Was Pelosi So Wrong About Swastikas?

What's good for the goose . . . .

Who is that? Your Dad? Context is everything.

Let's see. . . .

Bush's face on a swastika with the word Fuck on top of it all = Dems protesting Bush

That you need it explained = priceless
Ted Kennedy's dad, by the way, Joe Kennedy, sympathetic to Hitler, sympathetic to the Nazis. That's why FDR pulled him from his post as ambassador to Britain. You want to start talking, Ms. Pelosi, about ties to the Nazis? Let's focus on your party and some of the greatest heroes in your party that you hold up. And let's look at your policies, Ms. Pelosi. Your policies come dangerously close to some of those policies that Hitler forced on the German people. This is outrageous stuff for her to be running around saying these are unruly mobs with swastikas. Obama sends out the memo ginning up his ACORN mobs to try to fight this, taking names on a White House website of people who are telling the truth about health care is what this is about. He wants his stupid minions to snitch on people who are telling the truth about it.
Prescott Bush [ W's grandfather ] was a big Nazi backer and financed them in the 1930s.
i KNEW one of you assholes would do this, you didn't disappoint
First of all let's get something straight any comparison between any POTUS and Hitler is way out on the fringe.
The big fat idiot trying to spin the cadecus into something evil is just too good to be true maybe the oxies kicked in a little early. What a moron.
Please, the Bush/Hitler/swastika posters from the left are abundant. Nan's bitching about what the left perfected? :lol:

Right now google Obama Nazi images. Stupid is as stupid does.
Now let's talk about the Big Fat Idiot trying to tie the Cadecus to the Nazi's.
All I can say is what a Moron and for all those that defend him well I'm done with arguing with people that are that stupid.
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There's a couple lets see if we can find some more.

Please, the Bush/Hitler/swastika posters from the left are abundant. Nan's bitching about what the left perfected? :lol:

Right now google Obama Nazi images. Stupid is as stupid does.
Now let's talk about the Big Fat Idiot trying to tie the Cadecus to the Nazi's.
All I can say is what a Moron and for all those that defend him well I'm done with arguing with people that are that stupid.

Interesting . . . you left out the Bush/Hitler pics I posted.

That the left is a whining and a moaning about this . . . this that they perfected with Bush? Please.
Interesting . . . you left out the Bush/Hitler pics I posted.

Yeah well don't read anything into it I'm new here and don't have all the ins and outs down yet.

Hey how about the Big Fat Idiot and all the morons that listen to him smearing all that wear the Caduceus you know just about every Nurse and Doctor in the world. What do you think they are really stupid aren't they?
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Interesting . . . you left out the Bush/Hitler pics I posted.

Yeah well don't read anything into it I'm new here and don't have all the ins and outs down yet.

Hey how about the Big Fat Idiot and all the morons that listen to him smearing all that wear the Caduceus you know just about every Nurse and Doctor in the world. What do you think they are really stupid aren't they?
well, you might try actually naming who you mean by "the big fat idiot" because at this point it looks a lot like YOU
Take a look at my prez he's the only one i got!!! Mr non citizen muslim is going down!!!
In regards to the swastika Pelosi referenced, it was a swastika with a diagonal line across it denoting that the carrier didn't want the country going in that direction. Perhaps it had to do with the White House calling on the American people turning in their fellow Americans for, "Fishy" comments about the Democratic/Obama health care plan!
Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Frank, Reid and the rest are the gifts, which just keep giving. They are working to ensure that Liberalism will die in the United States.

God Bless you Nancy, I love you!
And Ravi once again leaps to the rescue defending the indefensible.

Please note Ms. dipstick that she didn't say she and her man Obama were being compared to Nazis twitette, she said they were carrying swastikas.

1st there is only one so far so that would be swastika. You know, singular.

2nd the inplication therefore is that those carrying said swastikas are Nazis not that they are protesting this Nazi health care bill.

For the other idiot. What Rush is doing you moron is depicting the fact that under Obama care we will perforce move slowly and steadily to a point where goernment - no longer of buy and for the people chooses who will live and who will die all in the name of saving a few bucks here and there.
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