Warren Goes #StopBernie-Lashes Out After SC, Vows Convention Fight

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
I just love it when the 2 leading communists for the DemonRAT nomination for president decide to EAT EACH OTHER....NO VP SPOT FOR FAUXAHONTAS.....WHERE IS BUTTHOLE PETE WHEN WE NEED A GOOD GUY TO BEND OVER???


...An obviously rattled Warren took to the stage in Houston where she ranted and raved, attacking her Democrat opponents and generally seeming a bit unhinged...Part of this has to be a reaction to Bernie actively campaigning in Massachusetts and polling ahead of Warren in her home state. He is also fundraising far more than she is; the AP reports: “Sanders raised stout $46.5M in February; Warren got $29M.”

(Excerpt) Read more at legalinsurrection.com ...


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