Warmongers in Congress want to send ANOTHER $50 BILLION to Ukraine before January

Can one of you warmongers show me exactly where all this money is going?

Amid concerns that a new Congress could take a more skeptical view of aid to Ukraine, lawmakers from both parties are looking to lock in billions of dollars in military assistance to Kyiv before newly elected members are sworn in in January, according to a lawmaker and congressional staffers.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, who is poised to take over as speaker if the GOP wins a majority in the House in the November midterm elections, warned this week that his fellow party members are “not going to write a blank check to Ukraine.”

With that threat to Ukraine aid looming, the bipartisan idea under consideration would use a government funding bill during the lame-duck session after the midterms to secure a much higher level of military and other assistance than prior aid packages for Ukraine, according to the lawmaker and the aides.

Congress last month approved $12 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine, but the package being contemplated would be dramatically larger, the sources said.

The amount would be enough “to make sure [Ukraine] can get through the year,” a Republican senator with knowledge of the matter told NBC News. “It’ll make the $12 billion look like pocket change.”
Most in Zelensky's pocket with 10% for the big guy of course.
This dude gets it.

...."the lunatics in charge are doing everything in their power to actually start a really big war. They’re choosing not to do smart, commonsense things like end a border dispute, negotiate a peace settlement, provide an offramp to peace, and generally cool things down. Why would they do any of that stuff? As George Carlin said, there’s no money in peace, folks! 

Hundreds of billions of dollars stopped flowing into the pockets of our all-volunteer Military Industrial Complex when we pratfalled our way out of Afghanistan. The spigot got turned off over there, so it was simply rerouted under the Urals via the Porkstream II and turned on near Kiev, for yet another Vital Foreign Cause. They call this one Saving Democracy Itself! And if you don’t believe in the Cause, yes, you are a traitor."

If we send Ukraine $50billion, Will Putin be pissed?

Of course not. He's getting his cut, just like Joe Biden. Remember, they're all in on it together.

Can one of you warmongers show me exactly where all this money is going?

Amid concerns that a new Congress could take a more skeptical view of aid to Ukraine, lawmakers from both parties are looking to lock in billions of dollars in military assistance to Kyiv before newly elected members are sworn in in January, according to a lawmaker and congressional staffers.

House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy of California, who is poised to take over as speaker if the GOP wins a majority in the House in the November midterm elections, warned this week that his fellow party members are “not going to write a blank check to Ukraine.”

With that threat to Ukraine aid looming, the bipartisan idea under consideration would use a government funding bill during the lame-duck session after the midterms to secure a much higher level of military and other assistance than prior aid packages for Ukraine, according to the lawmaker and the aides.

Congress last month approved $12 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine, but the package being contemplated would be dramatically larger, the sources said.

The amount would be enough “to make sure [Ukraine] can get through the year,” a Republican senator with knowledge of the matter told NBC News. “It’ll make the $12 billion look like pocket change.”
I think liberals who allowed hitler to grab terrotory by force caused WWII

So resisting russian aggression on ukraine is the best way to preserve peace
Your boss Putin will be fine. He, Biden, and Zelensky are running the biggest money laundering operation in history, and he's got dumbfucks like you cheerleading for it.

No, actually Russia is getting their asses kicked by a better equipped and more highly motivated fighting force

Meanwhile, you cry for Putin
No, actually Russia is getting their asses kicked by a better equipped and more highly motivated fighting force

Meanwhile, you cry for Putin

They're using you for their money laundering op, retard. Putin got richer, Biden got richer, and Zelensky got richer. And they all got that way because of dipshits like you who fall for the propaganda.

You're the mark, and this is your party:

They're using you for their money laundering op, retard. Putin got richer, Biden got richer, and Zelensky got richer. And they all got that way because of dipshits like you who fall for the propaganda.

You're the mark, and this is your party:

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Putin is shitting his shorts

He started a war he can’t win and has no way to save face. It will cost him his job and probably his life

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