Washington Post: Democrat obstruction unprecedented

Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Its going to be a long and miserable term for your kind, the pressure will only increase

Nope. Its going to be a long miserable term for your kind pal.

Better get ready because you will be suffering the next four to eight years.

Hope you have plenty of Prep H. You're going to need it. LMAO
Yu are going to get back everything that a racist piece of garbage like you threw at Obama and his family, and a whole lot more, skank. This is really becoming fun
But Republicans set a precedent of putting partisan politics above the "good of the country" while we were in the middle of two wars and the biggest economic collapse in 75 years
Uh....no, snowflake. The Republicans were trying to stop the collapse Dumbocrats caused with their idiotic socialism.

The Great Bush Recession of 2008 was directly caused by President Bush's refusal to take any economic actions during a severe recession

If Obama had listened to Republicans and not added any stimulus to the economy, let the banks and auto companies fail, not extended unemployment.....The Great Bush Recession of 2008 would have turned into the Great Bush Depression of 2009

TARP was W's baby...not Obama's. How can you claim that Bush didn't take any economic actions during the recession?

You are correct. Bush started TARP but it was very late and too small. Republicans overwhelmingly supported TARP funding for Bush as well as most Democrats
100% of Republicans voted against TARP for Obama

Bush called for 700 billion in TARP spending yet less than 500 billion was spent by the time TARP was stopped. As for who voted for or against TARP?

"The revised HR1424 was received from the Senate by the House, and on October 3, it voted 263-171 to enact the bill into law. Democrats voted 172 to 63 in favor of the legislation, while Republicans voted 108 to 91 against it; overall, 33 Democrats and 24 Republicans who had previously voted against the bill supported it on the second vote.[6][12] President Bush signed the bill into law within hours of its enactment, creating a $700 billion dollar Treasury fund to purchase failing bank assets.[140]

Interesting how you now claim that Bush was late and too small with TARP when in fact he asked for a whole lot more than was eventually spent!

October 3, a month before the election is late. He should have taken positive actions six months earlier. Bush would not even admit we were in a recession until the election was over

91 Republicans voted in support of TARP funds for Bush....not a single one would vote for TARP funds for Obama

After all....The economy must fail
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Wrong again Short Bus

Democrats supported Bush and gave him anything he asked for after 9-11. They also supported his Medicare part D expansion and No Child Left Behind

Name a single initiative that a single Republican supported Obama on
Looks like the Democrats are embracing being the party of "no" simply because they can't accept losing an election. Let's hope the American people make them pay for this during the 2018 midterms.
  • Of the last seven administrations, three had a full Cabinet confirmed and in place within three weeks of the president’s inauguration.
  • President Barack Obama had all but two nominees confirmed within two weeks of his inauguration. And President Bill Clinton had all but one nominee confirmed within one week after he took the oath of office.
  • So, what about President Donald Trump? At four weeks into his presidency, a mere six of his 15 nominees had not yet been voted on. And at the end of week seven, two of those nominees haven’t even had a single committee hearing.
  • How did this happen? Simple: Senate Democrats decided, as a conference, to block and obstruct Trump’s Cabinet nominees, carelessly smashing Senate norms of procedure and etiquette in the process.
  • Senate Democrats have gone to such extraordinary lengths to sabotage the normal process of a new president staffing his administration that even The Washington Post called their obstruction “unprecedented.”
  • Trump’s Cabinet remains unfilled nearly three months into his presidency. And the rate of confirmation for his other nominees has been just as slow.
  • With more than 1,000 additional positions still needing to be confirmed by the Senate, the bureaucracy will keep humming along without reforms and critical areas of the government will be compromised. Meanwhile, Democrats fill their election war chests and cause a political media frenzy.
Senate Democrats Are Delaying 'Drain the Swamp'
Its a republican congress, Homer. They can nominate whoever they want and in whatever time frame they want. How dumb can you be

Sorry that's not how it works, democrats get to ask questions, and they kick and scream and pitch a fit to every cabinet pick.
You liberals are now only hurting America. Do y'all not see that.

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They may not see it; but the voting public certainly does. It's kind of reassuring to see them destroying any chance of victory in the next round of elections. Their self destructive actions are all but guaranteeing the demise of their party.
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Its going to be a long and miserable term for your kind, the pressure will only increase

Nope. Its going to be a long miserable term for your kind pal.

Better get ready because you will be suffering the next four to eight years.

Hope you have plenty of Prep H. You're going to need it. LMAO
Yu are going to get back everything that a racist piece of garbage like you threw at Obama and his family, and a whole lot more, skank. This is really becoming fun

Since I'm not a racist you're point is moot.

Oh and I doubt anyone who didn't kiss Barry's ass was a racist.

But then you who did kiss his ass were morons.

If I'm a skank than you're a Skanker. And yes. It is fun. Moron.
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Wrong again Short Bus

Democrats supported Bush and gave him anything he asked for after 9-11. They also supported his Medicare part D expansion and No Child Left Behind

Name a single initiative that a single Republican supported Obama on

They sure did during his first term, After that it was obstruction all the way.

Obama never asked the Reps for anything. After all he won and they were in the back of the bus.

He left them completely out of everything he did. No need to ask the back of the bus for anything.

You're limitations are still showing.
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Wrong again Short Bus

Democrats supported Bush and gave him anything he asked for after 9-11. They also supported his Medicare part D expansion and No Child Left Behind

Name a single initiative that a single Republican supported Obama on

They sure did during his first term, After that it was obstruction all the way.

Obama never asked the Reps for anything. After all he won and they were in the back of the bus.

He left them completely out of everything he did. No need to ask the back of the bus for anything.

You're limitations are still showing.

Bush lost the support of Democrats after it became clear that he had deceived the country in justifying his invasion of Iraq

The United States was in the midst of the worst recession in 75 years with an economy on the brink of Depression. We were also involved in two wars.....THAT was the conditions under which Republicans refused to cooperate with Obama on anything
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.

Obama compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts, he compromised on including significant tax cuts in the stimulus and allowing the stimulus to be managed by the states, he compromised on universal healthcare and the Government option

Where did Republicans compromise on anything?
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.

Obama compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts, he compromised on including significant tax cuts in the stimulus and allowing the stimulus to be managed by the states, he compromised on universal healthcare and the Government option

Where did Republicans compromise on anything?
compromise is not in republicans dictionary
We all know at this point the Wapo is fake news. But why the fuck does FOX allow the poor invalid and Wapo employee Charles Krauthammer spew his idiotic, neocon bullshit. So painful to watch him churn out his opinion which is based on him reading the failing New York Times.
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.

Obama compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts, he compromised on including significant tax cuts in the stimulus and allowing the stimulus to be managed by the states, he compromised on universal healthcare and the Government option

Where did Republicans compromise on anything?

LOL...Obama compromised with the GOP on those items? Your memory sucks, Winger! Barry didn't compromise with Republicans on those things...he compromised with moderate Democrats on all of those items...moderate Democrats who warned him that if he raised taxes in the middle of a recession that the economy would crater and they'd get blamed for it. Pelosi and Reid had to compromise on ObamaCare to get enough votes from Democrats to pass it...or have you forgotten all the deals that were made with moderate Dems to buy their votes?
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.

Obama compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts, he compromised on including significant tax cuts in the stimulus and allowing the stimulus to be managed by the states, he compromised on universal healthcare and the Government option

Where did Republicans compromise on anything?
compromise is not in republicans dictionary

This coming from the same people who lectured the GOP leaders about "Elections have consequences...I won!" and then when they lost the midterms declared that they would run the country with Executive Orders? Now the Democrats have lost another election and their response is to stonewall every Cabinet appointment that the incoming President tries to install for as long as they can to disrupt the transition from one President to another?

But it's the GOP that can't compromise? Please...your party is acting like little kids throwing a tantrum in the supermarket because Mommy wouldn't buy them a candy bar!
Looks like the Democrats have learned their lesson well from Republicans on how to rule as a minority

Republicans reap what they have sown

Nah. The Reps learned it from the Dems when Bush was POTUS.

You, of course, forgot that.

You're limitations are showing.

Wrong again Short Bus

Democrats supported Bush and gave him anything he asked for after 9-11. They also supported his Medicare part D expansion and No Child Left Behind

Name a single initiative that a single Republican supported Obama on

They sure did during his first term, After that it was obstruction all the way.

Obama never asked the Reps for anything. After all he won and they were in the back of the bus.

He left them completely out of everything he did. No need to ask the back of the bus for anything.

You're limitations are still showing.

Bush lost the support of Democrats after it became clear that he had deceived the country in justifying his invasion of Iraq

The United States was in the midst of the worst recession in 75 years with an economy on the brink of Depression. We were also involved in two wars.....THAT was the conditions under which Republicans refused to cooperate with Obama on anything

Bullshit. He left the Reps out of everything and he sure as shit never asked them their opinion on anything.
91 Republicans voted in support of TARP funds for Bush....not a single one would vote for TARP funds for Obama. After all....The economy must fail
Or maybe.....just maybe....those RINO's realized that doing something which already failed, a second time is a special kind of stupid that could only come from the left.

This flawlessly summarizes the idiocy of the left. No matter how much they fail - they insist that they failed because they didn't go left enough. It would be as hilarious as this illustration if it wasn't destroying people's lives...

Their self destructive actions are all but guaranteeing the demise of their party.
It can't come fast enough. That party has become so repulsive that John F. Kennedy wouldn't even recognize it. And he would be absolutely appalled by it.
Obama didn't come up with anything, Faun! Legislation in the Obama Administration came from Reid and Pelosi. Barack Obama wouldn't have the faintest idea how to write new law...he has a long history of affixing his name to the legislative work of others. He did it as an Illinois State Senator...he did it as a Junior Senator in Washington.
Do you ever stop lying, ya con tool?



Legislation always comes from Congress. But the potus in the primary leader of the agenda of issues, and what the overall goal and benefits are supposed to be .. and cost.

Trump has no focus. Price's bill didn't increase coverage. Now it's supposed to be "access" to treatment. Trump hasn't given a major speech on that. And NO ONE knows how the gop's bill increases "access." People will have less money to buy healthcare.

Did you seriously just put forward the notion that Barack Obama had any clue what the cost would be for legislation that Pelosi and Reid cooked up? With all due respect, Ben...it's quite obvious that Barry didn't have any idea what Pelosi and Reid were doing legislatively! Legislation was never his "thing"! He couldn't write it when he was in the Illinois State House and he couldn't write it when he was a Junior Senator in Washington. What makes you think he suddenly was able to because he became President? The reason that Obama was given "pants on fire" ratings for things like "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor!" and "If you like your plan you can keep your plan!" is that he didn't know what was in the Affordable Care Act. It's the same thing for job creation from the "Obama Stimulus"! He had to sheepishly admit that there really weren't any "shovel ready jobs" created by the stimulus package that Pelosi and Reid created and ran...something that he would have already KNOWN if he knew anything about how the stimulus worked! The truth is...Barry did public relations work and ran for reelection while Pelosi and Reid handled the progressive agenda.
Are you on fucking drugs, ya lying con tool?? :ack-1:

I said ARRA, not ACA.


What exactly was that cite supposed to illustrate, Faun? That the Obama Administration didn't have a clue how the stimulus would be spent by Pelosi and Reid? It's obvious from reading their projections back then that they DIDN'T! What's telling is how badly they estimated what would take place! You're talking about people who didn't have the faintest idea how jobs are created or sustained.
I'm talking about the ARRA and you idiotically switch to the ACA. :cuckoo: As far as the ARRA, it would not have passed if not for Obama. He inherited a huge mess, so the first thing he did was propose a stimulus plan and he pushed it through Congress to get it on his desk in just a few weeks after being sworn in. Compare that to Trump, who inherited a good economy despite his claims that he too inherited a mess, but passes no legislation nor pushes any through Congress.
Actually, History showed that we avoided a Depression, that the stock markets and unemployment rate reversed shortly after passing Stimulus and TARP under Obama
Actually, history has shown that you make up your own reality and your own "facts" in every post you make. Sorry sweetheart - there is no denying reality no matter how much you want to. Obama obliterated the world economy and prolonged the Great Obama Recession. That's why the American people turned to Republicans in record numbers during the 2010 midterms.
To put this nonsense of yours into perspective, you're the imbecile who thinks the economy was just fine when Bush left office. :cuckoo:

You're one of the biggest loons on this forum.
Last edited:
Simple question

Why should Democrats cooperate with Republicans on anything?
For the good of the country. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump doesn't want compromise, and his game plan is to detract from his defeats by saying crazy ass shit like Obama tapped my phones and Judges are putting you at risk because ONLY my EO can prevent attacks. His whole schtick is to blame it on others.

and we complained that Obama wouldn't reach out. LOL

But Schumer would be in a hard place if Trump was offering him deals that would give him even 40%. Look at immigration. Chuck Schumer is no friend of Iran or Palestine. But the Bernie supporters are calling for a tea party war. Right now Trump is giving the dems good cover, while the gop is coming apart.
Sorry, I missed all of Obama's compromises. Please list them. Some. Any.

We only hear the C word from liberals when they lose. The GOP is coming apart? Liberal heads are coming apart. But they were not too tightly wrapped in the first place.

Obama compromised on extending the Bush tax cuts, he compromised on including significant tax cuts in the stimulus and allowing the stimulus to be managed by the states, he compromised on universal healthcare and the Government option

Where did Republicans compromise on anything?

LOL...Obama compromised with the GOP on those items? Your memory sucks, Winger! Barry didn't compromise with Republicans on those things...he compromised with moderate Democrats on all of those items...moderate Democrats who warned him that if he raised taxes in the middle of a recession that the economy would crater and they'd get blamed for it. Pelosi and Reid had to compromise on ObamaCare to get enough votes from Democrats to pass it...or have you forgotten all the deals that were made with moderate Dems to buy their votes?

All of those things were included in an attempt to gain Republican support. Tax cuts, a healthcare plan based on a Republican plan, State led distribution, state led healthcare exchanges and Medicaid disbursement.....all rejected by Republicans

Your turn.......name a single initiative Republicans supported Obama on
I have named where Democrats supported Bush

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