Walmart pork products containing superbugs resistant to antibiotics discovered


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Newsweek – Testing has revealed the presence of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics in pork products sold at Walmart stores in the eastern U.S., according to a report. Research conducted by non-profit World Animal Protection (WAP) identified several strains of bacteria in the meat, 80 percent of which were resistant to at least one antibiotic. Furthermore, the report found that 37 percent of the bacteria in the Walmart samples were resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics—and nearly 10 percent were resistant to six classes.

Walmart Pork Products Containing Superbugs Resistant to Antibiotics Discovered

Ever notice the Gov. gods you leftist love to lick the crap off their shoes are the same losers you trust you eat live and breathe by. You can't use your own guts, smarts nor logic because you have none.
And are there any of these “superbugs” that are able to endure or resist the heat needed to cook the food properly? Because this sort of story comes around every few years. Yes, there is always bacteria in meat, bacteria that is often harmful to humans. It is why we keep telling people to cook their food thoroughly. The meat must be cooked to an internal temperature of at least 165 degrees. If you test the pork at any store you are liable to find the exact same thing. But hate big business and hate meat folks will recycle this story every few years in an effort to affect the public.

Let me know when they demand to remove the dangerous Hydrogen from our water.
Newsweek – Testing has revealed the presence of bacteria resistant to multiple antibiotics in pork products sold at Walmart stores in the eastern U.S., according to a report. Research conducted by non-profit World Animal Protection (WAP) identified several strains of bacteria in the meat, 80 percent of which were resistant to at least one antibiotic. Furthermore, the report found that 37 percent of the bacteria in the Walmart samples were resistant to three or more classes of antibiotics—and nearly 10 percent were resistant to six classes.

Walmart Pork Products Containing Superbugs Resistant to Antibiotics Discovered

Ever notice the Gov. gods you leftist love to lick the crap off their shoes are the same losers you trust you eat live and breathe by. You can't use your own guts, smarts nor logic because you have none.

They need to check all meat products that are from animals that are fed GMO feed like corn. China has banned GMO animal corn feed because it was killing their live stock. but now, since Pres.Trump has Monsanto's lobbyist on his administration. That they are forcing China to feed their livestock this feed. And they are working on Russia. Buy or die.

“Opponents fear bacteria inside the guts of animals fed the GM potato – which can cause human diseases – may develop resistance to antibiotics.” Groups that actively work against deregulation of genetically engineered crops have been making such claims for years.
GMOs could render important antibiotics worthless - Biology Fortified Inc.

US corn exports to China drop 85 percent after ban on GMO strains – industry report

3 Key Steps to Protect Yourself Against Antibiotic Resistant Disease

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