Was it with or w/o Allah Akbar? [Mohammed Abdulkareem]


Platinum Member
Nov 20, 2023

Mohammed Abdulkareem,


In other news..

Immigration surges to top concern for Americans, new poll finds​

Gallup poll chart showing immigration as top concern for voters.

Chart: Gallup

With President Biden and former President Trump making to the southwest border on Thursday, new data shows the issue is rising among voters.

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Excellent way to speed up service and improve standards .

Treat them like the Nazi home population treats the Paestinians
luiza said:

This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at https://t.co/RP773XzDEP.


— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
And the Hooty Tooty Boys blitzing the shipping lanes whenever they see US , Israeli and UK terrorist ships to send down to Uncle Poseidon .

Awful to have to tolerate fans of the Israeli Nazis as they continue their Ethnic Cleansing programme .
"Scum of the earth " , as one acquaintance commented .
"Insane Jewish Nazis " , he added as he referred to the evil treatment of those trapped and tortured in Gaza .
Is Nazi Israel the most hated nation on Earth ?

How do jews square their conscience or, are they a species mutant that delights in killing women and children ?
How disgusting are others who support these Nazis ?
This is so typical Nazi Luiza sh#t racist OUTCAST Troll.

Hamas supporter in London says the quiet part out loud

“Hitler knew how to deal with these people"

It always has been pure Jew-hatred under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Watch more from @ThevoiceAlexa on the ground at https://t.co/RP773XzDEP.


— Avi Yemini (@OzraeliAvi) November 11, 2023



Swastikas over Gaza


Nazi-Arab Palestine plot
Since WW2
Nazi Palestine

When Islamists utter the nazi comparisons, it is just a trick, but not an anti-nazi statement at all. On the contrary.

Michael, George. The enemy of my enemy : the alarming convergence of militant Islam and the extreme right. United States: University Press of Kansas, 2006,

We Muslims were fascinated by the Third Reich in the 1930s because Hitler had some ideas at the political level and the economic level , and the cultural field , which were very close to the political, economic, and cultural.

So this man and his movement were fascinating to many Muslim intellectuals all during the 1930s. And since 1945, Muslims have been studying all of these things . And we judge him in a different way. Even if now, of course, when the Muslims protest against America, they say Bush equals Hitler, or Sharon equals Hitler, they say that not for themselves, but [because] they know that it has an impact on Western public opinion. You see Hitler himself had a quite positive attitude towards Islam... He said several times in his table talks that" After the final war the swastika will rule over Europe and will represent a new Europe.

We will help the Muslims in North Africa and the Middle East to reestablish the Caliphate." That means there would be an Islamic civilization. [And Hitler said] "In the Far East , there will be the rising sun " -Japan of course.


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