Warning: Gravity is "Only a Theory"

The gravity of this situation is horrendously bias.
Proven to the extent of we know.
Does gravity have mass? No, it is the effect of mass.
There's a missing equation, possibly two missing equations.
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After all, all good things come in threes.
You don't discuss anything. You proselytize. You don't understand what forum you're in.

Live in trembling fear of your gods in the religion forum.
See, that's all you can do with evolutionary science vs creation science. Evolutionists, atheists and their scientists just don't get it. With the evolutionary or atheist science, you also get the wrath of God who will send you all to your temporary hell of Hades. No need to have Satan drag you there. After that, you go to Gehenna which will be your eternal fiery place. It could be towards the center of the Earth that the evil ones head toward.

You can see why gravity is necessary, as it points towards the center of the Earth, for those who try to escape their fate and continue to bitch and moan about it.
Can you point out the spot in your video where they say where the several oceans worth of water was and how all that managed to come through the fountains of the deep? And where several oceans worth of water disappeared to when the flood receded?

If this has been explained in the bible, as you say, then you are relying on a religious miracle, not science. This should be in the religious forum, not here.
You should go to the part 2 since you couldn't figure that out for yourself.

As for your opinions on the Bible, no Christian should depend on your worthless atheist one. You are one of the worst and lowest scumbag here. What was found was that science backed up the Bible with the Marangoni Effect.
You should go to the part 2 since you couldn't figure that out for yourself.

As for your opinions on the Bible, no Christian should depend on your worthless atheist one. You are one of the worst and lowest scumbag here. What was found was that science backed up the Bible with the Marangoni Effect.
Balderdash. The Marangoni Effect works on surface tension differentials between two liquids or gasses. Any H2O below the mantel is locked in a solid phase, or a phase with high viscosity. The Maragoni Effect applied to a flood is a smoke screen to fool non-scientists.

Besides that, the ocean is 332 billion cubic miles of water. A global flood would need over a trillion extra cubic miles of water to reach the highest mountain. Where does all that water come from? Besides that what mechanism gets the flood water 400 Km back down into to the mantle when the flood recedes. Certainly not the Maragoni Effect. Your video didn't cover that.

Most creationists believe a miracle aided by God caused the flood. That's OK. You should too. Your video was only made to impress naïve Christians.
See, that's all you can do with evolutionary science vs creation science. Evolutionists, atheists and their scientists just don't get it. With the evolutionary or atheist science, you also get the wrath of God who will send you all to your temporary hell of Hades. No need to have Satan drag you there. After that, you go to Gehenna which will be your eternal fiery place. It could be towards the center of the Earth that the evil ones head toward.

You can see why gravity is necessary, as it points towards the center of the Earth, for those who try to escape their fate and continue to bitch and moan about it.
ID'iot creationer "science" is nothing more than religion under a burqa of falsely claimed science. Science is not subdivided into a subset of ID'iot creationer science.

Pass that on to your peers at the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah.
Balderdash. The Marangoni Effect works on surface tension differentials between two liquids or gasses. Any H2O below the mantel is locked in a solid phase, or a phase with high viscosity. The Maragoni Effect applied to a flood is a smoke screen to fool non-scientists.
I am one of the better non-scientist scientist here. You are a plain non-scientist and do not know nor understand what happened during the global flood. Besides, your religion of atheism won't let you believe it. We have its results all over the world.

The Marangoni Effect isn't in the Bible, but we find that science backs up what the Bible describes of the global flood. After all, the global flood was no miracle (You are wrong again; Atheists are usually wrong). It was a God's reaction to evil and dangerous people outnumbering the good. They would've all killed the good if left to continue.

God wanted the Earth to start over again to give its people another chance. Don't think you'll get a third chance AFTER death though! We are again headed for mass destruction. Can it happen again in short time to around 2060 or another forty years or so? Yes, it could as we have the rise of atheism. I should update my deadly weapons at home and get a high-powered rifle versus them.
ID'iot creationer "science" is nothing more than religion under a burqa of falsely claimed science. Science is not subdivided into a subset of ID'iot creationer science.

Pass that on to your peers at the Jimmy Swaggert madrassah.
I don't listen to Jimmy Swaggert nor tv evangelists. So who knows what he says? You could be one of them since you brought him up. What does he say? Does he talk about creation science lol? Would that bring him extra revenues?
Way too much to read…..no comment about the 12 sects of Christians who have all signed on to evolution ?
LMAO. You shouldn't be in S&T if you can't read beyond a paragrah. Just leave. Why am I discussing anything with you lol?
You should go to the part 2 since you couldn't figure that out for yourself.
I'm pretty sure you didn't listen/watch the whole vid, but the Book of Job also points out the center of the volcanoes on Earth. What about those Wuwei? Where is the center of volcanoes on Earth? Do you even think there is a center of volcanoes hm... (Watch listen to episode 1)?
I don't listen to Jimmy Swaggert nor tv evangelists. So who knows what he says? You could be one of them since you brought him up. What does he say? Does he talk about creation science lol? Would that bring him extra revenues?
You continue your Bible thumping proselytizing in the Science forum.

Please take it to the religion forum.
You continue your Bible thumping proselytizing in the Science forum.

Please take it to the religion forum.
I gave Wuwei, you and the atheists here the evidence for a global flood and real science -- creation science (also provided creation vs atheist science and Wuwei is pointed out here because of you know). Your side has provided a total of NOTHING in all the months I've been here.

I even pointed out our final destinations which would be the only Bible proselytizing I've done here. The rest is creation science or real science.
I gave Wuwei, you and the atheists here the evidence for a global flood and real science -- creation science (also provided creation vs atheist science and Wuwei is pointed out here because of you know). Your side has provided a total of NOTHING in all the months I've been here.

I even pointed out our final destinations which would be the only Bible proselytizing I've done here. The rest is creation science or real science.
You never provided evidence of a global flood.

As usual, you bring your gods and extremist religious beliefs into a science forum.

Take your bible thumping to the religion forum.
I gave @Wuwei, you and the atheists here the evidence for a global flood and real science
No creationist nor you nor the bible can say where an extra trillion cubic miles of water came from. And no creationist nor you nor the bible can say where all that water is today. So your pseudo-science is just that. The flood story is a 'cute' tale of your god committing genocide, but the flood in the story didn't happen. Not possible.
No creationist nor you nor the bible can say where an extra trillion cubic miles of water came from. And no creationist nor you nor the bible can say where all that water is today. So your pseudo-science is just that. The flood story is a 'cute' tale of your god committing genocide, but the flood in the story didn't happen. Not possible.
You are in denial. First, it was stated in the Bible a long time ago as a punishment/protection global event and geologic history. After that, science backed it up with hydrothermal vents and...

the Grand Canyon, the White Cliffs of Dover, the Coconino Sandstone, Sand wave deposition, the fossil layers and the layers we have to explain the make-believe evolution layers (It happened in a single instance!), the first rainbow, and more.

The denial of the true and real evidence for God and his works will always be as Satan is clever and has fooled the atheists and sinners into going furthest away from Him. Otherwise, you would have even the littlest shred of evidence to discuss here, but none of you do lol.
Stop responding to him 5000 times in every thread, and maybe he will.

Doubtful, though. James is a sock account of another poster, made specifically for posting in the science section.
You are right. He is now repeating himself. Nothing new to see here. I will leave him to his science denial and let him relish his miracles of the bible.
Stop responding to him 5000 times in every thread, and maybe he will.

Doubtful, though. James is a sock account of another poster, made specifically for posting in the science section.
What you need to realize is that global flood was God's biggest punishment up until then, but there wasn't anything we could do to stop His wrath. However, we still would've survived for eternity had we received grace and believed in the coming of Jesus.

Today, we receive grace by believing in the salvation of Jesus. How does creation science deal with this? By teaching everything wasn't formed over billions of years, but by God the Father through His Son Jesus. We have evidence for the latter, but not for billions nor even millions of years. Unfortunately for you, you don't have the evidence for billions nor millions of years.
How to build a super exciting James Bond spy rocket at home to strap yourself to and kiss your sorry ass goodbye, brought to you by..

It would be nice to be able to create like Jesus, but I'm not a supernatural being. We all have to go sometime, so may as well go happy and with salvation.

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