Warmest March on record

Hey Old Rocks, How many fake supporters are you going to create to try and bolster your silly position?
WOW, you must be the resident forum slack jawed idiot or something. The article clearly said: "Last month was the warmest March on record worldwide, based on records back to 1880". Do you understand what "worldwide" means, little slack jawed idiot? Many area got warmer and some area got cooler but overall there was more warming to the point where the planet experienced the warmest March on record. OMG! you're stupid.

LOL. The glaciers are melting. That is observed reality. Your inability to understand what is happening doesn't make it not happen. It is obvious that you are retarded to the point of lunacy.

LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....you are unbelievably moronic. CO2 levels are around 390 parts per million now which is 3.9 (or "a few") parts per ten thousand. This mistake of yours alone shows that you are a clueless numbskull with pretensions of knowing something and makes everything you have to say from now on worth less than a cup of warm spit.
Responding to facts with personal attacks only makes you look silly.

Thinking that anything the slack jawed idiot says is a "fact" only makes you look as retarded as he is.
No, we think you are the same person becaause you use the same ridiculous logic and resort to using the same type of insults. Your use of language is not relevant to your choice of words. Your intent is.
You imagine that there is only one person in the world who thinks you're a retard? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....I'm sure there are legions who would agree if they happened to read any of your pathetic, lame, loony and extremely ignorant drivel.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: I know a sock when its this obvious, and especially when its twice in a row.... Twice now with me this little twerp came after me with a sock... Same MO, a few posts and just like the other one he will be gone when it fails...:cuckoo:

Only a true cowardly little twerp would try it twice so close together..... And all because he doesn't want to face his lies...... Wow what a wuss......:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Oooooh....the little slack jawed idiot has his panties in a twist. LOL. You are such a crazy retard. I demonstrated just how completely clueless you are and all you've got as a comeback is to accuse everyone who thinks you're an idiot of being one person is many guises. LOL.

Second the math is just plain wrong in regards to volume of CO2 in the atmosphere. Its part per million or PPM not parts per then-thousand. And that alone shows the fact this article is fudged.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....you are unbelievably moronic. CO2 levels are around 390 parts per million now which is 3.9 (or "a few") parts per ten thousand. This mistake of yours alone shows that you are a clueless numbskull with pretensions of knowing something and makes everything you have to say from now on worth less than a cup of warm spit.

You just can't deal with someone showing your idiotic errors for all to see.

The fact is that anyone who reads even one of your posts can immediately tell that you are a flaming retard with his head up his ass. The fact that you think everyone who writes coherently and uses big words must be the same person is hilarious and extremely pathetic. Stuff a sock in it, gsock.
No, we think you are the same person becaause you use the same ridiculous logic and resort to using the same type of insults. Your use of language is not relevant to your choice of words. Your intent is.

Well then, you are obviously just as retarded as the slack jawed idiot. Something that could probably be said about most of you delusional denier cult dingbats:cuckoo:.

"The same ridiculous logic" - LOLOLOL...you mean like posting actual scientifc facts and evidence instead of just posting ignorant opinions and the anti-scientific drivel you get off of denier cult blogs like you nitwits do? LOL.
Ah yes the ever present degeneration into personal insults. The persistent lack of facts. The incomperable belief that "their" blogs are correct and all others are "cultist deniers".
Old Rocks, you are truly pathetic. I actually am beginning to fell sorry for you, I really am.
To be so wrapped up in a fraud as you clearly are and to have it unravel around your very ears must be psychologically damaging.

Germany has bailed, Australia has bailed, the rest of the nations are locked in pointless debate over basically nothing....your last hope is to have the misguided Senate of the US continue the pursuit of the fraud (which they probably will as they are deeply invested in it as well) oh the pain and agony of it all when it finally is put down like the dead horse it is.

Al Gore film sparks controversy in NZ | The National Business Review - New Zealand - business, markets, finance, politics, property, technology and more

Newsletter: NZCLIMATE TRUTH NO 244 by Vincent Gray | Climate Realists

And then there is this from Climatologist Dr. Roy Spencer: ‘…the proposed cure for global warming – reducing greenhouse gas emissions – will someday seem as outdated as using leeches to cure human illnesses’

But what would a NASA scientist (you know the ones you think are gods...so long as they agree with you) know about the climate.

No, we think you are the same person becaause you use the same ridiculous logic and resort to using the same type of insults. Your use of language is not relevant to your choice of words. Your intent is.

Well then, you are obviously just as retarded as the slack jawed idiot. Something that could probably be said about most of you delusional denier cult dingbats:cuckoo:.

"The same ridiculous logic" - LOLOLOL...you mean like posting actual scientifc facts and evidence instead of just posting ignorant opinions and the anti-scientific drivel you get off of denier cult blogs like you nitwits do? LOL.
Hey! for old times sake, let's trot out all the predictions at that first Earth Day in 1970!

You know... the ones were we were all going to die of disease and starvation as population spikes over a trillion and we die in a burning freezy hot flood with locusts from the heavens and soylant green for everyone while everyone rides bicycles because we used up all our fuel by 1980.

Aren't we 20 years past dead now?

LOL.... THis is the kind of so-called evidence I talked about before....

An Animation showing September ice coverage over 2o years, from 1979 to 2009.

First, you guys try and tell us short term like that is inaccurate in regards to climate....

Second, September is in the ending of the melting season for polar ice....

Third, If you look at the animation and let it go by 1 frame at a time you find variances going both ways.

For instance, all through the eighties we had nearly the same amount of ice coverage as 09', only it would be bigger in some areas and smaller in others....

In the 90's we see the same thing, variances going both ways and differences in ice regarding the different areas... one year the canada side had more ice, the next the european side had mire ice. And some years both had more or both had less ice..... its a pattern alright a pattern of natural variance...

Don't take my word for it look for yourself, look it over one frame at a time.....


Do that and you see the reality.....

Pretty lame bullshit. I feel bad for you.

No your response was pretty lame bullshit buddy.. And I don't feel bad for you. I feel you should be ashamed of yourself...
You imagine that there is only one person in the world who thinks you're a retard? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....I'm sure there are legions who would agree if they happened to read any of your pathetic, lame, loony and extremely ignorant drivel.

:cuckoo::cuckoo: I know a sock when its this obvious, and especially when its twice in a row.... Twice now with me this little twerp came after me with a sock... Same MO, a few posts and just like the other one he will be gone when it fails...:cuckoo:

Only a true cowardly little twerp would try it twice so close together..... And all because he doesn't want to face his lies...... Wow what a wuss......:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Oooooh....the little slack jawed idiot has his panties in a twist. LOL. You are such a crazy retard. I demonstrated just how completely clueless you are and all you've got as a comeback is to accuse everyone who thinks you're an idiot of being one person is many guises. LOL.

Second the math is just plain wrong in regards to volume of CO2 in the atmosphere. Its part per million or PPM not parts per then-thousand. And that alone shows the fact this article is fudged.
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL....you are unbelievably moronic. CO2 levels are around 390 parts per million now which is 3.9 (or "a few") parts per ten thousand. This mistake of yours alone shows that you are a clueless numbskull with pretensions of knowing something and makes everything you have to say from now on worth less than a cup of warm spit.

You just can't deal with someone showing your idiotic errors for all to see.

The fact is that anyone who reads even one of your posts can immediately tell that you are a flaming retard with his head up his ass. The fact that you think everyone who writes coherently and uses big words must be the same person is hilarious and extremely pathetic. Stuff a sock in it, gsock.

No socko, I just don't tolerate fakes and liars.... "A few in ten-thousand" is na very general and non-scientific claim, and its incorrect in regards to the fact its always referred to as part per million. as in 387 ppm moron.....

Now socko why do you seem to have this desperate need to bump old threads that show your sides bullshit? I thank you and appreciate it, but it seems counter-productive to me...

Oh well thanks again socko....:lol:
Yeah, they're not Sockpuppets, but probably Cass Sunstein's Parrot provocateurs.

So it's gonna be squawking and bird crap for a while.
Yeah, they're not Sockpuppets, but probably Cass Sunstein's Parrot provocateurs.

So it's gonna be squawking and bird crap for a while.

LOL, one way to find out..... I think its time for an expose' on Cass Sunstein.... LOL BRB!
OMFG! this guy is a nazi...... Just the little bit I read is pretty freaking daming....

here is a bit on him.... Cass Sunstein - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Legal philosophy
Sunstein is a proponent of judicial minimalism, arguing that judges should focus primarily on deciding the case at hand, and avoid making sweeping changes to the law or decisions that have broad-reaching effects. Some view him as liberal[10] publicly supporting some of George W. Bush's judicial nominees, including Michael W. McConnell and John G. Roberts, as well as supporting rights under the Second Amendment [11] and providing strong theoretical support for the death penalty[12]. Much of his work also brings behavioral economics to bear on law, suggesting that the "rational actor" model will sometimes produce an inadequate understanding of how people will respond to legal intervention.
In recent years Sunstein has collaborated with academics who have training in behavioral economics, most notably Daniel Kahneman, Richard Thaler, and Christine M. Jolls, to show how the theoretical assumptions of law and economics should be modified by new empirical findings about how people actually behave.
The interpretation of federal law should be made not by judges but by the beliefs and commitments of the U.S. president and those around him, according to Sunstein. "There is no reason to believe that in the face of statutory ambiguity, the meaning of federal law should be settled by the inclinations and predispositions of federal judges. The outcome should instead depend on the commitments and beliefs of the President and those who operate under him," argued Sunstein.[citation needed]
Sunstein (along with his coauthor Richard Thaler) has elaborated the theory of libertarian paternalism. In arguing for this theory, he counsels thinkers/academics/politicians to embrace the findings of behavioral economics as applied to law, maintaining freedom of choice while also steering people's decisions in directions that will make their lives go better. With Thaler, he coined the term "choice architect."
[edit]Military Commissions
In 2002, at the height of controversy over Bush's creation of military commissions without Congressional approval, Sunstein stepped forward to insist that "nder existing law, President George W. Bush has the legal authority to use military commissions" and that "President Bush's choice stands on firm legal ground." Sunstein scorned as "ludicrous" the argument from Law Professor George Fletcher that the Supreme Court would find Bush's military commissions without any legal basis. Four years later—in its Hamdan ruling—the Supreme Court, with Justice Stevens in the majority, held that Bush lacked the legal authority to create military commissions without approval from Congress, i.e., the Court (and Stevens) found Bush lacked exactly the "legal authority" which Sunstein vehemently insisted he possessed.[13]
[edit]First Amendment
In his book Democracy and the Problem of Free Speech Sunstein says there is a need to reformulate First Amendment law. He thinks that the current formulation, based on Justice Holmes' conception of free speech as a marketplace “disserves the aspirations of those who wrote America’s founding document.”[14] The purpose of this reformulation would be to “reinvigorate processes of democratic deliberation, by ensuring greater attention to public issues and greater diversity of views.”[15] He is concerned by the present “situation in which like-minded people speak or listen mostly to one another,”[16] and thinks that in “light of astonishing economic and technological changes, we must doubt whether, as interpreted, the constitutional guarantee of free speech is adequately serving democratic goals.”[17] He proposes a “New Deal for speech [that] would draw on Justice Brandeis' insistence on the role of free speech in promoting political deliberation and citizenship.”[15]
[edit]Animal rights
Some of Sunstein's work has addressed the question of animal rights, as he co-authored a book dealing with the subject, has written papers on it, and was an invited speaker at "FACING ANIMALS," an event at Harvard University described as "a groundbreaking panel on animals in ethics and the law."[18] “Every reasonable person believes in animal rights,” he says, continuing that "we might conclude that certain practices cannot be defended and should not be allowed to continue, if, in practice, mere regulation will inevitably be insufficient—and if, in practice, mere regulation will ensure that the level of animal suffering will remain very high." [19]
Sunstein's views on animal rights generated controversy when Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) blocked his appointment to the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs by Obama. Chambliss objected to the introduction of Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions, a volume edited by Sunstein and his then-partner Martha Nussbaum. On page 11 of the introduction, during a philosophical discussion about whether animals should be thought of as owned by humans, Sunstein notes that personhood need not be conferred upon an animal in order to grant it various legal protections against abuse or cruelty, even including legal standing for suit. For example, under current law, if someone saw their neighbor beating a dog, they currently cannot sue for animal cruelty because they do not have legal standing to do so. Sunstein suggests that granting standing to animals, actionable by other parties, could decrease animal cruelty by increasing the likelihood that animal abuse will be punished.
Sunstein has argued, “We should celebrate tax day.”[20] Sunstein argues that since government (in the form of police, fire departments, insured banks, and courts) protects and preserves property and liberty, individuals should happily finance it with their tax dollars:
In what sense is the money in our pockets and bank accounts fully ‘ours’? Did we earn it by our own autonomous efforts? Could we have inherited it without the assistance of probate courts? Do we save it without the support of bank regulators? Could we spend it if there were no public officials to coordinate the efforts and pool the resources of the community in which we live? Without taxes, there would be no liberty. Without taxes there would be no property. Without taxes, few of us would have any assets worth defending. [It is] a dim fiction that some people enjoy and exercise their rights without placing any burden whatsoever on the public… There is no liberty without dependency.[20]
Sunstein goes on to say:
If government could not intervene effectively, none of the individual rights to which Americans have become accustomed could be reliably protected. [...] This is why the overused distinction between "negative" and "positive" rights makes little sense. Rights to private property, freedom of speech, immunity from police abuse, contractual liberty and free exercise of religion—just as much as rights to Social Security, Medicare and food stamps—are taxpayer-funded and government-managed social services designed to improve collective and individual well-being.
In a recent book, Sunstein proposes that government recognition of marriage be discontinued. "Under our proposal, the word marriage would no longer appear in any laws, and marriage licenses would no longer be offered or recognized by any level of government," argues Sunstein. He continues, "the only legal status states would confer on couples would be a civil union, which would be a domestic partnership agreement between any two people." He goes on further, "Governments would not be asked to endorse any particular relationships by conferring on them the term marriage," and refers to state-recognized marriage as an "official license scheme."[21]
[edit]Conspiracy theories and government infiltration
Sunstein co-authored a 2008 paper with Adrian Vermeule, titled Conspiracy Theories, in which they wrote, "The existence of both domestic and foreign conspiracy theories, we suggest, is no trivial matter, posing real risks to the government’s antiterrorism policies, whatever the latter may be." They go on to propose that, "the best response consists in cognitive infiltration of extremist groups",[22] where they suggest, among other tactics, "Government agents (and their allies) might enter chat rooms, online social networks, or even real-space groups and attempt to undermine percolating conspiracy theories by raising doubts about their factual premises, causal logic or implications for political action."[22]
Sunstein and Vermeule also analyze the practice of secret government payments to outside commentators, who are then held out as independent experts; they suggest that "government can supply these independent experts with information and perhaps prod them into action from behind the scenes," further warning that "too close a connection will be self-defeating if it is exposed."[22] Sunstein and Vermeule argue that the practice of enlisting non-government officials, "might ensure that credible independent experts offer the rebuttal, rather than government officials themselves. There is a tradeoff between credibility and control, however. The price of credibility is that government cannot be seen to control the independent experts." This position has been criticized by some commentators,[23][24] who argue that it would violate prohibitions on government propaganda aimed at domestic citizens.[25]

First, the guy is a total scumbag nazi.... he wants free speech limited to pro-government only, marriage not supported by the government, removing animal rights legislation because he feels its a waste of time, that conspiracy theories are a threat to national security, and supreme court justices shouldn't be allowed to decide on matters of federal law but that should reside with the president.....Sounds just like nazi dogma to me....

I bet the POS kicks old people and beats puppies too
I bet the POS kicks old people and beats puppies too

Oh no. he wants to euthanize old people and give puppies lawyers to sue their owners. No kidding.
The Blackboard March UAH Temperature Anomaly: 0.653C

Spencer is busy making all sorts of adjustments to the UAH, making comparisons using the historical monthly data sort of useless. He “moved” a lot of temperature rise out of Jan,Feb,and Mar back to last fall and apparently spread it out over this year as well.

According to his adjusted numbers, September 2009 at 0.504 was the hottest September, November at 0.479 was the hottest November, January 2010 at 0.649 was the hottest January, and March 2010 at 0.653 is the hottest March in the UAH data. July 2009 is the second hottest July, and October 2009 is the third hottest October.

Looking forward to April, the April 1998 anomaly was very high at 0.76, but the runner-up month of April 2005 at 0.41 is quite a way back… Looks like April 2010 will end up the 2nd hottest April.

May and June of this year will be interesting, because some of the adjustment from JFM will increase reported anomalies in May and June.

To me, the important and interesting calculation, is the 13-month moving average… If April, May, June, and July average 0.62, the UAH 13-month average will set a new record high when the July report is issued. This may seem difficult, but remember the adjustments in Spencer’s new system are likely to add over 0.10 to each of those month’s anomalies.

Not a slam dunk, but the UAH data are likely to show 2010 as the hottest “year” ever recorded.
The Blackboard March UAH Temperature Anomaly: 0.653C

Spencer is busy making all sorts of adjustments to the UAH, making comparisons using the historical monthly data sort of useless. He “moved” a lot of temperature rise out of Jan,Feb,and Mar back to last fall and apparently spread it out over this year as well.

According to his adjusted numbers, September 2009 at 0.504 was the hottest September, November at 0.479 was the hottest November, January 2010 at 0.649 was the hottest January, and March 2010 at 0.653 is the hottest March in the UAH data. July 2009 is the second hottest July, and October 2009 is the third hottest October.

Looking forward to April, the April 1998 anomaly was very high at 0.76, but the runner-up month of April 2005 at 0.41 is quite a way back… Looks like April 2010 will end up the 2nd hottest April.

May and June of this year will be interesting, because some of the adjustment from JFM will increase reported anomalies in May and June.

To me, the important and interesting calculation, is the 13-month moving average… If April, May, June, and July average 0.62, the UAH 13-month average will set a new record high when the July report is issued. This may seem difficult, but remember the adjustments in Spencer’s new system are likely to add over 0.10 to each of those month’s anomalies.

Not a slam dunk, but the UAH data are likely to show 2010 as the hottest “year” ever recorded.

And according to your history of dishonesty and lying here, you have zero credibility. So anything you put up is suspect right from the start. And especially anything you try and claim comes from or is based on science. Since that is what your lies were about...
I see, so Dr. Roy Spencer is a 'Warmer'. LOL

I don't know really I do not know him and we travel in different circles... But I do know you are a liar and propagandist....

Oh and I also know you have been made the forum bitch lately.... HAHAHAHA! Your new name is Leslie... Now hush leslie! and go get my slippers!
I think these are more appropriate now don't you?

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun

And this group is not political..they just care about the science of it all they're not out to loot anybody

Welcome to Arctic ROOS — Arctic ROOS

And even the warmist NSIDC admits that this is the latest Arctic Sea Ice Melt start on record

Sea Ice Index

You may want to reaquaint yourself with some real data.


That graph is the "real data."

What you are saying is just bullshit.

And you fail to mention that the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

But then you don't read much, do you?
I think these are more appropriate now don't you?

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun

And this group is not political..they just care about the science of it all they're not out to loot anybody

Welcome to Arctic ROOS — Arctic ROOS

And even the warmist NSIDC admits that this is the latest Arctic Sea Ice Melt start on record

Sea Ice Index

You may want to reaquaint yourself with some real data.

That graph is the "real data."

What you are saying is just bullshit.

And you fail to mention that the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

But then you don't read much, do you?

LOOK if you don't like the post I made about your animation, then you shouldn't have used that animation..... It was your animation from your link, all I did was show the truth about it... if you think it wasn't real data than why did you post it??

Now graphs, charts, and data oh my!..... Seriously do you honestly want to do this with me? If you were not aware I do not take bullshit well. Every one of you guys who try to play science expert and the numbers or data game with me have either been shown to be complete liars, or unable to discern the reality of the data they post.

My job requires me to be a picky SOB. So if you think posting some graphs or numbers or any other such pseudo-science garbage from known liars is going to shut me down you haven't been paying attention....

For starters there is more to solar output and variance than simply watching sunspots, and the fact your side tries to make that claim shows the level of integrity they have. Along with sunspot activity (short term) 11 year cycle (the one your side cries about). There is also a larger 20+ year cycle (long cycle), the fact the sun is due to switch poles anytime now, cosmic rays from other celestial bodies as we track through the cosmos relative to our solar system galaxy, and various sections of the universe. Along with that we have the fact the sun varies in other aspects regarding heat output which we do not fully understand yet.

Your pseudo-science BS artists wanting grant money and fame, disregard all but the short 11 year cycles and then claim the sun has no real bearing on climate..... Un fuckin believable.... THe only reason we even have a climate is the sun if that isn't enough to make you wake up god help you...

Now as far as sun activity lowest in 80 years... Show me exactly who claims that and exactly what they base this on... Are they talking about solar output (radiation), solar flare activity, or what exactly? Also one more point you need to understand before looking more ignorant.... Cosmic rays are deflected more by an active sun. more radiation from the sum means less outside cosmic rays hitting the planet and less radiation from the sun means more cosmic rays hitting the planet. Cosmic rays are the most dangerous forms of radiation that hit us. They are believed by many scientists to have a direct correlation to our ice ages and warming periods.

Now please go back and do some reading on the workings of our cosmos before you try and argue about the suns impact.... or better yet look at the fact without it we wouldn't exist.... Dam man you people have become religious zealots over this now.. You deny all sense in favor of feel good rhetoric.....
We could certainly use some more heat here..We just had another two inches of snow last night.

Here is what a few others have to say about what is coming.....

Global Cooling until 2030 by Girma Orssengo, B. Tech, MASc, PhD | Climate Realists

Another Russian Scientist: Arctic Is Cooling P Gosselin – NoTricksZone

So as allways there are two sides to any discussion.

The Blackboard March UAH Temperature Anomaly: 0.653C

Spencer is busy making all sorts of adjustments to the UAH, making comparisons using the historical monthly data sort of useless. He “moved” a lot of temperature rise out of Jan,Feb,and Mar back to last fall and apparently spread it out over this year as well.

According to his adjusted numbers, September 2009 at 0.504 was the hottest September, November at 0.479 was the hottest November, January 2010 at 0.649 was the hottest January, and March 2010 at 0.653 is the hottest March in the UAH data. July 2009 is the second hottest July, and October 2009 is the third hottest October.

Looking forward to April, the April 1998 anomaly was very high at 0.76, but the runner-up month of April 2005 at 0.41 is quite a way back… Looks like April 2010 will end up the 2nd hottest April.

May and June of this year will be interesting, because some of the adjustment from JFM will increase reported anomalies in May and June.

To me, the important and interesting calculation, is the 13-month moving average… If April, May, June, and July average 0.62, the UAH 13-month average will set a new record high when the July report is issued. This may seem difficult, but remember the adjustments in Spencer’s new system are likely to add over 0.10 to each of those month’s anomalies.

Not a slam dunk, but the UAH data are likely to show 2010 as the hottest “year” ever recorded.
Yes solar activity is at a low ebb (though I don't think it's at an 80 year low I would like to see your evidence for that) and I posted data from scientific sites...even from the organization you got your graph from. And they all say opposite of what you posted. Even the NSIDC admits the sea ice is breaking up much later then they have records for. And please stop the juvenile use of expletives...they truly are not needed and only serve to weaken your argument.
I think these are more appropriate now don't you?

Another polar rescue must send chills down spines of alarmists | Herald Sun

And this group is not political..they just care about the science of it all they're not out to loot anybody

Welcome to Arctic ROOS — Arctic ROOS

And even the warmist NSIDC admits that this is the latest Arctic Sea Ice Melt start on record

Sea Ice Index

You may want to reaquaint yourself with some real data.

That graph is the "real data."

What you are saying is just bullshit.

And you fail to mention that the Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years.

But then you don't read much, do you?

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