Was it a hallucination or did I really see something?


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
Occasionally I remember this incident that happened in Panama....I tend to think it was a halllucination of some sort...but not being that knowledgable about hallucinations I cannot say for sure but I think it the most likely explanation.

I was in the Army down there and we were up in Rio Hato (a training area) --I was in a Recon Platoon.....we were sitting around in our jeeps talking and waiting for the Sgt. before moving out and I remember chewing on a long stem of some sort of grass(not marijuana) just ordinary grass..or so I thought just idling the time away.

Anyhow...we finally dismounted from our jeeps to go on patrol...I was out in front as the 'point man' I remember hearing some sort of high pitched sound...didn't pay too much attention to it...then I walked over the top of hill and down to my right I saw approximately 6 beings of some sort...they were very tall--appeared to be about 9 ft. tall--they looked like space creatures...silver colored outfits and wearing some sort of helmet...I could see no faces. They appeared to be looking down at some sort of box like instrument as if they were viewing or doing something with the instrument.....needless to say it was quite scary....and in this state I began firing my m-16 at them.....no sooner than I did that they changed form and took off at a very high rate of speed, disapearing into a bunch of mangroves.

The Sgt. was a little ways behind me and he caught up with me and asked me what I was shooting at....and I replied some sort of creatures....he looked scared and said where did they go...and I said into the trees down and over there to the left....he said well...lets go the other way.

I kept looking at the trees realy expecting to see something shoot up into the sky. hehheh but saw nothing....when we got back to camp the Platoon Sgt. asked us what all the shooting was about.....the Sgt. on patrol with us said...oh ...he thought he saw something. Nothing else was said about it.

At the time I had forgotten about chewing on the stem of grass....later as I was rethinking the series of events I remembered doing that and think there must have been something in the grass that caused me to have some sort of hallucination...never had one before or since.

I was perfectly lucid and rational ...so not knowing much about hallucinations I do not know if one can be perfectly rational and lucid whilst having a hallucination.
It could have been any number shamanic plants found in the tropics. :dunno:

Never heard that term before but ...yes that is most likely the answer or at least I think so. Thanx for the info...I will research that term.
It could have been any number shamanic plants found in the tropics. :dunno:

Never heard that term before but ...yes that is most likely the answer or at least I think so. Thanx for the info...I will research that term.
I was at Rodman NSA from 73 to 74.

I used to pass by the Rodman installation frequently...I was at Ft. Kobbe.
Best mess hall in the Canal Zone. :thup:
We officially had 39 military personnel assigned to the base, the mess hall held a couple of hundred and was always nearly packed full. :lol:
It could have been any number shamanic plants found in the tropics. :dunno:

Never heard that term before but ...yes that is most likely the answer or at least I think so. Thanx for the info...I will research that term.
I was at Rodman NSA from 73 to 74.

I used to pass by the Rodman installation frequently...I was at Ft. Kobbe.
Best mess hall in the Canal Zone. :thup:
We officially had 39 military personnel assigned to the base, the mess hall held a couple of hundred and was always nearly packed full. :lol:

I was down there from 62-65 in the 508th Abn......loved the nco club there on Kobbe.
It could have been any number shamanic plants found in the tropics. :dunno:

Never heard that term before but ...yes that is most likely the answer or at least I think so. Thanx for the info...I will research that term.

Shamans are the healers and spritural leaders of tribes.
They use plants that causes visions to connect to the sprit worlds.
The Indian Shamans of the S.W. desert use peyote buttons.
Causes very strange halusinations.
It could have been any number shamanic plants found in the tropics. :dunno:

Never heard that term before but ...yes that is most likely the answer or at least I think so. Thanx for the info...I will research that term.
I was at Rodman NSA from 73 to 74.

I used to pass by the Rodman installation frequently...I was at Ft. Kobbe.
Best mess hall in the Canal Zone. :thup:
We officially had 39 military personnel assigned to the base, the mess hall held a couple of hundred and was always nearly packed full. :lol:

I was down there from 62-65 in the 508th Abn......loved the nco club there on Kobbe.
Ahhhhh, a real old fart. I was down there 73 - 74. I didn't mind, it was my third pick after being told my orders for Nam had been cancelled. :thup:

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