War with fascist Ukraine. Analysis of tactics.


Silver Member
Jul 21, 2014
The armed forces of Ukraine cannot resist the Russian army in open battle on the entire front. The length of the front line is about 1500-2000 km.

The first 3 days of the operation in fascist Ukraine showed that the Ukrainian army avoids direct clashes. Instead, the tactics of "knots of defense" were chosen. All surviving equipment is pulled into the cities.

In such a situation, Ukrainian strike groups can leave the defense centers for 20-30 km, inflicting short and quick strikes on the rear of the Russian army. Then quickly go back to the city.
If they are delayed for 30 minutes, they will be completely destroyed by Russian aircraft.

This tactic confirms the fact that the only chance for the Ukrainian army to survive is to hide behind civilians.

The Western media shows the destroyed houses in Ukraine, but they do not show ... anti-tank installations on the roofs of RESIDENTIAL houses! Apartment buildings, i.e. the number of people inside the house can be 100, 200, 300.

Does Russia attack cities that do not have defense centers and Ukrainian fascists who hide behind peaceful populations?
Examples of such cities are Militopol. There are no battles in the city and civilians do not die.

Based on this, it can be assumed that Russia has chosen such a tactic - to surround the defense centers, until a certain point, not coming closer than 20-30 km.

Allow civilians to leave such cities.
I would like to emphasize... the exit of civilians from such cities is in the interests of Russia, because a city without civilians could be bombed with bombs of a larger caliber. Such a city will become a grave for Ukrainian fascists.

Ukrainian fascists are not interested in the withdrawal of civilians, because
they can hide behind them.
If civilians leave the city, the Russian army will be able to use heavy flamethrower systems and large-caliber bombs.

There are reports that Ukrainian fascists sabotage humanitarian corridors, forbidding civilians to leave some cities (for example, Mariupol).

Now the Nazis are being destroyed in Mariupol. There are formations of Azov. This event is designed for 1-2 weeks.

In the east of Ukraine, a large Ukrainian grouping is stuck in its positions.

They are tied up in battle by the forces of the people's militia of Donetsk.

The forces of the fascists cannot leave their positions, which they have been strengthening for 8 years, otherwise they will be destroyed on the roads during the march.

The Russian army is trying to encircle this huge group.

Liquidation of "Azov" in Mariupol ⚡

The video, which recorded the destruction of the neo-Nazi base from Azov, along with personal transport and military equipment.

We are talking about a militant facility in the Left-Bank district of Mariupol, not far from Pobedа Avenue. As in many other cases, here the militants used civilian infrastructure buildings as locations, in particular, a former sports boarding school. However, the video clearly shows both guns and detonating ammunition depots.
This video once again confirms that the main tactic of the ukrainian army and nationalist battalions is to use a civilian resource as a human shield, what is a war crime
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The Truth is the OP says come out so we can kill you easy........Stand and wave at the sky to their jets and say KILL ME .......HERE I AM.

Welcome to URBAN COMBAT COMRADS.............BYOBB.........Bring your own body bags.

Col. Macgregor has said they saw it in the Middle East: the tactic of moving to urban areas.

"Dumaiu, immeno eto i proiskhodit segodniia: ukrainskie armiia ispol'zuet naselenie, chtoby izbezhat' razgroma" - rasskazal on.
"I think this is exactly what is happening today: Ukraine Army uses the population to avoid defeat," said Col. Macgregor.
The armed forces of Ukraine cannot resist the Russian army in open battle on the entire front. The length of the front line is about 1500-2000 km.

The first 3 days of the operation in fascist Ukraine showed that the Ukrainian army avoids direct clashes. Instead, the tactics of "knots of defense" were chosen. All surviving equipment is pulled into the cities.

In such a situation, Ukrainian strike groups can leave the defense centers for 20-30 km, inflicting short and quick strikes on the rear of the Russian army. Then quickly go back to the city.
If they are delayed for 30 minutes, they will be completely destroyed by Russian aircraft.

This tactic confirms the fact that the only chance for the Ukrainian army to survive is to hide behind civilians.

The Western media shows the destroyed houses in Ukraine, but they do not show ... anti-tank installations on the roofs of RESIDENTIAL houses! Apartment buildings, i.e. the number of people inside the house can be 100, 200, 300.

Does Russia attack cities that do not have defense centers and Ukrainian fascists who hide behind peaceful populations?
Examples of such cities are Militopol. There are no battles in the city and civilians do not die.

Based on this, it can be assumed that Russia has chosen such a tactic - to surround the defense centers, until a certain point, not coming closer than 20-30 km.

Allow civilians to leave such cities.
I would like to emphasize... the exit of civilians from such cities is in the interests of Russia, because a city without civilians could be bombed with bombs of a larger caliber. Such a city will become a grave for Ukrainian fascists.

Ukrainian fascists are not interested in the withdrawal of civilians, because
they can hide behind them.
If civilians leave the city, the Russian army will be able to use heavy flamethrower systems and large-caliber bombs.

There are reports that Ukrainian fascists sabotage humanitarian corridors, forbidding civilians to leave some cities (for example, Mariupol).

Now the Nazis are being destroyed in Mariupol. There are formations of Azov. This event is designed for 1-2 weeks.

In the east of Ukraine, a large Ukrainian grouping is stuck in its positions.

They are tied up in battle by the forces of the people's militia of Donetsk.

The forces of the fascists cannot leave their positions, which they have been strengthening for 8 years, otherwise they will be destroyed on the roads during the march.

The Russian army is trying to encircle this huge group.

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Well they're making Russia's "army" look pathetically unfit and a ruble is now cheaper to use to wipe your ass than toilet paper. So there's a tip for you, save the toilet paper for special occasions since you can't afford it anymore.
The West wants a completely annihilation of Russians ( Russians, Ukrainians and Belorussians ) and pillaging of their countries
The West wants for Russia what Russia wants for Ukraine? Now, maybe. If a bullet finds Putin's brain maybe we'll change our minds.
Konashenkov's statement on the hospital:

' Konashenkov: " Zdanie bol'nitsy iz-za vygodnogo takticheskogo raspolzheniia - blizko k tsentru goroda - pereoborudovano v opornyi punkt natsbatal'ona "Azov."
The hospital building, due to its tactical location - close to the city center - was converted into a checkpoint for the Azov National Battalion.

Ob etom massovo soobshchaiut zhiteli goroda, perebravshiesia kak v podkontrol'nyi Kiev, tak i v kontroliruaemye Donetskoi Narodnoi Respubliki.
This was massively reported by residents of the city, who moved both to controlled Kiev and to those controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic." '
Konashenkov's statement on the hospital:

' Konashenkov: " Zdanie bol'nitsy iz-za vygodnogo takticheskogo raspolzheniia - blizko k tsentru goroda - pereoborudovano v opornyi punkt natsbatal'ona "Azov."
The hospital building, due to its tactical location - close to the city center - was converted into a checkpoint for the Azov National Battalion.

Ob etom massovo soobshchaiut zhiteli goroda, perebravshiesia kak v podkontrol'nyi Kiev, tak i v kontroliruaemye Donetskoi Narodnoi Respubliki.
This was massively reported by residents of the city, who moved both to controlled Kiev and to those controlled by the Donetsk People's Republic." '
RT, your source, is a Russian state controlled news source....propaganda.
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The first real usage of Kinzhal ballistic missile.
🇷🇺🇺🇦 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue to conduct the special military operation.

▫️On March 18, Kinzhal aviation missile system with hypersonic ballistic missiles destroyed a large underground storage facility for missiles and aviation ammunition of Ukrainian troops in Delyatin, Ivano-Frankovsk region.

▫️Bastion coastal missile system destroyed the radio and technical reconnaissance centres of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Velikiy Dalnik and Velikodolinskoye, Odessa region.

✈️💥On the night of March 19, operational-tactical, army and UAV aviation hit 69 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

💥Among them: 4 command posts, including the brigade command post in Zabuyanye, 4 anti-aircraft missile systems, of which 3 S-300 and 1 Buk-M1, 1 radar guiding and targeting station, 3 multiple launch rocket systems, 12 missile and artillery weapons depots and 43 areas of military equipment concentration.

💥In addition, air defence means of Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 12 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles in the air.

💥In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, 196 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,438 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 145 multiple launch rocket systems, 556 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,237 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #Briefing
In Soviet time the underground storage facility in Delyatin was a storage of nuclear ordnance type C, and was controlled by 12 GUMO. If non-nuclear Kinzhal really can destroy such facilities - it sounds interesting and may be even dangerous.
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In Soviet time the underground storage facility in Delyatin was a storage of nuclear ordnance type C, and was controlled by 12 GUMO. If non-nuclear Kinzhal really can destroy such facilities - it sounds interesting and may be even dangerous.
Hypersonic weapons, as you might guess, also have monstrous kinetic energy. Thus, it is well suited for hitting underground targets. It has a powerful penetrating effect.

It can hit any spot with great accuracy and for now can't be stopped.
The armed forces of Ukraine cannot resist the Russian army in open battle on the entire front. The length of the front line is about 1500-2000 km.

The first 3 days of the operation in fascist Ukraine showed that the Ukrainian army avoids direct clashes. Instead, the tactics of "knots of defense" were chosen. All surviving equipment is pulled into the cities.

In such a situation, Ukrainian strike groups can leave the defense centers for 20-30 km, inflicting short and quick strikes on the rear of the Russian army. Then quickly go back to the city.
If they are delayed for 30 minutes, they will be completely destroyed by Russian aircraft.

This tactic confirms the fact that the only chance for the Ukrainian army to survive is to hide behind civilians.

The Western media shows the destroyed houses in Ukraine, but they do not show ... anti-tank installations on the roofs of RESIDENTIAL houses! Apartment buildings, i.e. the number of people inside the house can be 100, 200, 300.

Does Russia attack cities that do not have defense centers and Ukrainian fascists who hide behind peaceful populations?
Examples of such cities are Militopol. There are no battles in the city and civilians do not die.

Based on this, it can be assumed that Russia has chosen such a tactic - to surround the defense centers, until a certain point, not coming closer than 20-30 km.

Allow civilians to leave such cities.
I would like to emphasize... the exit of civilians from such cities is in the interests of Russia, because a city without civilians could be bombed with bombs of a larger caliber. Such a city will become a grave for Ukrainian fascists.

Ukrainian fascists are not interested in the withdrawal of civilians, because
they can hide behind them.
If civilians leave the city, the Russian army will be able to use heavy flamethrower systems and large-caliber bombs.

There are reports that Ukrainian fascists sabotage humanitarian corridors, forbidding civilians to leave some cities (for example, Mariupol).

Now the Nazis are being destroyed in Mariupol. There are formations of Azov. This event is designed for 1-2 weeks.

In the east of Ukraine, a large Ukrainian grouping is stuck in its positions.

They are tied up in battle by the forces of the people's militia of Donetsk.

The forces of the fascists cannot leave their positions, which they have been strengthening for 8 years, otherwise they will be destroyed on the roads during the march.

The Russian army is trying to encircle this huge group.

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Why are the Russians even in Ukraine? Is Zelensky a Fascist? NO! They are rebuilding the Russian Empire via old-fashioned imperialism.

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