Was "The hole in the ozone layer" a hoax that led to the Global Warming hoax?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False
This 'new scientific evidence has been around for more than 25 years, Mike.
It doesn't seem to have made its way into mainstream science, seems like it's just another perverse opinion held by conspiracy nutters.
Do you have any peer-reviewed papers published in real scientific journals?
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Nice source, from a website no one has ever heard of.

Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement - Wikipedia

"LaRouche was part of what was called the "ozone backlash".[104][105][106] 21st Century Science & Technology, which conducted what has been called "a very effective campaign of misinformation on the issue of ozone depletion",[107] published The Holes in the Ozone Scare in 1992.[108][109] The book, by LaRouche followers Rogelio Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer, said that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were not destroying the ozone layer and opposed the proposal to ban them."

Basically it's all a load of bullshit by people who make money from peddling crap.

And some people listen. The people who listen are the same old crowd. People who want to believe and don't know shit about science.
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Of course it was. The team that "found" the ozone hole went down there expecting to see it. They also went to the arctic and "found" a smaller ozone hole. Upon announcement that there were "holes" in the ozone layer, one junior senator named albert gore paid for some shoddy science and took his apocalyptic claims about freon to the senate. Freon and such chemicals were destroying the ozone layer but luckily, there was a very expensive alternative that did not destroy the ozone layer. It happened to be manufactured by one of his biggest political contributors....3M.

The fact is that the ozone layer is created when UV sunlight enters the atmosphere and breaks up O2 molecules in the upper atmosphere. Those free O molecules then form a very unstable, temporary molecule called O3..which does absorb some UV but the major task of dissipating the high intensity UV entering the atmosphere is done by the absorption and breakdown of O2 molecules. O3 is not a cause, it isn't up there to protect us...it is up there as a result of O2 in the upper atmosphere protecting us. O3 is a result.

If you look at a globe, there are two areas which receive less sunlight than the rest of the world...and in their respective winters,, they receive even less. Guess where they are? You guessed it...the poles. Less high intensity UV light entering the atmosphere over the poles, less O3 being formed due to the break down of O2 molecules. Precisely what the British team went to Antarctica to measure way back when.

Greens jumped on a perfectly normal, natural, expected phenomenon and used it to terrify the useful idiots of the world...and 3M made a fortune out of the deal and one albert gore cemented his place in the political landscape...and has been making fortunes off dupes and useful idiots ever since.
Either way, it's not mattering. All of the bomb-throwing strategy applied by the climate crusaders, from the sea level rise, to the melting Arctic to the ozone layer. None of these stunts has impressed the public in the last 25 years.....the attitude is, "meh". As a result, me and my skeptic pals get to have a few good laughs in this forum every day!!:113:
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Of course it was. The team that "found" the ozone hole went down there expecting to see it. They also went to the arctic and "found" a smaller ozone hole. Upon announcement that there were "holes" in the ozone layer, one junior senator named albert gore paid for some shoddy science and took his apocalyptic claims about freon to the senate. Freon and such chemicals were destroying the ozone layer but luckily, there was a very expensive alternative that did not destroy the ozone layer. It happened to be manufactured by one of his biggest political contributors....3M.

The fact is that the ozone layer is created when UV sunlight enters the atmosphere and breaks up O2 molecules in the upper atmosphere. Those free O molecules then form a very unstable, temporary molecule called O3..which does absorb some UV but the major task of dissipating the high intensity UV entering the atmosphere is done by the absorption and breakdown of O2 molecules. O3 is not a cause, it isn't up there to protect us...it is up there as a result of O2 in the upper atmosphere protecting us. O3 is a result.

If you look at a globe, there are two areas which receive less sunlight than the rest of the world...and in their respective winters,, they receive even less. Guess where they are? You guessed it...the poles. Less high intensity UV light entering the atmosphere over the poles, less O3 being formed due to the break down of O2 molecules. Precisely what the British team went to Antarctica to measure way back when.

Greens jumped on a perfectly normal, natural, expected phenomenon and used it to terrify the useful idiots of the world...and 3M made a fortune out of the deal and one albert gore cemented his place in the political landscape...and has been making fortunes off dupes and useful idiots ever since.

Hey man great post.... very instructive !:coffee:
Either way, it's not mattering. All of the bomb-throwing strategy applied by the climate crusaders, from the sea level rise, to the melting Arctic to the ozone layer. None of these stunts has impressed the public in the last 25 years.....the attitude is, "meh". As a result, me and my skeptic pals get to have a few good laughs in this forum every day!!:113:
You're an ashole, and a Fallacious one.
Whether or not the "pubic is impressed", "any one cares." (your usual Two IDIOTIC claims), matters not. What matters is if they're true or not.

and of course, the Public DOES care, you stupid lying cumstain troll:

What Americans Really Think About Climate Change
Polls and studies reveal it’s the long, tiring grind that changes opinions about global warming.
What Americans Really Think About Climate Change

We’re facing a week with three environmental news pegs: It’s Earth Day, the March for Science is today, and senior advisors at the White House will soon meet to decide whether the United States will remain in the Paris Agreement.

Because of all three, you will probably soon hear about a number of new and old polls about climate change and the American public.
These polls often find that most Americans are worried about climate change. (Six out of 10 Americans are “worried,” according to Yale.)

Depending on how firms ask the question, they sometimes even find a majority of Americans are concerned. (Pew finds 45 percent are Worried a Great Deal”; the same Yale poll found only 20 percent were “very worried.”)

When you start proposing hypothetical policies, the numbers often fall. (50% of Americans support or strongly support a carbon tax, according to a study from the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College.) But when policies aren’t hypothetical—when they’re the status quo—Americans line up behind them. (Almost 70% support former President Obama’s Clean Power Plan; roughly the same number want the United States to stay in the Paris Agreement.)

Now **** you, you low brow/Lowenbrau Troll
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Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Nice source, from a website no one has ever heard of.

Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement - Wikipedia

"LaRouche was part of what was called the "ozone backlash".[104][105][106] 21st Century Science & Technology, which conducted what has been called "a very effective campaign of misinformation on the issue of ozone depletion",[107] published The Holes in the Ozone Scare in 1992.[108][109] The book, by LaRouche followers Rogelio Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer, said that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were not destroying the ozone layer and opposed the proposal to ban them."

Basically it's all a load of bullshit by people who make money from peddling crap.

And some people listen. The people who listen are the same old crowd. People who want to believe and don't know shit about science.
They’re still dragging Larouche’s old corpse around? Good grief.
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Of course it was. The team that "found" the ozone hole went down there expecting to see it. They also went to the arctic and "found" a smaller ozone hole. Upon announcement that there were "holes" in the ozone layer, one junior senator named albert gore paid for some shoddy science and took his apocalyptic claims about freon to the senate. Freon and such chemicals were destroying the ozone layer but luckily, there was a very expensive alternative that did not destroy the ozone layer. It happened to be manufactured by one of his biggest political contributors....3M.

The fact is that the ozone layer is created when UV sunlight enters the atmosphere and breaks up O2 molecules in the upper atmosphere. Those free O molecules then form a very unstable, temporary molecule called O3..which does absorb some UV but the major task of dissipating the high intensity UV entering the atmosphere is done by the absorption and breakdown of O2 molecules. O3 is not a cause, it isn't up there to protect us...it is up there as a result of O2 in the upper atmosphere protecting us. O3 is a result.

If you look at a globe, there are two areas which receive less sunlight than the rest of the world...and in their respective winters,, they receive even less. Guess where they are? You guessed it...the poles. Less high intensity UV light entering the atmosphere over the poles, less O3 being formed due to the break down of O2 molecules. Precisely what the British team went to Antarctica to measure way back when.

Greens jumped on a perfectly normal, natural, expected phenomenon and used it to terrify the useful idiots of the world...and 3M made a fortune out of the deal and one albert gore cemented his place in the political landscape...and has been making fortunes off dupes and useful idiots ever since.

The so called "Ozone hole" has been known since the 1950's by direct measurements.
Either way, it's not mattering. All of the bomb-throwing strategy applied by the climate crusaders, from the sea level rise, to the melting Arctic to the ozone layer. None of these stunts has impressed the public in the last 25 years.....the attitude is, "meh". As a result, me and my skeptic pals get to have a few good laughs in this forum every day!!:113:
You're an ashole, and a Fallacious one.
Whether or not the "pubic is impressed", "any one cares." (your usual Two IDIOTIC claims), matters not. What matters is if they're true or not.

and of course, the Public DOES care, you stupid lying cumstain troll:

What Americans Really Think About Climate Change
Polls and studies reveal it’s the long, tiring grind that changes opinions about global warming.
What Americans Really Think About Climate Change

We’re facing a week with three environmental news pegs: It’s Earth Day, the March for Science is today, and senior advisors at the White House will soon meet to decide whether the United States will remain in the Paris Agreement.

Because of all three, you will probably soon hear about a number of new and old polls about climate change and the American public.
These polls often find that most Americans are worried about climate change. (Six out of 10 Americans are “worried,” according to Yale.)

Depending on how firms ask the question, they sometimes even find a majority of Americans are concerned. (Pew finds 45 percent are Worried a Great Deal”; the same Yale poll found only 20 percent were “very worried.”)

When you start proposing hypothetical policies, the numbers often fall. (50% of Americans support or strongly support a carbon tax, according to a study from the University of Michigan and Muhlenberg College.) But when policies aren’t hypothetical—when they’re the status quo—Americans line up behind them. (Almost 70% support former President Obama’s Clean Power Plan; roughly the same number want the United States to stay in the Paris Agreement.)

Now **** you, you low brow/Lowenbrau Troll

Sorry s0n....you lose and I win. As per usual.

Executive orders on climate change means exactly that nobody cares. Please provide a link showing Congressional legislation on climate change in the past 10 years.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:

I'm no liar.... your head is exploding because public policy in the area of climate change is pretty much non-existent which also shows that nobody cares. Soetero had eight years to lead on climate change and didn't do dick :deal::deal:. But I'm the liar here!:bye1:

Again.... progressives get all giddy and hysterical over banners and billboards. The chant is always, "Oh....oh.... but look what the climate scientists are saying!!". But so what? It's a banner assholes!! The public has shown zero interest in opening up their wallet to pay for climate change action. A huge 0.:coffee: except for California and a handful of other places, the folks are far more concerned about many other pressing issues. Only progressives think that people are sitting around the dinner table talkin about the 3mm rise in sea level.:funnyface::funnyface::funnyface::fu:. Meanwhile for the rest of us thank God there aren't enough of you assholes around to matter!!:backpedal:
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Nice source, from a website no one has ever heard of.

Views of Lyndon LaRouche and the LaRouche movement - Wikipedia

"LaRouche was part of what was called the "ozone backlash".[104][105][106] 21st Century Science & Technology, which conducted what has been called "a very effective campaign of misinformation on the issue of ozone depletion",[107] published The Holes in the Ozone Scare in 1992.[108][109] The book, by LaRouche followers Rogelio Maduro and Ralf Schauerhammer, said that chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) were not destroying the ozone layer and opposed the proposal to ban them."

Basically it's all a load of bullshit by people who make money from peddling crap.

And some people listen. The people who listen are the same old crowd. People who want to believe and don't know shit about science.
They’re still dragging Larouche’s old corpse around? Good grief.

Seems to be a nice tactic of theirs. To take something that supports their argument, not matter how bad, and to bring it back time and time and time again to try and make it legitimate by having people see it so many times.
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

They banned the freon that was much more efficient than the newer freons. They imposed all kinds of laws about capturing freon gas.
Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False

Remember the terrifying "hole in the ozone" that spray cans and refrigerators caused back in the 60s and 70s? It was all the rage, and caused such a stir that chloro-fluoro carbons (CFCs) were banned. Thankfully since we banned CFCs the hole is now healing itself. Yay!

But wait what's this? There is evidence now that the ozone hole creation was a whole lotta bs. Ozone "holes" are natural occurrences but they turn out to be handy if one is trying to ban CFCs. Does this sound familiar? Did the success of the ozone hole campaign give rise the the man made Global Warming hoax? It seems plausible that it encouraged opportunistic Leftists to create climate models predicting disaster. But purely for the good of the planet of course.
New Scientific Evidence Proves Ozone Depletion Theory False
The Ozone "hole" was just another bogeyman which was invented so that busy-body politiciens who can`t solve real problems could pretend that they solved a much bigger problem than the "smaller" ones that really threaten us , but are unable to solve.
You can put it into the same red herring basket as acid rain, mercury pollution etc etc.
Rain and forest water run-off is still as acid as it was, but since it was a vastly exaggerated problem that they claim to have remedied it`s gone from the alarmist propaganda.
Mercury pollution which they claimed was detectable even in remote areas suddenly disappeared from there after Atomic absorption instrumentation was upgraded to dual beam instruments using background correction and eliminating absorption which had nothing to do with mercury.
No official statements were issued and the public was left to believe that a large part of a "problem" which actually did not exist,had been eliminated by a capable body dedicated to eliminate mercury pollution.
Even though tuna and all the other predatory fish still contain well above the 5ppm Hg safety level they had established before that.
The common thread in each case is that these so called global threats always appeared on the agenda of "planet saving" politiciens when the patents to manufacture substances they claimed threaten the planet expired. Small wonder that Dupont which held the Freon patents and already had patented new refrigerants were amongst the first to join the drive to outlaw the old ones.
Same goes for the mercury which had been used as a cathode to produce the chlorine that bleached the pulp in paper mills. Mercury showed up on the environment alarmist radar screen only after (a) new bleaching method(s) had been patented.
None of the above is any different from the m.o. used now for "renewable" energy and electric cars and its only a question of time after the climate model predictions which fail miserably are no longer defensible, that the same charlatans will claim credit for having saved mankind and the planet from impending doom.

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