Was the Party Of Diversity always destined to become the Part Of Division?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I know it hurts feelings when I bring it up but seriously….Where does diversity actually work on a macro scale?
What diverse communities, cities and or states are unified, safe and prosperous?
My point is this…how did really smart people not see this coming as they employed the foolish notion?
Was the party of the Klan ever interested in diversity? Not really. They lost their slaves and shifted their hatred and intolerance to anyone who disagrees with them.

Anyone who thinks diversity for the sake of diversity is a good idea is not really smart to begin with. You're getting soft by giving these commies too much credit.
The democrook party deliberately divides people. They use the term "diversity" in an attempt to make people believe they're pushing for "equality" but it's clear they're not accomplishing that goal.

First of all, they don't want to accomplish it. If it ever happened, the race hustlers and "Equal Opportunity" thugs in public and private offices would be out of a job. The DNC depends on prolonging racial division, conflict and agitation to keep people who are constantly angry as well otherwise useless employed.

Second of all, they need scapegoats, victims and martyrs. White Christian anti-collectivist males tending to be the enemy of course, the bed wetters will still discriminate at will. For instance asians aren't allowed to take advantage of scholastic achievements and use minority status for advanced access to universities.

The very concept of "race" and "diversity" are designed to divide and oppress everyone, which is what communism is all about. Maintaining poverty equally among the proles, while the elites maintain their power.

I know it hurts feelings when I bring it up but seriously….Where does diversity actually work on a macro scale?
What diverse communities, cities and or states are unified, safe and prosperous?
My point is this…how did really smart people not see this coming as they employed the foolish notion?
Diversity isn't an issue except for high crime areas. I live in a safe, diverse community.
The United States of America.
Hahaha…A lost and divided nation with no identity, $30T in debt, a larger homeless population than some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal wetbacks fucking over the citizenry destroying our public school system and healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, social media and media steering the direction of the nation and our elections, food and fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure your head isn’t way too far up your ass?
The greatest nation on earth, and one you are free to leave anytime. Get goin'. :fu:
Open your eyes and pay attention to the trajectory we’re on and to where we’re headed…stop paying attention to what white, heterosexual, protestant christians built for you globalist fools to destroy.

“Hahaha…A lost and divided nation with no identity, $30T in debt, a larger homeless population than some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal wetbacks fucking over the citizenry destroying our public school system and healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, social media and media steering the direction of the nation and our elections, food and fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure your head isn’t way too far up your ass?”
Open your eyes and pay attention to the trajectory we’re on and to where we’re headed…stop paying attention to what white, heterosexual, protestant christians built for you globalist fools to destroy.

“Hahaha…A lost and divided nation with no identity, $30T in debt, a larger homeless population than some countries, Veterans sleeping, pissing, shitting and dying on our streets, a middle class that can’t save a dime or get ahead, 20-40 million illegal wetbacks fucking over the citizenry destroying our public school system and healthcare system, a citizenry that hates one another, off the charts levels of criminality, social media and media steering the direction of the nation and our elections, food and fuel at all time highs…I could go on and on.
Are you sure your head isn’t way too far up your ass?”
“Our Diversity Is Our Strength” as long as America’s best can provide enough free shit, as long as we have armed security guards at grocery stores, as long as we have deodorant locked up in cabinets at Walmart stores.

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