Walmart replaces all cashiers with self-checkout in one store — and they may roll it out all over the country


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Let them. Go to all robots, all the time, everywhere. Then watch the real riots and business collapse on your drone cameras. They employ over 10% of the population. Libertarians will be proud, though, and explain to us how it's all our fault for not allowing wages to be pushed down to 15 cents a day or some similar dumbass 'point'.
According to the picture included in the write up, cash is not accepted. To me, it should still be an option for anyone who may have a card issue.

God bless you always!!!


They will nickle and dime everyone to death, especially the banking scammers with thier ever more creative 'fees'. This is just more evidence of lunatics running the asylum, is all.
They will nickle and dime everyone to death, especially the banking scammers with thier ever more creative 'fees'. This is just more evidence of lunatics running the asylum, is all.
Sometimes called looting.


Superstore giant Walmart is testing out a new policy replacing all cashiers at one of their stores with self-checkout kiosks, and they're considering doing it all over the country.

Sure, no problem. Equality and equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation will work nicely, thank you. Unemployment compensation at the equivalent to fourteen dollars an hour with or without a statutory minimum wage can work, for a start.
Sometimes called looting.


Superstore giant Walmart is testing out a new policy replacing all cashiers at one of their stores with self-checkout kiosks, and they're considering doing it all over the country.

This is great!

capitalism at its best!

This is exactly what our country needs!


driver less cars to deliver goods!

drones doing delivery

Japan and NYC have tried out bars and restaurants that are ALL automatic....NO EMPLOYEES!

machines and robots and computers doing more and more of the work....

and anything we can farm out to third world shitholes (to save money) we do!

We are definitely headed in the right direction;


what a WONDERFUL Idea

meanwhile we need to keep DEfunding welfare and unemploment programs....

I am TIRED of paying for people who REFUSE to work (at non existent jobs)

and we need to get tougher on the homeless. Like rounding them up or letting our conservative youth take care of the problem......(wink wink)

I am sick of seeing HOMELESS PEOPLE who REFUSE TO WORK laying about on MY sidewalks!


and DON'T pay ANY MONEY for UNemployed or homeless people.....

Walmart is attempting to increase the profit margin, but is it justified?
Has there been an increase in the cost of good made in China by American owned corporations?

Or American placed tariffs on goods from China?

Some other reason that can be blamed on China?

Or just good ol capitalist greed?
Let them. Go to all robots, all the time, everywhere. Then watch the real riots and business collapse on your drone cameras. They employ over 10% of the population. Libertarians will be proud, though, and explain to us how it's all our fault for not allowing wages to be pushed down to 15 cents a day or some similar dumbass 'point'.
Overcoming the need for human labor is progress.
Sometimes called looting.


Superstore giant Walmart is testing out a new policy replacing all cashiers at one of their stores with self-checkout kiosks, and they're considering doing it all over the country.


I went to Walmart last Monday.. a superstore. And, I'm thinking I might not go back. It's hardly worth the hassle ... a total lack of customer service. Of course I'm a senior, so that's part of it. I know it saves money, so young families will continue to shop with them.
Sometimes called looting.


Superstore giant Walmart is testing out a new policy replacing all cashiers at one of their stores with self-checkout kiosks, and they're considering doing it all over the country.

I know one store that just reversed that trend and put in more cashier's.
This is the result of unskilled labor demanding skilled labor wages.

Anyone who knows anything about running a business knows your number one expense is employees. At some point Walmart will see unskilled employees demanding skilled employee wages and it will decide if it's cheaper to pay them more or replace them with machines in a long-term plan.

Sure the machines have a high upfront cost but compared to paying X amount of employees X amount of dollars over say 10 years they will save a lot more money with machines.

When enough unskilled employees demand skilled labor wages they will just demand themselves right out of a job.
According to the picture included in the write up, cash is not accepted. To me, it should still be an option for anyone who may have a card issue.

God bless you always!!!

They will be able to track all shoppers or looter via the CARDS...they will build a database of all the items that you have ever bought, or even considered buying, along with everything anybody has stolen...

Cash is going to go bye-bye anyways and be replaced by digital currency that the government can control, track, or shut off anytime that they want. The card needed to access your account will always be tracked.
This is the result of unskilled labor demanding skilled labor wages.

Anyone who knows anything about running a business knows your number one expense is employees. At some point Walmart will see unskilled employees demanding skilled employee wages and it will decide if it's cheaper to pay them more or replace them with machines in a long-term plan.

Sure the machines have a high upfront cost but compared to paying X amount of employees X amount of dollars over say 10 years they will save a lot more money with machines.

When enough unskilled employees demand skilled labor wages they will just demand themselves right out of a job.
Typical of libertarianism to see people as just an expense.

If you business sees you that way, leave and fast.
Typical of libertarianism to see people as just an expense.

If you business sees you that way, leave and fast.

So you're saying Amazon, Walmart, Kroger's, p&g, Kellogg's, Marriott, Ford, target, McDonald's, the gap, Samsung, Pepsi, Kohler and any company that makes atleast 10 million a year or more everyone should run from it and only work for small companies.

Once any company gets so big then the company goes from small time to big time and it becomes about money. Big picture companies can't worry about every nut and bolt because it's too much to handle. They have to switch gears to profit because profit is what keeps all the separate sites running and keeps all those people employed. The bigger and more complex something gets the less it is concerned with the little things.

Companies exist for one and only purpose, to make money. And to blame a multi billion dollar company spread allover. Walmart has over 10,000 stores in 48 countries around the world. There focus will always be money because that's what they are business to make.

I can see you know absolutely nothing about running a business, or you simply deny it so you can be a contrarian spout little useless and closed ended arguments out just so you can argue. But this is the real world, you can either accept it and play the game or you can deny it and never get anywhere.

Without big faceless corporations that you hate so much you wouldn't be able to buy cheap big screen tvs and bulk toilet paper at good prices. Those same companies are the same reason you even able to have a smartphone, laproscopic surgery, built in gps in your car, or have high speed internet or get 2 day shipping from across the country. "Big mean corporations" have the will, the bankroll and ambition to push things forward for everyone. Without them you'd be driving a big ass car with 3 miles to gallon and be still using a wall mounted rotary phone. Companies greed is what made us as technologically advanced as we are.

So if you hate corporations that only care about money so much you better stop buying any product from them or their subsidiaries entirely or you're just a hypocrite. That means no smartphones, no tide, no brand name toilet paper, no hd TVs, no internet, don't use gas or electric, no car, no clothes that werent hand by some person in their home, no light bulbs and never go out to eat unless it's a small mom and pop restaraunt that only buys their food from small mom and pop suppliers. If you don't then you're a hypocrite because you're feeding the machine you hate.
So you're saying Amazon, Walmart, Kroger's, p&g, Kellogg's, Marriott, Ford, target, McDonald's, the gap, Samsung, Pepsi, Kohler and any company that makes atleast 10 million a year or more everyone should run from it and only work for small companies.

Once any company gets so big then the company goes from small time to big time and it becomes about money. Big picture companies can't worry about every nut and bolt because it's too much to handle. They have to switch gears to profit because profit is what keeps all the separate sites running and keeps all those people employed. The bigger and more complex something gets the less it is concerned with the little things.

Companies exist for one and only purpose, to make money. And to blame a multi billion dollar company spread allover. Walmart has over 10,000 stores in 48 countries around the world. There focus will always be money because that's what they are business to make.

I can see you know absolutely nothing about running a business, or you simply deny it so you can be a contrarian spout little useless and closed ended arguments out just so you can argue. But this is the real world, you can either accept it and play the game or you can deny it and never get anywhere.

Without big faceless corporations that you hate so much you wouldn't be able to buy cheap big screen tvs and bulk toilet paper at good prices. Those same companies are the same reason you even able to have a smartphone, laproscopic surgery, built in gps in your car, or have high speed internet or get 2 day shipping from across the country. "Big mean corporations" have the will, the bankroll and ambition to push things forward for everyone. Without them you'd be driving a big ass car with 3 miles to gallon and be still using a wall mounted rotary phone. Companies greed is what made us as technologically advanced as we are.

So if you hate corporations that only care about money so much you better stop buying any product from them or their subsidiaries entirely or you're just a hypocrite. That means no smartphones, no tide, no brand name toilet paper, no hd TVs, no internet, don't use gas or electric, no car, no clothes that werent hand by some person in their home, no light bulbs and never go out to eat unless it's a small mom and pop restaraunt that only buys their food from small mom and pop suppliers. If you don't then you're a hypocrite because you're feeding the machine you hate.

After looking at your exceedingly long bout of conservative libertarian poster diarrhea you should never put put in charge of managing or leading people.

Nowhere in that bout of poster diarrhea did you mention why businesses exist; customers and market share.

Damn you stupid boi.

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