Washington Post audio of Trump berating and threatening Georgia Secretary of State for not "finding" votes to change election result. Sedition?

Usually vaccines take years. But you knew that and decided to troll anyway. Do you deny that Biden thanked him for what he did with warp speed? Thanked the same DJT you vilify?

Pulling you up short on your bullshit and lies is hardly "trolling", but as usual, you accuse others of doing the very thing that you're doing.

Biden was being polite, and making an effort to be a decent human being. Something Republicans seem to have little to no understanding of at all. Stating incompetent and failed actions of Trump on the pandemic is not "vilifying" the President. His own words and actions, and the results of his behaviours are what vilify the President.

Do you think that spending his weekends golfing and raging tweeting while 2000 American families are added to the lists of the grieving every single day, is a good public relations move?
C'mon, there can't be 2000 new deaths every day here. Trump said he has it under control.
you must mean the xiden pandemic that the asswipe demonRATs paid for.. the millions that your idol, barrag o, donated. how soon retards forget
How embarrassing for you.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is talking about sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected governement of the United States of America.
sounds just like your Russian Collusion bullshit
There's a audio tape, genius.
Let’s hear it.

Here you go, dumbfuck.

Audio: Trump berates Ga. secretary of state, urges him to ‘find’ votes
January 3, 2021 | 12:56 PM EDT
In a one-hour phone call on Saturday with Georgia election officials, President Trump insisted he won the state and threatened vague legal consequences if the officials did not act. These are excerpts from the call.

audio? you dumb basterds. that was george carlin impersonating TRUMP
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
america isnt a democracy you stupid fuck,,,
What a moron. Hey dumb shit I know you want Trump declared as President for Life but you don't have to make it so obvious your hatred of our democratic institutions.
proving youre a stupid fuck isnt helping,,,

I never said anything about trump,,
We know what you meant Dumb fuck. Instead of being a pussy admit what I said is true? Don't run away.
the jokes on you dumbass,, I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,,

but I will defend our republic from stupid mother fuckers like you that dont know what we are,,,
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself "progressive hunter" expects us to believe his dumb ass post that he doesn't support Trump. LOL Trump is on tape attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself xiden expects us to believe his dumb ass that he doesn't support china. LOL xiden is on video attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
He does not call himself Xiden. You dumb fucks do. The coup attempt is being perpetrated to the obnoxious orange blob
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
She has a reason to bash. Deaths per million in Canada is 420. It's 1087 in the U.S., roughly 2½ times worse.

If you believe the numbers, which I don't. I already stated that number of cases is severely understated and number of deaths is overstated (that is just my guess) since hospitals get more money if the death is COVID. I had COVID back in March as did my wife and kids. I was the only one tested. So I am officially infected and recovered. My wife and kids are not in the database but they too were infected and recovered. In fact my wife doesn't have her full sense of smell and taste back yet.

We are also a much more unhealthy country than Canada. As a result many are more susceptible to COVID-19 effects. We are the fattest modern country in fact. I am sure Canada is close but they are not as fat. And they have fewer people as well.
ShortBus, I said nothing about "cases." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? :ack-1:
She did. To me all you leftists are the same.

Did you listen to Trump's call to the GA sec of state? He's so pathetic.. He even launched an attack on Stacy Abrams.. Trump is giving the American people the ammunition to put him in prison. Who but Trump is that stupid?
He has been voted out. Don’t care what he thinks now. He is irrelevant. I dislike Abrams too. She just plays the same race card over and over again and she is fat. No self respect.

Trump is 100 pounds overweight..
Different for men and he wasn’t when he was her age. And it’s not 100 pounds. Maybe 40.
Their respective BMI's aren't too different...

Abrams ... 32.4
Trump ...... 32.1
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
She has a reason to bash. Deaths per million in Canada is 420. It's 1087 in the U.S., roughly 2½ times worse.

If you believe the numbers, which I don't. I already stated that number of cases is severely understated and number of deaths is overstated (that is just my guess) since hospitals get more money if the death is COVID. I had COVID back in March as did my wife and kids. I was the only one tested. So I am officially infected and recovered. My wife and kids are not in the database but they too were infected and recovered. In fact my wife doesn't have her full sense of smell and taste back yet.

We are also a much more unhealthy country than Canada. As a result many are more susceptible to COVID-19 effects. We are the fattest modern country in fact. I am sure Canada is close but they are not as fat. And they have fewer people as well.
ShortBus, I said nothing about "cases." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? :ack-1:
She did. To me all you leftists are the same.

Did you listen to Trump's call to the GA sec of state? He's so pathetic.. He even launched an attack on Stacy Abrams.. Trump is giving the American people the ammunition to put him in prison. Who but Trump is that stupid?
He has been voted out. Don’t care what he thinks now. He is irrelevant. I dislike Abrams too. She just plays the same race card over and over again and she is fat. No self respect.

But Trump is fatter than Abrahms.
There's NO election fraud in Georgia.. Just Trump's lies and slander. Don't be a sucker. This is the most thoroughly scrutinized election in history.
Give me one single reason to believe that b.s., newbie.
You don't seem real sharp.
From the [Republican] Secretary of State...

Usually vaccines take years. But you knew that and decided to troll anyway. Do you deny that Biden thanked him for what he did with warp speed? Thanked the same DJT you vilify?

Pulling you up short on your bullshit and lies is hardly "trolling", but as usual, you accuse others of doing the very thing that you're doing.

Biden was being polite, and making an effort to be a decent human being. Something Republicans seem to have little to no understanding of at all. Stating incompetent and failed actions of Trump on the pandemic is not "vilifying" the President. His own words and actions, and the results of his behaviours are what vilify the President.

Do you think that spending his weekends golfing and raging tweeting while 2000 American families are added to the lists of the grieving every single day, is a good public relations move?
C'mon, there can't be 2000 new deaths every day here. Trump said he has it under control.
you must mean the xiden pandemic that the asswipe demonRATs paid for.. the millions that your idol, barrag o, donated. how soon retards forget
How embarrassing for you.
i know. its retards like you that cant handle the TRUTH. cover your ears and eyes
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
america isnt a democracy you stupid fuck,,,
What a moron. Hey dumb shit I know you want Trump declared as President for Life but you don't have to make it so obvious your hatred of our democratic institutions.
proving youre a stupid fuck isnt helping,,,

I never said anything about trump,,
We know what you meant Dumb fuck. Instead of being a pussy admit what I said is true? Don't run away.
the jokes on you dumbass,, I dont like trump and didnt vote for him,,,

but I will defend our republic from stupid mother fuckers like you that dont know what we are,,,
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself "progressive hunter" expects us to believe his dumb ass post that he doesn't support Trump. LOL Trump is on tape attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
LOL.. a dumb fuck who calls himself xiden expects us to believe his dumb ass that he doesn't support china. LOL xiden is on video attempting a coup and you support it. When you look in the mirror, you will see the stupid mother fucker.
He does not call himself Xiden. You dumb fucks do. The coup attempt is being perpetrated to the obnoxious orange blob
beijing xiden---you dumb fuck
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

Trump has once again proven that Hillary was right - about EVERYTHING. Waiting for Trump to leave is like waiting for a scab to fall off.

President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
He just pulled a Biden, urkraine style. Nothing to see, right?

You must be ignorant of US foreign policy with regard to Ukraine.. The UN was also on board.
He threatened a government official that he better fire a prosecuter investigating his son. Trump asked them to look into it and got impeached for it.
Liar. The prosecutor he had fired was not actively investigating his son.
The company he ran.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
He just pulled a Biden, urkraine style. Nothing to see, right?

You must be ignorant of US foreign policy with regard to Ukraine.. The UN was also on board.
He threatened a government official that he better fire a prosecuter investigating his son. Trump asked them to look into it and got impeached for it.
Liar. The prosecutor he had fired was not actively investigating his son.
The company he ran.
He didn't run shit. He sat on the board.
Pat Toomey is the worst sort of political vampire there is supporting Brad Raffensperger, who is at the center
of the epic election fraud in Georgia, probably the most corrupt state in the nation with regard to
fixing the 2020 presidential election.
Go to Hell, Toomey. For cheap partisan gain you are willing to consign the US to banana republic status
giving cover to election fraud.

Seriously...fuck you!

There's NO election fraud in Georgia.. Just Trump's lies and slander. Don't be a sucker. This is the most thoroughly scrutinized election in history.
Fucking moron, still waiting for an answer... how many court cases have proven voter fraud... pick a number...

Britpat won't be able to provide a number. Especially after the GA election official showed the claims that Trump and his supporters have used to say the election was fraudulent and stolen, and tore them to pieces. No matter how much the Trump cult members wish to say that the election was fraudulent, they can't.

Especially in the case of the GA election. Me? I'm hoping that both Dems win the Senate races. Then, there will be a Dem president, as well as a Dem majority in both the House and the Senate.

Trump has done a lot to hurt Loeffler and Perdue.. but think he sank his own presidency with his lies and tweets. He's a master at self sabotage.
Trump is a gift to the Democrats running for Senate in Georgia

Just in time
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
She has a reason to bash. Deaths per million in Canada is 420. It's 1087 in the U.S., roughly 2½ times worse.

If you believe the numbers, which I don't. I already stated that number of cases is severely understated and number of deaths is overstated (that is just my guess) since hospitals get more money if the death is COVID. I had COVID back in March as did my wife and kids. I was the only one tested. So I am officially infected and recovered. My wife and kids are not in the database but they too were infected and recovered. In fact my wife doesn't have her full sense of smell and taste back yet.

We are also a much more unhealthy country than Canada. As a result many are more susceptible to COVID-19 effects. We are the fattest modern country in fact. I am sure Canada is close but they are not as fat. And they have fewer people as well.
ShortBus, I said nothing about "cases." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? :ack-1:
She did. To me all you leftists are the same.

Did you listen to Trump's call to the GA sec of state? He's so pathetic.. He even launched an attack on Stacy Abrams.. Trump is giving the American people the ammunition to put him in prison. Who but Trump is that stupid?
He has been voted out. Don’t care what he thinks now. He is irrelevant. I dislike Abrams too. She just plays the same race card over and over again and she is fat. No self respect.

Trump is 100 pounds overweight..
Different for men and he wasn’t when he was her age. And it’s not 100 pounds. Maybe 40.
Their respective BMI's aren't too different...

Abrams ... 32.4
Trump ...... 32.1
Abrams is like 30 years younger LOL. 30 years ago, Trump was fairly thin from the 30/30 I saw on the USFL.
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
She has a reason to bash. Deaths per million in Canada is 420. It's 1087 in the U.S., roughly 2½ times worse.

If you believe the numbers, which I don't. I already stated that number of cases is severely understated and number of deaths is overstated (that is just my guess) since hospitals get more money if the death is COVID. I had COVID back in March as did my wife and kids. I was the only one tested. So I am officially infected and recovered. My wife and kids are not in the database but they too were infected and recovered. In fact my wife doesn't have her full sense of smell and taste back yet.

We are also a much more unhealthy country than Canada. As a result many are more susceptible to COVID-19 effects. We are the fattest modern country in fact. I am sure Canada is close but they are not as fat. And they have fewer people as well.
ShortBus, I said nothing about "cases." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? :ack-1:
She did. To me all you leftists are the same.

Did you listen to Trump's call to the GA sec of state? He's so pathetic.. He even launched an attack on Stacy Abrams.. Trump is giving the American people the ammunition to put him in prison. Who but Trump is that stupid?
He has been voted out. Don’t care what he thinks now. He is irrelevant. I dislike Abrams too. She just plays the same race card over and over again and she is fat. No self respect.

But Trump is fatter than Abrahms.
No one is fatter than Abrams or uglier. UGH!!!! EEEEEssshhhhh....
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

Trump has once again proven that Hillary was right - about EVERYTHING. Waiting for Trump to leave is like waiting for a scab to fall off.

View attachment 437303
That Bill never had an affair? Oh....
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
She has a reason to bash. Deaths per million in Canada is 420. It's 1087 in the U.S., roughly 2½ times worse.

If you believe the numbers, which I don't. I already stated that number of cases is severely understated and number of deaths is overstated (that is just my guess) since hospitals get more money if the death is COVID. I had COVID back in March as did my wife and kids. I was the only one tested. So I am officially infected and recovered. My wife and kids are not in the database but they too were infected and recovered. In fact my wife doesn't have her full sense of smell and taste back yet.

We are also a much more unhealthy country than Canada. As a result many are more susceptible to COVID-19 effects. We are the fattest modern country in fact. I am sure Canada is close but they are not as fat. And they have fewer people as well.
ShortBus, I said nothing about "cases." Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?? :ack-1:
She did. To me all you leftists are the same.

Did you listen to Trump's call to the GA sec of state? He's so pathetic.. He even launched an attack on Stacy Abrams.. Trump is giving the American people the ammunition to put him in prison. Who but Trump is that stupid?
He has been voted out. Don’t care what he thinks now. He is irrelevant. I dislike Abrams too. She just plays the same race card over and over again and she is fat. No self respect.

Trump is 100 pounds overweight..
Different for men and he wasn’t when he was her age. And it’s not 100 pounds. Maybe 40.
Their respective BMI's aren't too different...

Abrams ... 32.4
Trump ...... 32.1

When I was a PRT (Physical Readiness Training) coordinator for the last 8 years I was in the Navy, men could only go up to 22 percent body fat, but women (because of the way they are built) could go up to 33 percent, and the numbers went up as you got older. Abrams would be within body fat percentages according to the Navy, but Trump would be put on remedial PRT for being too fat.
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
Trump did a horrible job on COVID. 350,000 dead Americans on a low risk virus that Trump had under complete control. Repunlicans deny it & won't wear a fucking mask. Fuck Trump & Fuck anyone who claims he did a good job on COVID.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.
Really? How do you know? Just think, if Trump would have told the truth & warned America to just how dangerous it was and the need to wear masks & social distance and stay home.
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?

Trump has once again proven that Hillary was right - about EVERYTHING. Waiting for Trump to leave is like waiting for a scab to fall off.

View attachment 437303
That Bill never had an affair? Oh....
That Trump never had an affair?
President Trump urged fellow Republican Brad Raffensperger, the Georgia secretary of state, to “find” enough votes to overturn his defeat in an extraordinary one-hour phone call Saturday that election experts said raised legal questions.

The Washington Post obtained a recording of the conversation in which Trump alternately berated Raffensperger, tried to flatter him, begged him to act and threatened him with vague criminal consequences if the secretary of state refused to pursue his false claims, at one point warning that Raffensperger was taking “a big risk.”

Throughout the call, Raffensperger and his office’s general counsel rejected Trump’s assertions, explaining that the president is relying on debunked conspiracy theories and that President-elect Joe Biden’s 11,779-vote victory in Georgia was fair and accurate.

Trump is engaging of sedition and overturning the will of the people through fraud.

Trump should be arrested for sedition for attempting to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States of America.

Everything Trump touches dies.

Is American democracy next?
He just pulled a Biden, urkraine style. Nothing to see, right?

You must be ignorant of US foreign policy with regard to Ukraine.. The UN was also on board.
He threatened a government official that he better fire a prosecuter investigating his son. Trump asked them to look into it and got impeached for it.
Liar. The prosecutor he had fired was not actively investigating his son.
The company he ran.

Maybe they were dazzled by Trump's money and patter.

Most Americans don't have a clue what happened in Ukraine.. and neither does Trump.

The poor man is so dumb that he understands very little so he's a sucker for conspiracy theories. Its gotten him in trouble his whole life.

He's always been half-assed his whole life.. That's why Warp Speed is a clusterf*ck.
There is nothing illegal here.... dumb? yes. Heresay? yes
WIth all of this - obviously what is being ignored is we have two state officials who recorded a conversation with the President so they could give or sell it to the media.
It wasn't leaked. It was provided.
Is that illegal?
Have you looked at Georgia and Federal laws related to it?

If a democratic president had done what he did, would you be defending the Democratic president that lost his second term, for the same actions as Trump has done?
Yep. I would. You will never find one post from me discussing impeaching Obama. I thought the WJC impeachment was stupid too. Trump is done in less than three weeks. Who will you blame for all your ills then? Scapegoat will be long gone. Issues will still be here.

Trump is a criminal. Do we accept that?
In America you're innocent until you're proven guilty. Do we still accept that?
Only in court. If you did it, you are guilty whether it can be proved or not.
I guess you live in a different version of America than I do since here the courts determine guilt and or innocence.
These are the same people who like to say Hillary Clinton has never done anything wrong.
It's laughable
Wrong and criminal are vastly different. Wrong/Right is subjective. Criminal is objective.
Everyone knows the intent was corrupt. It will be added to his corrupt legacy.
Everyone? Every singe person in the world?

Trump does that often.. He says. "Everyone hates you or everyone is angry with you."
It can't be too comfortable to tell the President that he's full of shit:
Or that he and Brian Kemp are stealing Trump blind. He's busy stealing votes from Trump while
Trump is asking him to find some.

Raffensperger and Kemp are two rino republicans who sunk millions into Dominion vote stealing machines
for the entire state who should actually be in jail for election fraud, of which there is much in Georgia.

It's a hoot that all you folks crying over the past two months over election irregularities can't present anything but innuendo and then when it hits you in your face you're in denial. Tell us, in all the manual recounts of paper ballots conducted where did they come up with a descrepancy caused by those Dominion voting machines?
It's a hoot how your idiot-mesmerizing press omits facts that support President Trump but plan, edit, and publish lying lies that Demmies rejoice in that were actually the sins of the Clinton war room, George Soros, and rich tricksters who cheated other people out of their intellectual properties, then turned around making billions off someone else's brain trust, and if it feels good it's a drug for gullible people who fall for lies that will bury the Constitution in commie hands. Commies make laws that lead to mass murders of peaceful dissenters. Its proponents don't want even a whisper of opposition, by any means possible including slavery, justice only for themselves, death to dissenters.

Too lazy to move to a real communist society, today's communists prefer telling sweet nothings and cheating at the polls by insider deep state operators with preplanned silencers of the truth. With support of the ignorant and preaching Alinskies tried and true methods, they fool most of the people most of the time usurping thespian tricks to make cheap mush seem like caviar to the unchary.

Poor Trump.. He's been a victim for 40 years.
Hyperbole is Trump's calling card. Still to me he was a very good President.

That he was. In his four years he did great for this country and you can bet Biden will undo it all. This country was in great shape before the very convenient Chinese Virus hit. We sure won't get that greatness back with Biden at the helm.

If that jack ass gets in we will have four years of misery in this country and those that voted for his stupid as will be regretting it big time.

God willing, no nation will ever elect another white nationalist as their leader. The damage done by Donald Trump will take generations to undo, especially the transfer of wealth to the top 10%.

The USA is definitely finished as the leader of the free world. The risk of you electing another white supremecist with authoritarian tendencies, one who is either smarter or better able to wield the levers of power is much too great.

Trump has done nothing but aid, abet and facilitate the rise of China and Putin throughout his 4 years in office. Just as the west was pulling Iran away from Putin's influence, Trump ended the treaty, and attacked Iran on multiple occasions just for good measure, to ensure the Mullahs would never again trust the west, ensuring Putin's alliance was safe.

In failing to sanction Russia, Trump allowed Russia to sell its gas to the EU, saving Putin from economic ruin, and allowing Trump to whine about the EU failing to honor US sanctions. Win/win for both Trump and Putin.

In tearing up the nuclear non-proliferation treaty with Russia, on the grounds that Russia wasn't complying, instead of applying sanctions under the treaty to stop the violations, Trump freed Putin to develop and build his nuclear arsenal. Win for Putin.

Up until Trump decided to politicize covid and blame the Chinese for it, he was praising Xi for his "transparency" with the west to fight it. After all, Xi helped Trump's re-election campaign by signing that sham "Interim trade deal" that gave Trump a big PR victory and the American people in general and farmers in particular, nothing.

I've read enough of what passes for discussions of business, law and economics on this forum to fully understand how ignorant the posters here are to any of these issues. They just parrot whatever party line the Republican Party and the Billionaire Right Wing media is telling them on all things economic.

The one thing none of you people has ever once mentioned is the economic cost of letting the virus run unchecked in your country: how much does it cost to test 253 million people? We've done half the number of tests per million of population, and since we went with the easy to use WHO test, our tests are a whole lot cheaper and more accurate than the wild west of testing in the USA.

Then there's the cases per million of population. Yours are four times what ours are, hence you have many more hospitalizations and deaths. How much is this costing your municipal hospitals? Your private insurance companies? These are economic costs that are being paid out with the 30+% of administration costs instact, which is a further drain on your economy.

Other countries quashed the virus in the spring, allowing our people to get back to work over the summer. We're shut down now to stop the spread of virus so we can all get back to work and school. Keeping our people fed and housed in the meantime is our focus.

No one quashed the virus in the spring dumbass. They predicted 3.2 million deaths in my country and that never happened thank God.

Kick your ass back to Canada. Inflict yourself on your own citizens. Dumbass.

No they didn't, you stupid cow. They predicted 3.2 million deaths if you did absolutely nothing, and with 360,000 dead on only 21 million cases, you're right on track to meet those numbers, by the time you achieve "herd immunity", since vaccinations are completely stalled because Dumb Ass Trump didn't give the states any money to buy syringes or to hire staff to set up vaccination clinics.

The CDC predicted 60,000 deaths if you did everything "perfectly" and nothing went wrong. You did nothing right. Not testing, not PPE, and not lockdowns. The CDC said 100,000 and at the top end, 120,000 deaths if things went badly.

In addition to the 360,000 people who have died, there are currently 8 million more who are sick. At the current rate of 2.8% of positive cases dying, that's another 233,710 deaths, just on the people who are sick today, and at the rate of 200,000 new cases a day, you could soon be seeing 5,000 deaths a day within weeks.

You keep talking about these massive numbers of deaths, numbers unlike any other first world nation, as if they were nothing. As if the thousands of people are lining up in food lines were no big deal. None of this is happening in Canada, or Europe, or Australia/Asia. This isn't even happening in Africa, for heaven's sake.

Only in America. And you want to re-elect the guy who was in charge of this clusterfuck?

Trump spent all of the money getting the vaccine made, and nothing on it's distribution or getting it into arms.
Documented cases. My entire family had it but I am the only one in the database as I was the only one tested. Medical experts agree.

Trump didn't do a great job here in terms of communication but did everything else very well. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed.

Please stop bashing our country.
Trump did a horrible job on COVID. 350,000 dead Americans on a low risk virus that Trump had under complete control. Repunlicans deny it & won't wear a fucking mask. Fuck Trump & Fuck anyone who claims he did a good job on COVID.
Those people would have been dead if Jesus himself was POTUS. It is a global virus. Even Corpse Biden thanked him for operation warp speed. Your juvenile rant is noted.
Really? How do you know? Just think, if Trump would have told the truth & warned America to just how dangerous it was and the need to wear masks & social distance and stay home.

He wasn't interested.. The virus bored him so he dismissed it.

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