Warren Explains To Romney Why Corporations Aren’t People: ‘People Have Hearts’

Ahhhh, the dumb bitch is trying to make a comeback after lying about being an indian for decades......
You retards glom onto the most inane, meaningless bullshit. :lol:

Mass. voters don't give a shit.

You mean, inane, meaningless bullshit like pranking some classmates as a teen by putting on a police cap, badge, and sneaking up behind their car at a makeout point? THAT kind of meaningless, inane bullshit???
We'll see if Mass. voters give a shit about that.
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.
You mean, inane, meaningless bullshit like pranking some classmates as a teen by putting on a police cap, badge, and sneaking up behind their car at a makeout point? THAT kind of meaningless, inane bullshit???

I'm more interested in that inane bullshit about how he claimed to be a jobs creator at Bain, but as soon as you take a look into the actual facts you can see that the Bain business model was anything BUT create jobs. And then I like the inane bullshit about how once he was called on his utter lies about his record there, he decided to whine, pout and cry about how Bain isn't fair game.

That's the inane shit I like to focus on.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

I got a link for you, with video...

Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"
"I think the ad is unfair. Mitt Romney made a mistake ever talking about the fact that he created 100,000 jobs. Bain Capital’s responsibility was not to create 100,000 jobs or some other number. It was to create profits for his investors, most of whom were pension funds, endowments and foundations. It did it superbly, acting within the rules and acting very responsibly and was a leading firm," Ratner said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday.

"So I do think to pick out an example of somebody who lost their job unfortunately, this is part of capitalism, this is part of life. And I don’t think there’s anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about," he said.

dumb ass.

If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.

Cool. Let's only send corporations off to die in foreign wars...oh wait.
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.

Cool. Let's only send corporations off to die in foreign wars...oh wait.

you're right, and when Iran gets the bomb and gives it some crazy muslim and they nuke New York or San Francisco, should those of us in the heartland be upset? Liberals only enact policies they dont think they'll have to bare the consequences of. I really want to see a halfway house in nancy pelosi's rich liberal neighborhood, I bet they'd fight it, do you?
Corporations aren't people EXCEPT as a legal fiction for certain LEGAL rights and protections.

To that extent the shorthand way we have phrased it for a LONG time is "a corporation is a person." In fact, it's the root of the very word.

So, all the quibbles aside, the fact remains, corporations are still persons.

Cool. Let's only send corporations off to die in foreign wars...oh wait.

you're right, and when Iran gets the bomb and gives it some crazy muslim and they nuke New York or San Francisco, should those of us in the heartland be upset? Liberals only enact policies they dont think they'll have to bare the consequences of. I really want to see a halfway house in nancy pelosi's rich liberal neighborhood, I bet they'd fight it, do you?

I'm not even sure how your response is in any way directed towards what I posted. But that's not uncommon for someone with an obviously plus-sized ego with a Jr. Miss sized IQ.

I will say this: FDR was a Liberal and he still got us into WWII, without batting an eye lash. National security isn't partisan. But choosing to make it the priority over feeding and educating our children is.
So - they get two votes then. One as a corporation, one as an alleged human.

Corporations can't vote.

This is about people not agreeing that corporations should be able to buy political ads or give money to candidates.

All a corporation is is a group of people and if those people want to pool their money to buy ads or give donations then so what?.

Unions are groups of people who do that very same thing.

Except they're really not, just from a practical standpoint. There is no possible way on Earth that unions could ever compete with corporate donations. And even that isn't the biggest issue. When you make campaign contributions anonymous, no one has any idea what kind of people are backing a candidate. There are reasons that contributions are given, and in sums that large, that reason is almost always quid pro quo.

Here is a list of the top 10 corporate political donors. There is nothing anonymous about it.

The 10 Biggest Corporate Campaign Contributors in U.S. Politics - DailyFinance

Read it if you dare!
Those are corporate campaign donations that were disclosed. SuperPACs don't follow under those guidelines, and don't have to disclose. A corporation could dump all kinds of money into a Super PAC and the Super PAC doesn't have to tell us where their money came from. So yeah, nice try, but kinda not the same thing, at all. And no reference was made to donations made post-Citizens United.
You mean, inane, meaningless bullshit like pranking some classmates as a teen by putting on a police cap, badge, and sneaking up behind their car at a makeout point? THAT kind of meaningless, inane bullshit???

I'm more interested in that inane bullshit about how he claimed to be a jobs creator at Bain, but as soon as you take a look into the actual facts you can see that the Bain business model was anything BUT create jobs. And then I like the inane bullshit about how once he was called on his utter lies about his record there, he decided to whine, pout and cry about how Bain isn't fair game.

That's the inane shit I like to focus on.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Minimum wage jobs, with no benefits.

Why don't you talk about Bain's work with KB Toys? :lol:

Conservatard said:
Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

Mitt Romney released the following statement today, responding to President Obama’s defense of his campaigns attacks on Bain Capital at a NATO summit press conference today in Chicago:

“President Obama confirmed today that he will continue his attacks on the free enterprise system, which Mayor Booker and other leading Democrats have spoken out against. What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty. President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”

I'm more interested in that inane bullshit about how he claimed to be a jobs creator at Bain, but as soon as you take a look into the actual facts you can see that the Bain business model was anything BUT create jobs. And then I like the inane bullshit about how once he was called on his utter lies about his record there, he decided to whine, pout and cry about how Bain isn't fair game.

That's the inane shit I like to focus on.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Minimum wage jobs, with no benefits.

Why don't you talk about Bain's work with KB Toys? :lol:

Conservatard said:
Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

Mitt Romney released the following statement today, responding to President Obama’s defense of his campaigns attacks on Bain Capital at a NATO summit press conference today in Chicago:

“President Obama confirmed today that he will continue his attacks on the free enterprise system, which Mayor Booker and other leading Democrats have spoken out against. What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty. President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”


yes... much better to have no jobs, huh. :rolleyes:

Interesting. I don't see anything about Romney sayign Bain is not fair gaim. I see Romney saying the President should concentrate on the jobs picture.

Last edited:
Poor Elizabeth Warren is just angry that evil Corporations occupy what used to be "HER" Indian Lands.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Minimum wage jobs, with no benefits.

Why don't you talk about Bain's work with KB Toys? :lol:

Conservatard said:
Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

Mitt Romney released the following statement today, responding to President Obama’s defense of his campaigns attacks on Bain Capital at a NATO summit press conference today in Chicago:

“President Obama confirmed today that he will continue his attacks on the free enterprise system, which Mayor Booker and other leading Democrats have spoken out against. What this election is about is the 23 million Americans who are still struggling to find work and the millions who have lost their homes and have fallen into poverty. President Obama refuses to accept moral responsibility for his failed policies. My campaign is offering a positive agenda to help America get back to work.”


yes... much better to have no jobs, huh. :rolleyes:
Staples Salaries | Glassdoor

Interesting. I don't see anything about Romney sayign Bain is not fair gaim. I see Romney saying the President should concentrate on the jobs picture.


Obama is worried of re-election and hios 'warchest'...he cannot be bothered by people's suffering save for class envy/warfare and 'Boooosh'!
I'm more interested in that inane bullshit about how he claimed to be a jobs creator at Bain, but as soon as you take a look into the actual facts you can see that the Bain business model was anything BUT create jobs. And then I like the inane bullshit about how once he was called on his utter lies about his record there, he decided to whine, pout and cry about how Bain isn't fair game.

That's the inane shit I like to focus on.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

I got a link for you, with video...

Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"
"I think the ad is unfair. Mitt Romney made a mistake ever talking about the fact that he created 100,000 jobs. Bain Capital’s responsibility was not to create 100,000 jobs or some other number. It was to create profits for his investors, most of whom were pension funds, endowments and foundations. It did it superbly, acting within the rules and acting very responsibly and was a leading firm," Ratner said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Monday.

"So I do think to pick out an example of somebody who lost their job unfortunately, this is part of capitalism, this is part of life. And I don’t think there’s anything Bain Capital did that they need to be embarrassed about," he said.

dumb ass.

If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.

that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

I got a link for you, with video...

Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"

dumb ass.

If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.

that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

He's a young punk [Probably OWS]...that hasn't experienced life.
inane bullshit seems to be all you post. The record of Bain Capital creating jobs is about the same as every other company like Bain. Ever hear of Staples? Bain.

Got a link to Romney crying about how Bain isn't fair game?

I got a link for you, with video...

Former Obama Car Czar Calls Romney Attack Ad "Unfair"

dumb ass.

If Bain's job was not to create jobs, then why did Mitt himself say he was a job creator? And it's not the Obama team that brought this issue into this year's election first. It was all the Circus of Fucktards your party brought out to show to the world who first attacked him on it; and rightfully so.,

You can't run as the Jobs president if your goal at your company wasn't to create jobs. He's a fraud, a phony, a fake.

And you're an idiot who thinks he's smarter than everyone else in the room because you're Conservative. But there is hope for you. I hear there are a number of short piers in your town. I implore you to go investigate a couple.

that's the extent of your posting prowess? Some meaningless drivel and telling me to take a long walk off a short pier?


You really do suck at this.

No more so than you do. Like I said the other day, those who are 'the best the right has to offer on this board' have gotten lazy.

VERY lazy.

Mind-numbingly, bored-to-tears, repetitive-unto-death - Lazy.

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