Was the McCabe Gang at FBI Committing Treason?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is so outrageous, I dont want to think it may be true, but it is.

‘Insurance Policy’ Treasonous Act, President Weighs In On Illegal FBI Plot, Speculation Rife - Conservative Daily Post

Washington is rife with speculation the FBI “has been compromised by partisans,” in an illegal plot to give “Clinton a pass” and “take Trump down.”

On August 15, 2016, Peter Strzok texted to Lisa Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” Washington insiders are convinced that the current witch hunt into “Russian collusion” led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the insurance policy they were talking about.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is most likely the “Andy” mentioned, DOJ Attorney Lisa Page was assigned as his assistant. Peter Strzok was serving at the time as the lead investigator on the FBI probe into Hillary’s secret email server. “This is the FBI we’re talking about, that is treason,” insists President Trump. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”...

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is livid. “You cannot have top people at the FBI systematically trying to tip the scale in favor of one campaign over another. That’s not supposed to happen in this country. All the evidence suggests that’s what took place.”

Strzok and Page weren’t the only pro-Clinton, anti-Trump staffers at the FBI and Justice Department. According to Rep. Jordan, “If you kicked everybody off Mueller’s team who was anti-Trump, I don’t think there’d be anybody left”

Another troubling issue is the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and slapped together by Christopher Steele. “If you had the FBI working with a campaign, the Democrats’ campaign, taking opposition research, dressing it all up and turning it into an intelligence document and taking it to the FISA court so they could spy on the other campaign — if that happened, that is as wrong as it gets,” Jordan told FBI Director Christopher Wray during a recent Judiciary Committee hearing.
We are indeed living in interesting times.
We all know this is what happened, there's plenty of evidence to warrant indictments It's obvious, and it IS treason. The question is whether or not Jeff Sessions is going to act on it or pussy out. Time to shit or get off the pot, Jeff.
This is old news.

The guy doesn't like Trump. He said as much.

He was reassigned.

He should be investigated to determine if he acted inappropriately.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump was helped by Russia and has been obstructing justice. That is outrageous, inst it?
This is old news.

The guy doesn't like Trump. He said as much.

He was reassigned.

He should be investigated to determine if he acted inappropriately.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump was helped by Russia and has been obstructing justice. That is outrageous, inst it?
The outrage is that the Trump haters we call the investigative team has produced zero evidence and are still allowed to continue with their efforts to overturn a fair election instead of going after the REAL colluders in the Clinton campaign.
This is old news.

The guy doesn't like Trump. He said as much.

He was reassigned.

He should be investigated to determine if he acted inappropriately.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump was helped by Russia and has been obstructing justice. That is outrageous, inst it?
The outrage is that the Trump haters we call the investigative team has produced zero evidence and are still allowed to continue with their efforts to overturn a fair election instead of going after the REAL colluders in the Clinton campaign.

You have no idea what evidence has been secured. Why do you think the evidence will be on CNN?

Trump admitted to obstructing justice on TV. Why isn't that important to you?
You have no idea what evidence has been secured. Why do you think the evidence will be on CNN?
It would have been leaked by now. D.C. is a sieve.
Trump admitted to obstructing justice on TV.
Bullshit. This is why you're not taken seriously.

I'm taken seriously by serious people.

Do you need the Lester Holt interview link? He fucking admitted it. You are a Trombie. Maybe you didn't hear it.
This is so outrageous, I dont want to think it may be true, but it is.

‘Insurance Policy’ Treasonous Act, President Weighs In On Illegal FBI Plot, Speculation Rife - Conservative Daily Post

Washington is rife with speculation the FBI “has been compromised by partisans,” in an illegal plot to give “Clinton a pass” and “take Trump down.”

On August 15, 2016, Peter Strzok texted to Lisa Page, “I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.” Washington insiders are convinced that the current witch hunt into “Russian collusion” led by Special Counsel Robert Mueller is the insurance policy they were talking about.

Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is most likely the “Andy” mentioned, DOJ Attorney Lisa Page was assigned as his assistant. Peter Strzok was serving at the time as the lead investigator on the FBI probe into Hillary’s secret email server. “This is the FBI we’re talking about, that is treason,” insists President Trump. “That is a treasonous act. What he tweeted to his lover is a treasonous act.”...

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) is livid. “You cannot have top people at the FBI systematically trying to tip the scale in favor of one campaign over another. That’s not supposed to happen in this country. All the evidence suggests that’s what took place.”

Strzok and Page weren’t the only pro-Clinton, anti-Trump staffers at the FBI and Justice Department. According to Rep. Jordan, “If you kicked everybody off Mueller’s team who was anti-Trump, I don’t think there’d be anybody left”

Another troubling issue is the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign and slapped together by Christopher Steele. “If you had the FBI working with a campaign, the Democrats’ campaign, taking opposition research, dressing it all up and turning it into an intelligence document and taking it to the FISA court so they could spy on the other campaign — if that happened, that is as wrong as it gets,” Jordan told FBI Director Christopher Wray during a recent Judiciary Committee hearing.
We are indeed living in interesting times.

So your evidence of 'treason'....is that anonymous 'insiders' are 'convinced', huh?
This is old news.

The guy doesn't like Trump. He said as much.

He was reassigned.

He should be investigated to determine if he acted inappropriately.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump was helped by Russia and has been obstructing justice. That is outrageous, inst it?
According to the OP, it was all a scam, a phony set-up. The FBI colluded with the Hillary Losers to create this pretend dossier and use it to spy on the Trump campaign.

And they STILL LOST.
This is old news.

The guy doesn't like Trump. He said as much.

He was reassigned.

He should be investigated to determine if he acted inappropriately.

Doesn't change the fact that Trump was helped by Russia and has been obstructing justice. That is outrageous, inst it?
According to the OP, it was all a scam, a phony set-up. The FBI colluded with the Hillary Losers to create this pretend dossier and use it to spy on the Trump campaign.

And they STILL LOST.

Do ya know how stupid that is? Play devil's advocate and pick it apart. If you are honest, you will do it easily.

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