to intimidate USPS whistleblower Richard Hopkins who went on record about Postmaster Rob Weisenbach’s orders to feloniously backdate ballots to November 3rd in Erie, Pennsylvania, so that late ballots would be accepted.

The Democrats’ strategy from the beginning was to flood the ballot boxes with millions of illegal mail-in ballots in order to steal the election from Trump after Election Day.

In fact, the Democrats admitted they would do this and said Trump’s landslide victory on election night would be a “red mirage” because Democrats would continue to count (illegal) ballots for weeks until Joe Biden won.

Russell Strasser also believed in the “red mirage” and by intimidating Richard Hopkins he is trying to make sure that the Postmaster does not get exposed for backdating ballots.
Literally 99.9% of the news reported on the left is horseshit.

People on the left are too far gone. They’re never coming back.

I just hope people on the right don’t give in.

Never give up, never give in, never never never - Winston Churchill
Liberals are 100% emotion and 0% fact.
When describing the difference between DemonRats and Republicans, I tell people

DemonRats think emotionally

Conservatives think rationally

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