Was Germany ever more powerful then the US in the world wars?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
Germany made the same mistake in both world wars. It decided to take on a coalition of nations much stronger in every way than itself. The USA wasn’t the military superpower it later became, but it was a industrial giant that was out of Germanys reach. The Germans tried to solve that by enticing Mexico to declare war on the USA which ended up being a disaster for Germany since it brought the USA actively into the war.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
Actually, if Germany hadn't reneged on its treaty with Russia and Japan had refrained from attacking Pearl Harbor, the Americans, preferring neutrality, may have given Germany the edge it needed to win the war in Europe. They just took on too many nations at once. A classic case of overconfidence.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.

Nope. In 5.5 years Germany produced about one tenth of what the US produced in three.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
..all of these IF scenarios are ridiculous--and you have a lot of ifs there= wrong
....even if he hadn't attacked Russia, there were resistance groups all over.....hitler could not invade Britain without air superiority AND you forgot that Britain had a powerful navy = no, he would not have won....
jesus christ people----you have so many IFs!!!!!!! = bullshit
...Germany has bitten off too much......

here is a link to warmaking potentials of the major countries
there's no way Germany AND even Japan is going to win anything.....Germany is not going to get the A bomb and bomb America/etc

war making potential
United States41.7%
Seven Powers (total)(90.5%)
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
Actually, if Germany hadn't reneged on its treaty with Russia and Japan had refrained from attacking Pearl Harbor, the Americans, preferring neutrality, may have given Germany the edge it needed to win the war in Europe. They just took on too many nations at once. A classic case of overconfidence.
and IF some alien had dropped in on the party...want to add some more ifs?
....with every IF you people make up, there is a counter IF
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
The Germans attacked b/c they felt a Russian attack was imminent.

Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
..all of these IF scenarios are ridiculous--and you have a lot of ifs there= wrong
....even if he hadn't attacked Russia, there were resistance groups all over.....hitler could not invade Britain without air superiority AND you forgot that Britain had a powerful navy = no, he would not have won....
I remember my history class well------------the brits were not prepared for war when Hitler invaded France-----------after defeating france, Hitler delayed his attacked on the brits to celebrate allowing them time to prepare to fight back. Had he not delayed this attacked, the brits would not have been able to fight off Germany atleast according to my history teacher.

Attacking Russia created a two front war which definately cost Hitler the war. He a caught a certain STD that effected his brain by then, likely knew he would die and was in a hurry to see his nazis the rulers of everyone. His impatience costs his people and his regime dearly.

If the Japs had first concentrated on taking out Europe--actually helping Hitler instead of pursuing their own agenda---The US wouldn't have gotten into the war and Germany would have won. If Japan hadn't done anything--the US would have stayed out of the war---and Germany would have won.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
Along with #1 Hitler declared war on the US bringing us directly into Europe.
He also failed it not securing the oil fields in the Middle East to supply to Japan, so that Japan would not attack the US.

Germany was never in a position to invade Britain. That is a fallacy. Any invasion at any point in the war would have been disastrous.
Another issue was implementing the Holocaust. It gave moral superiority to the allies and also made most of the great Jewish scientists flee Europe for the US. The only real chance Hitler has to defeat the allies was to acquire the bomb first. Thank his he didn’t.
jesus christ people----you have so many IFs!!!!!!! = bullshit
...Germany has bitten off too much......

here is a link to warmaking potentials of the major countries
there's no way Germany AND even Japan is going to win anything.....Germany is not going to get the A bomb and bomb America/etc

war making potential
United States41.7%
Seven Powers (total)(90.5%)
That was then

America no longer has the industrial advantage we had in 1940

that honor belongs to china now
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
Along with #1 Hitler declared war on the US bringing us directly into Europe.
He also failed it not securing the oil fields in the Middle East to supply to Japan, so that Japan would not attack the US.

Germany was never in a position to invade Britain. That is a fallacy. Any invasion at any point in the war would have been disastrous.
Another issue was implementing the Holocaust. It gave moral superiority to the allies and also made most of the great Jewish scientists flee Europe for the US. The only real chance Hitler has to defeat the allies was to acquire the bomb first. Thank his he didn’t.
Hitler declared war on us, yes but I don't think given our isolationist ways that we would have done anything had Japan not attacked. Much Like iran calls for our deaths like every week ---think we would have largely ignored their rhetoric. Japan bombing us changed this. I don't think my history teacher was thinking land battle for the brits immediately---think he was thinking more along the lines of bombing out Englands airforce, ammunition, factories, railways etc to put them less in a position to be able to resist the germans or allow the americans a launching point. My history teacher was cute in my mind back when I was about 13 years old in 9th grade so I Paid attention to what would be on the tests------which only covered the surface not great details about what England could or couldn't do exactly.

The Jews were blamed by the Germans for losing ww1---no way that the germans in ww2 weren't going to take them out.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
The Germans attacked b/c they felt a Russian attack was imminent.

that isn't what I was taught----------
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
..all of these IF scenarios are ridiculous--and you have a lot of ifs there= wrong
....even if he hadn't attacked Russia, there were resistance groups all over.....hitler could not invade Britain without air superiority AND you forgot that Britain had a powerful navy = no, he would not have won....

You forget people don't accept facts and the situation quickly--they need processing time when forced into a war.

These were not if scenarios--these were the major mistakes that cost Germany the war in WW2. These are the official mistakes of the war-----------I have nothing wrong. The French weren't exactly ever known as top fighters----they have surrendered to most everyone despite small pockets of them becoming Guerilla fighters basically. If the Brits and Americans hadn't been fighting most of the Germans for the French--their cute romantic resistance would have not mattered to anyone at any time. At best they would have been like little honey bees who periodically would leave a small sting---

Think the point of going after the Brits immediately was to bomb their boats, railways, airforce before they even knew that they were in a war.....but Hitler delayed a short time allowing his troops to celebrate which gave the Brits enough time to take steps to protect their navy, airforce, railways etc. It was a major boo-boo that could have been like Germany's own Pearl harbor on the brits---but nope the nazis delayed and lost the element of surprise.

Waking the SLEEPING BEAR was always credited a major mistake that cost the germans the war-----------------notice the term SLEEPING BEAR as though the term indicates that Russia was asleep and wasn't planning on going to war with anyone until they were attacked out of the blue. Think it more like Hitler was well aware that delaying to get the Brits cost him dearly------he probably regretted that decision every day for the rest of his life-----------------and hell bent to make sure that he did not lose the element of surprise with Russia (as his std and meth affected his brain and made him more paranoid)....so he attacked Russia at the wrong time creating a Western and Eastern Front--which was just a bad ideal.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
The U.S. fought on three fronts and still turned the tide of the War... Japan was more brutal than the Germans and had the U.S. only focuses on Germany the war would have been short and quick because the U.S. was no nonsense back then...
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
2) was an impossibility. The Germans had no concept of how hard a cross-channel invasion would be. The best they could come up with were UNPOWERED river barges with ramps added being towed across the Channel by tugs. Even if they managed to get their assault divisions onto British beaches, they RAF and RN would slaughter any follow-on forces and resupply efforts leaving the invasion force to starve with out ammo for it's weapons. The Look Duck and Vanish could then round up the survivors with it's pikes, polearms and shotguns.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
I think it did. The only thing that saved us from Hitler was Hitler's insanity and stupidity. The first thing this country had to do before both wars was to build up a sadly lacking and very poorly equipped military. At the beginning of both wars solders were being trained with broomsticks in place of rifles.
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
..all of these IF scenarios are ridiculous--and you have a lot of ifs there= wrong
....even if he hadn't attacked Russia, there were resistance groups all over.....hitler could not invade Britain without air superiority AND you forgot that Britain had a powerful navy = no, he would not have won....
I remember my history class well------------the brits were not prepared for war when Hitler invaded France-----------after defeating france, Hitler delayed his attacked on the brits to celebrate allowing them time to prepare to fight back. Had he not delayed this attacked, the brits would not have been able to fight off Germany atleast according to my history teacher.

Attacking Russia created a two front war which definately cost Hitler the war. He a caught a certain STD that effected his brain by then, likely knew he would die and was in a hurry to see his nazis the rulers of everyone. His impatience costs his people and his regime dearly.

If the Japs had first concentrated on taking out Europe--actually helping Hitler instead of pursuing their own agenda---The US wouldn't have gotten into the war and Germany would have won. If Japan hadn't done anything--the US would have stayed out of the war---and Germany would have won.
hahhahah--history class is NOTHING..they gloss over a lot of stuff/etc......a history class give you next to nothing on information/etc
jesus christ people----you have so many IFs!!!!!!! = bullshit
...Germany has bitten off too much......

here is a link to warmaking potentials of the major countries
there's no way Germany AND even Japan is going to win anything.....Germany is not going to get the A bomb and bomb America/etc

war making potential
United States41.7%
Seven Powers (total)(90.5%)
That was then

America no longer has the industrial advantage we had in 1940

that honor belongs to china now
we are not talking about now
Many think that germany was such a big superpower in world war 1 and 2. But Im not so sure, the US was kinda isolationist but still had the much bigger potential, and they went to war, they also proved it. Do you think Germany ever had a chance at all? I think it didnt.
There were 3 major mistakes in WW2 and if any of the 3 weren't done--Germany would have won.

1) The japanese attacked the US bringing the US in even though we wanted to be isolationists
2) Hitler didn't immediately invade Britain after taking out the French instead opting to celebrate and party
3) Attacking the sleeping Bear the Russians---
..all of these IF scenarios are ridiculous--and you have a lot of ifs there= wrong
....even if he hadn't attacked Russia, there were resistance groups all over.....hitler could not invade Britain without air superiority AND you forgot that Britain had a powerful navy = no, he would not have won....
I remember my history class well------------the brits were not prepared for war when Hitler invaded France-----------after defeating france, Hitler delayed his attacked on the brits to celebrate allowing them time to prepare to fight back. Had he not delayed this attacked, the brits would not have been able to fight off Germany atleast according to my history teacher.

Attacking Russia created a two front war which definately cost Hitler the war. He a caught a certain STD that effected his brain by then, likely knew he would die and was in a hurry to see his nazis the rulers of everyone. His impatience costs his people and his regime dearly.

If the Japs had first concentrated on taking out Europe--actually helping Hitler instead of pursuing their own agenda---The US wouldn't have gotten into the war and Germany would have won. If Japan hadn't done anything--the US would have stayed out of the war---and Germany would have won.
Japanese taking out Europe?????!!!!!
...a huge, common mistake about these if scenarios is people think it's a board game and have no idea about logistics
...the Germans were nowhere near ready to attack Britain right after the France battles:
..logistics tail too long/battle weary/etc
..there were NO detailed plans/etc
...troops/vehicles battle weary

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