Want work? Accept a job.

Do you ever consider that a lot of people who have good jobs now or own their own businesses have actually worked a lot of shitty jobs in their lives because rather than feeling entitled they put their noses to the grindstone and did what they had to do.

It's more likely that those who believe they "deserve" this or "have a right" to that are the ones who have never really worked for a living.

yes, I realize that, but lots of these close minded people that want to paint everybody who may refuse a shit paying job and wait for a better one all with the same brush don't seem to get it.

In this economy, a shit job might be all you get for a while. To turn that opportunity down because you feel you are above it is unwise and I daresay an expression of the worst kind of hubris.
Or, you get more with your unemployment benefits than you would with a low wage job you couldn't even live off of. Plus the fact future employers may look down on taking a job like that. Yes, that type of crap, no matter how stupid it seems, does happen
Folks, you have to look for what is available, NOT what you want.

Unless you are a well heeled executive who makes their money cheating the workers.
Why do we have such high unemployment?
High Taxes and cheap imports combine with the underhanded tactics of Executives to create unemployment so they can force highly trained professionals (Engineers for example) to "swallow their pride" and "take what is being offerred" i order to facilitate another vaction to Aruba for the exec and his mistress.
Perhaps the US should instead lower taxes and raise tariffs.

The market determines your wage. How does a "well heeled executive" make $ cheating anyone? And news flash to the uninformed, executives ARE ALSO WORKERS.
Liberals always believe someone is cheating someone else when they make good $.
The fact is I risk hundreds of thousands of dollars as the equity holder of my business. The help do not risk a damn thing. Accordingly, I, not the hired help, make more $ than them and make all the decisions. Always.
They do it differently in old style Russia. Collectivism is a failure.

Another internet business owner who works soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HARD that no one can possibly match his work ethic.

Small business owners are not "executives" as the term is typically used. We don't need some lame crap about definitions either.
Tell me what William F. Gifford age 38 CEO of Philip Morris (and simultaneously Treasurer of Altria the PM holding company) did that makes him soooooooooo (you get the idea) much more productive than some other person might be? Let's grt specific, compare him to a person with a bachelor's in physics, a masters in mathematics and twenty years experience working as an engineer - a real go getter who solves problems in half the time, with better more complete solutions, than toher engineers typicaly manage.
Go ahead I'm waiting for your answer.
yes, I realize that, but lots of these close minded people that want to paint everybody who may refuse a shit paying job and wait for a better one all with the same brush don't seem to get it.

In this economy, a shit job might be all you get for a while. To turn that opportunity down because you feel you are above it is unwise and I daresay an expression of the worst kind of hubris.
Or, you get more with your unemployment benefits than you would with a low wage job you couldn't even live off of. Plus the fact future employers may look down on taking a job like that. Yes, that type of crap, no matter how stupid it seems, does happen

unemployment benefits run out sooner or later.

And really if an engineer or whoever with a stellar resume taking a job driving a truck so he could feed his kids or just for his own sense of pride because he didn't want to be on the dole would, I highly doubt, be held against him by a prospective employer.
Unless you are a well heeled executive who makes their money cheating the workers.
Why do we have such high unemployment?
High Taxes and cheap imports combine with the underhanded tactics of Executives to create unemployment so they can force highly trained professionals (Engineers for example) to "swallow their pride" and "take what is being offerred" i order to facilitate another vaction to Aruba for the exec and his mistress.
Perhaps the US should instead lower taxes and raise tariffs.

The market determines your wage. How does a "well heeled executive" make $ cheating anyone? And news flash to the uninformed, executives ARE ALSO WORKERS.
Liberals always believe someone is cheating someone else when they make good $.
The fact is I risk hundreds of thousands of dollars as the equity holder of my business. The help do not risk a damn thing. Accordingly, I, not the hired help, make more $ than them and make all the decisions. Always.
They do it differently in old style Russia. Collectivism is a failure.

Another internet business owner who works soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HARD that no one can possibly match his work ethic.

Small business owners are not "executives" as the term is typically used. We don't need some lame crap about definitions either.
Tell me what William F. Gifford age 38 CEO of Philip Morris (and simultaneously Treasurer of Altria the PM holding company) did that makes him soooooooooo (you get the idea) much more productive than some other person might be? Let's grt specific, compare him to a person with a bachelor's in physics, a masters in mathematics and twenty years experience working as an engineer - a real go getter who solves problems in half the time, with better more complete solutions, than toher engineers typicaly manage.
Go ahead I'm waiting for your answer.

What he does that those other people don't do is to bring in a ton of money for the company of which he is in the employ.

You can argue all you want that because it's a cigarette company that it is somehow worth less than any of those other professions but in the end he gets paid in proportion to his value to the company.

If a physicist did the same for some weapons company and got paid accordingly would you be as outraged?
In this economy, a shit job might be all you get for a while. To turn that opportunity down because you feel you are above it is unwise and I daresay an expression of the worst kind of hubris.
Or, you get more with your unemployment benefits than you would with a low wage job you couldn't even live off of. Plus the fact future employers may look down on taking a job like that. Yes, that type of crap, no matter how stupid it seems, does happen

unemployment benefits run out sooner or later.

And really if an engineer or whoever with a stellar resume taking a job driving a truck so he could feed his kids or just for his own sense of pride because he didn't want to be on the dole would, I highly doubt, be held against him by a prospective employer.

Been a while since you've been in the job market, has it? Let's face it, there's so much of the whole "elitist" "nonelitist" garbage flying around out there, the two worlds both look down on each other. You better believe how some people feel about college grads, a lot of those college grads' prospective employers feel the same way about folks who do manual labor.

Of course, that's assuming he could get hired driving a truck, and not turned away because his resume shows he won't be staying long. Or because the boss doesn't like people with college degrees and assumes they're all pussies who expect to be coddled and don't know how to work. :eusa_whistle:
Or, you get more with your unemployment benefits than you would with a low wage job you couldn't even live off of. Plus the fact future employers may look down on taking a job like that. Yes, that type of crap, no matter how stupid it seems, does happen

unemployment benefits run out sooner or later.

And really if an engineer or whoever with a stellar resume taking a job driving a truck so he could feed his kids or just for his own sense of pride because he didn't want to be on the dole would, I highly doubt, be held against him by a prospective employer.

Been a while since you've been in the job market, has it? Let's face it, there's so much of the whole "elitist" "nonelitist" garbage flying around out there, the two worlds both look down on each other. You better believe how some people feel about college grads, a lot of those college grads' prospective employers feel the same way about folks who do manual labor.

Of course, that's assuming he could get hired driving a truck, and not turned away because his resume shows he won't be staying long. Or because the boss doesn't like people with college degrees and assumes they're all pussies who expect to be coddled and don't know how to work. :eusa_whistle:

I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.
unemployment benefits run out sooner or later.

And really if an engineer or whoever with a stellar resume taking a job driving a truck so he could feed his kids or just for his own sense of pride because he didn't want to be on the dole would, I highly doubt, be held against him by a prospective employer.

Been a while since you've been in the job market, has it? Let's face it, there's so much of the whole "elitist" "nonelitist" garbage flying around out there, the two worlds both look down on each other. You better believe how some people feel about college grads, a lot of those college grads' prospective employers feel the same way about folks who do manual labor.

Of course, that's assuming he could get hired driving a truck, and not turned away because his resume shows he won't be staying long. Or because the boss doesn't like people with college degrees and assumes they're all pussies who expect to be coddled and don't know how to work. :eusa_whistle:

I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.

So you don't really know how it is in many job markets. People hiring in many jobs like to fit everybody in little boxes and indeed look at what most of us would appear to be petty bullshit in making decisions about who to hire.

Really, every jobs finding site, career advice I get, is that with PhD, you don't just apply for jobs. You have to know people, network, get your job by who you know, not so much what your resume is like
There are so many misconceptions about PhD like they ahve been in academia too long, too independent, dont' have street smarts, etc. But I don't fit into that mold which frustrates the hell out of me

But I have a plan and I think by the summer all my hard work will finally pay off
Been a while since you've been in the job market, has it? Let's face it, there's so much of the whole "elitist" "nonelitist" garbage flying around out there, the two worlds both look down on each other. You better believe how some people feel about college grads, a lot of those college grads' prospective employers feel the same way about folks who do manual labor.

Of course, that's assuming he could get hired driving a truck, and not turned away because his resume shows he won't be staying long. Or because the boss doesn't like people with college degrees and assumes they're all pussies who expect to be coddled and don't know how to work. :eusa_whistle:

I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.

So you don't really know how it is in many job markets. People hiring in many jobs like to fit everybody in little boxes and indeed look at what most of us would appear to be petty bullshit in making decisions about who to hire.

Really, every jobs finding site, career advice I get, is that with PhD, you don't just apply for jobs. You have to know people, network, get your job by who you know, not so much what your resume is like
There are so many misconceptions about PhD like they ahve been in academia too long, too independent, dont' have street smarts, etc. But I don't fit into that mold which frustrates the hell out of me

But I have a plan and I think by the summer all my hard work will finally pay off

It's always been like that. One of the reasons I didn't pursue a career in academia, and I considered it for years but i am not the type to go along to get along and i have a distinct dislike for the politics of such positions.

Did you think somehow it would change for you?
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I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.

So you don't really know how it is in many job markets. People hiring in many jobs like to fit everybody in little boxes and indeed look at what most of us would appear to be petty bullshit in making decisions about who to hire.

Really, every jobs finding site, career advice I get, is that with PhD, you don't just apply for jobs. You have to know people, network, get your job by who you know, not so much what your resume is like
There are so many misconceptions about PhD like they ahve been in academia too long, too independent, dont' have street smarts, etc. But I don't fit into that mold which frustrates the hell out of me

But I have a plan and I think by the summer all my hard work will finally pay off

It's always been like that. One of the reasons I didn't pursue a career in academia, and I considered it for years but i am not the type to go along to get along and i have a distinct dislike for the politics of such positions.

Did you think somehow it would change for you?

Oh, I was naive and they fail to stress those things in graduate school. But I think in the long run, as miserable as the past few years has been, its going to pay off and I'll be grateful to have a PhD. It's the getting in that's the hard part
Wonder how many of the people crticizing those that don't take shit paying jobs have nice cush, high paying jobs and don't ever have to face what they criticize others for doing, or live in an area with such a low cost of living that a service job wage is livable

I have a MBA and I did door to door sales on commission only.

I went door knocking at peoples homes in all weather.

It wasn't very cushy.
I M 54. At age 17 I went to work full time in 1973. In 1979 I owned my own home at age 23. Everyone said I was insane because I bought a house in an area of white flight. Some great folks were my neighbors there. All a different color than me. I started college in 1978 and graduated in 1985. Started my own business in 1983. Built my own home in 1983 here in north Georgia with 12 acres. Paid it all off in 1992. Free and clear.
Drove old cars for many years. I have 225K on my vehicle now.
I cleaned toilets at age 19 and 20 for a company that cleaned office buildings. I ran errands and sold shoes for the old Kinney shoe company. In 1979 I started as a gopher for a large law firm in Atlanta. In 1983 I left there as lead investigator.
Today I own a detective agency and an investment company. Last week I went and picked up 6 boxes of files and delivered it to a law firm for $100. $ is $ and I M worth 2 mil.
Sit on your ass and wait for work and you will never achieve your potential. People like to see agressive seekers of work. Most of my clients are young lawyers now.
Never turn away work and you will go far. All 3 of my kids go to school and they all work.

I am reading a really exciting series by Clive Cussler. The hero is Issac Bell of the Van Dorn detective agency. I have read "The Chase" and I am now on "The Wrecker".
Under your thesis every company or industry that fails has non educated executives that do not work hard.
Excellent. Unfortunately the real world does not operate that way in the free market.

I said no such thing. I'm saying that there are a lot of execs out there who are either out of their depth or incompetent, as are the boards that decide their salaries...
unemployment benefits run out sooner or later.

And really if an engineer or whoever with a stellar resume taking a job driving a truck so he could feed his kids or just for his own sense of pride because he didn't want to be on the dole would, I highly doubt, be held against him by a prospective employer.

Been a while since you've been in the job market, has it? Let's face it, there's so much of the whole "elitist" "nonelitist" garbage flying around out there, the two worlds both look down on each other. You better believe how some people feel about college grads, a lot of those college grads' prospective employers feel the same way about folks who do manual labor.

Of course, that's assuming he could get hired driving a truck, and not turned away because his resume shows he won't be staying long. Or because the boss doesn't like people with college degrees and assumes they're all pussies who expect to be coddled and don't know how to work. :eusa_whistle:

I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.

I agree with you, and have the degrees to back up my opinion.
Unless you are a well heeled executive who makes their money cheating the workers.
Why do we have such high unemployment?
High Taxes and cheap imports combine with the underhanded tactics of Executives to create unemployment so they can force highly trained professionals (Engineers for example) to "swallow their pride" and "take what is being offerred" i order to facilitate another vaction to Aruba for the exec and his mistress.
Perhaps the US should instead lower taxes and raise tariffs.

The market determines your wage. How does a "well heeled executive" make $ cheating anyone? And news flash to the uninformed, executives ARE ALSO WORKERS.
Liberals always believe someone is cheating someone else when they make good $.
The fact is I risk hundreds of thousands of dollars as the equity holder of my business. The help do not risk a damn thing. Accordingly, I, not the hired help, make more $ than them and make all the decisions. Always.
They do it differently in old style Russia. Collectivism is a failure.

Another internet business owner who works soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HARD that no one can possibly match his work ethic.

Small business owners are not "executives" as the term is typically used. We don't need some lame crap about definitions either.
Tell me what William F. Gifford age 38 CEO of Philip Morris (and simultaneously Treasurer of Altria the PM holding company) did that makes him soooooooooo (you get the idea) much more productive than some other person might be? Let's grt specific, compare him to a person with a bachelor's in physics, a masters in mathematics and twenty years experience working as an engineer - a real go getter who solves problems in half the time, with better more complete solutions, than toher engineers typicaly manage.
Go ahead I'm waiting for your answer.

You have no clue. Small business runs America.
I own and operate 2 corporations. Executives work. I M one. I work 65 hours a week.
I have worked my ass off for 30 years. I put at risk a million dollars of my earned net worth to emply others.
You sir are ignorant. The American masses have no clue.
How many Americans do you employ sir and how much of YOUR $ do you have at risk?
I bet it is less than $1, if that.
I do not have to wait for your answer. We know. You are a taker instead of a giver.
I haven't been unemployed ever. I've been my own boss since i was in my early twenties.

And I tend to agree with the coddled pussies estimation of most college grads.

How did you get started at such a young age?

I started a cleaning business. I cleaned houses and offices as a one man show for a couple years to earn tuition. By the time i got my first Bachelor's I had a crew of 8 people.

During that time, I also worked a third shift full time job. So I was taking a full course load, cleaning houses on days I didn't have class, cleaning offices with my crew on weekends and working a full time job and still managed to graduate with a 3.8 GPA.

I sold the business to Merry Maids and then started my next venture.

I never thought about it, I just did it and that was a great learning experience.
There is nothing "degrading" about honest labor, and if you think there is, then what you "deserve" is to be an unemployed, whinging loser . . . WITHOUT my tax dollars in the form of welfare, thank you very much.

You are absolutely right. Even if we are educated and have a good set of business skills, still we usually have to try several shit-jobs just to make ourselves tough and gain some experience.
There is nothing "degrading" about honest labor, and if you think there is, then what you "deserve" is to be an unemployed, whinging loser . . . WITHOUT my tax dollars in the form of welfare, thank you very much.

You are absolutely right. Even if we are educated and have a good set of business skills, still we usually have to try several shit-jobs just to make ourselves tough and gain some experience.

And once you get successful you still need the "little people" to support you.
Where would Bill Gates and Microsoft be without Janitors?
So you don't really know how it is in many job markets. People hiring in many jobs like to fit everybody in little boxes and indeed look at what most of us would appear to be petty bullshit in making decisions about who to hire.

Really, every jobs finding site, career advice I get, is that with PhD, you don't just apply for jobs. You have to know people, network, get your job by who you know, not so much what your resume is like
There are so many misconceptions about PhD like they ahve been in academia too long, too independent, dont' have street smarts, etc. But I don't fit into that mold which frustrates the hell out of me

But I have a plan and I think by the summer all my hard work will finally pay off

It's always been like that. One of the reasons I didn't pursue a career in academia, and I considered it for years but i am not the type to go along to get along and i have a distinct dislike for the politics of such positions.

Did you think somehow it would change for you?

Oh, I was naive and they fail to stress those things in graduate school. But I think in the long run, as miserable as the past few years has been, its going to pay off and I'll be grateful to have a PhD. It's the getting in that's the hard part

So your not a Dr. yet?
It's always been like that. One of the reasons I didn't pursue a career in academia, and I considered it for years but i am not the type to go along to get along and i have a distinct dislike for the politics of such positions.

Did you think somehow it would change for you?

Oh, I was naive and they fail to stress those things in graduate school. But I think in the long run, as miserable as the past few years has been, its going to pay off and I'll be grateful to have a PhD. It's the getting in that's the hard part

So your not a Dr. yet?

No, I am, but a postdoc, not actually working in a company yet. its' the equivalent of an MD's residency. GEt more research experience until you move on to a more permanent job

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