Was Insurrectionists' punishment unduly harsh?

Man of Ethics

Gold Member
Feb 28, 2021
These people rebelled against their government. Many were severely punished. Here.

King George III of Great Britain had declared American forces traitors in 1775, which denied them prisoner-of-war status. However, British strategy in the early conflict included pursuit of a negotiated settlement, and so officials declined to try or hang them, the usual procedure for treason, to avoid unnecessarily risking any public sympathy the British might still enjoy. Great Britain's neglect resulted in starvation and disease. Despite the lack of formal executions, neglect achieved the same results as hanging.

From here:

The Department of Defense currently lists 4,435 US battle deaths during the Revolutionary War. Another 20,000 died in captivity, from disease, or for other reasons. Estimates of deaths aboard the New York prison ships vary around 8,000.
About 40% of those captured did survive.
There was no insurrection. Not one person was charged with insurrection. A few were charged with unlawful parading. Very few of those arrested ever made it inside the Capitol. They were identified from photographs of the crowd by stasi.

This entire construct is to punish those who disagree with communist democrats.
There was no insurrection. Not one person was charged with insurrection. A few were charged with unlawful parading. Very few of those arrested ever made it inside the Capitol. They were identified from photographs of the crowd by stasi.

This entire construct is to punish those who disagree with communist democrats.
Not talking about Jan 6th. :smoke:
Has that really lame gaslighting converted anyone at all outside of your cult?

No? Not even one person? And all you fascist traitor white supremacist insurrectionist besties are still going to prison?

It must suck to fail that hard.

I think your mom has some cookies for you,,
There was no insurrection. Not one person was charged with insurrection. A few were charged with unlawful parading. Very few of those arrested ever made it inside the Capitol. They were identified from photographs of the crowd by stasi.
I agree 100%. My original question was sort of a trick question for everyone.
The equivalent of yelling "hey asshole" and seeing who turns around.
In reality, many questions are in fact valid.

Insurrectionists were not 100% on the Right Side of History. They fought for Slavery. But about 60% of those captured died in captivity.
Jefferson, Hamilton and Madison wrote the "Declaration of Independence" in a way that they hoped would get them found not guilty if the Revolution failed.

If you read the "Declaration of Independence" with that in mind, you can see their arguments of why the Revolution was just.

Fortunately, the Revolution succeeded.

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