WalMart Donation Bins Out Again This Year - Cheap Bastards

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need Consumerist


The group Making Change at Walmart says this donation box has been placed in an Oklahoma store asking employees to donate food for their co-workers in need.

FFS. Why can't these selfish ***** just pay their hard working employees more money?

They can. Their CEO makes more in one hour, than most employees make in one year.
Only for those who still have jobs.

That's the part you folks forget, jobs disappear when the minimum wage increases. Sometimes the overall economy is expanding and people rise up to meet the new requirements, sometimes people fall through the cracks but the population demographics change which makes them statistically insignificant, and sometimes those jobs just go underground.

But when the minimum wage is increased, a good portion of the current group making minimum wage with either have to expand their skillset or just be out of a job. Some roles will disappear completely: full-service gas station attendants (outside of New Jersey), porters in bowling alleys, candy stripers (they were paid in the 60s and 70s), and telephone operator positions no longer exist.

That's a load of dog poo.

If there is a demand, companies will keep all the employees needed to run the business.

Do you think McDonald's will let go of so many that people refuse to wait for their burgers? No, they are going to keep the amount needed to run the business.

There is still a demand for full-service gas station attendants, it's just below the minimum wage threshold.

McDonald's will step up their already increasing automation plans if the minimum wage goes up. They might even go full robotic and self-serve.

Remember when all drinks were made by workers behind the counter? Now they just hand you a cup and you go serve yourself. Remember when they brought the food to you? Now you wait in line to order and pay, then stand around waiting for your order.

Low wage workers and their non-paying supporters are too short-sighted and that's bad position to negotiate from. Plus, 3-5 million more low-skilled workers are about to enter the workforce. That's not going to help your case of $10 an hour minimum wage.

I guarantee that whatever they can get away with, they're already doing it.

When enough people get tired of standing around waiting on a gut bomb, they'll take their money elsewhere.

You act like McDonald's is doing us a favor by serving us their lousy burgers in a timely fashion.

See, now McDoanlds, and others of their ilk, they truly are disgusting and should be shunned by all.

Wal Mart's pay isn't THAT bad, and at least they offer a somewhat regular schedule. Fast food? I feel sorry for anyone who has to work there.

Walmart pay sucks. Those people aren't out protesting for nothing. The average cashier at Walmart does not make $12.92 an hour. Who's pay are they averaging?

Walmart has been in trouble for cheating their employees out of they pay, and they have been know to hang up signs with instructions on how to apply for SNAP benefits.

Report Walmart Workers Cost Taxpayers 6.2 Billion In Public Assistance - Forbes

The numbers don't say $12.92 for cashiers, that is for ALL hourly employees, and you gotta remember that counts butchers and the guys in the auto department and most importantly department managers.

Accodring to the source I cited earlier, the average cashier makes $8.92 an hour, which isn't great, but is well above the federal minimum wage. Which is a lot more than the average fast food slophouse can say.
So Walmart workers get a little assistance. What is the issue with that? If we are going to encourage Walmart to build stores then we should be happy that they get the assistance. Big deal. I see zero problem with that.
Oh, there's no doubt that stealing from your employees increases your bottom line. I don't think anyone has said that it does not.
Someone who has a store and advertises jobs available for $9/hour, then has people read that advertisement and agree to come work for that wage, is stealing?

Reality suspension.
The union wants people to believe only they have control over wages. When I job shopped I asked how much, if not what I wanted, I told them, no go. Looked somewhere else.
Oh, there's no doubt that stealing from your employees increases your bottom line. I don't think anyone has said that it does not.
Someone who has a store and advertises jobs available for $9/hour, then has people read that advertisement and agree to come work for that wage, is stealing?

Reality suspension.
When will you ever understand that labor does not outwiegh the value of brain power, thus why getting an education is encouraged in this country. And, the labor of ringing up buttons, well, really it isn't that laborious. What they should do is take Walmarts offer to join their management training program, or their educational benefits up if they want to move their careers along, so their labor actually brings more value to themselves and their families through more brain power.
And the most important point is overall, Walmart employees are happy with their non union jobs. It is unions stirring up problems.

I once was in retail. I decided to work and study hard to get more for myself and my family. And I did and was able to give more to them.
Raises are given fr merit not because you want to look like you care


It's odd that you use the word "merit," which means good, worthy, or deserving, instead of productive.

Minimum Wage Would Be 21.72 If It Kept Pace With Increases In Productivity Study
Worthy. Only a fool rewards lazy workers


Lazy? I wonder how they get the food on the shelves?

Do you suppose the Walmart CEO is working 600 times harder than the average employee?

They're anything but lazy.

As for unions, the point is that its a basic right.

RWs will always fight against rights, right up until they take advantage of the very rights given to them by the hard work of progressives.
You are so full of s*** your breath stinks. Progressives are the ones that take away rights not conservatives

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need

Walmart Stores Once Again Asking Employees To Donate Food To Co-Workers In Need Consumerist


The group Making Change at Walmart says this donation box has been placed in an Oklahoma store asking employees to donate food for their co-workers in need.

FFS. Why can't these selfish ***** just pay their hard working employees more money?

They can. Their CEO makes more in one hour, than most employees make in one year.
Jealousy is not a very attractive trait

Walmart really ought just shut down entirely.

That'll save all those folks from being forced to work all those low paying jobs!

Why not give them a raise? Why do they need to shut down entirely?

The irony of Walmart is that the efficiencies and other businesses practices (setting aside labor) that Walmart excels at have actually made it financially feasible for Walmart to pay much better wages;

unfortunately Walmart includes in its efficiencies squeezing every last nickel it can out of its employees.

If you're so convinced you have a better plan why don't you start your own retail chain and beat WalMart at their own game? Don't you think the positive PR of having cashiers making $15 per hour would be a marketing triumph?

Oh, there's no doubt that stealing from your employees increases your bottom line. I don't think anyone has said that it does not.
More hyperbolic bullshit nobody is stealing from anybody the people who work for Walmart get paid at a wage they agreed to your communist paradise leads to nothing but death destruction and misery deal with it

So Walmart workers get a little assistance. What is the issue with that? If we are going to encourage Walmart to build stores then we should be happy that they get the assistance. Big deal. I see zero problem with that.

The issue with that is most RWers don't want them getting any assistance, and the majority of this country think taxpayers shouldn't have to subsidize the largest, wealthiest, employer in this country, just so their employers can eat.
Do you have a problem with making up the difference, with our tax dollars, so Walmart employees can eat?
They don't all need my tax dollars to eat, and if they weren't working at Wal-Mart do you think it would be any different? Do you think if there were no more food stamps Wal-Mart would suddenly raise their pay?
Do you have a problem with making up the difference, with our tax dollars, so Walmart employees can eat?
They don't all need my tax dollars to eat, and if they weren't working at Wal-Mart do you think it would be any different? Do you think if there were no more food stamps Wal-Mart would suddenly raise their pay?

Logically the answer to your question would be yes. If food stamps disappeared , Wal Mart would have to raise wages.

Sounds illogical? No, think it through.

If SNAP (or food stamps) disappeared tomorrow, millions of working people would suddenly not have enough money to buy food. They would then logically HAVE to demand a raise from their employer. Now a big employer like Wal Mart certainly could just shrug and say "fuck you" because they always have people lined up wanting work, but the smaller mom and pop type places would have to raise wages or risk losing employees to among other things, starvation or homelessness.

That would filter up, and eventually Wal Mart WOULD have to raise wages in order to compete for employees.

Now the tricky part is , those employers would then demand more value out of those employees or let them go. I mean it just is logical that if you are currently paying someone $8 an hour and suddenly raise them to $10 an hour you expect to see some dividends from that move.

And THAT my friend is the crux of the issue. Big Employers like Wal Mart like having low wage employees and low wage employees like having low demand jobs. SNAP benefits them both. Employers get bodies for low skill jobs at wages that are subsidized by welfare and employees get jobs that demand very little and who's lower wages are subsidized by welfare.

So, BOTH sides of this issue, are as usual, a little right and a little wrong, SNAP benefits low wage employers AND wage employees at a cost to everyone else.
If people lived within their means and weren't foolish with their money then our society as a whole would benefit. Yeah, I'd like to buy this or that at $3,000, but it'd be better to hold onto the money instead. If you can't easily afford yourself, chances are it might not be wise to go ahead and start a family. Some people spend their money freely and don't have the prudence to keep a portion of it socked away.
If people lived within their means and weren't foolish with their money then our society as a whole would benefit. Yeah, I'd like to buy this or that at $3,000, but it'd be better to hold onto the money instead. If you can't easily afford yourself, chances are it might not be wise to go ahead and start a family. Some people spend their money freely and don't have the prudence to keep a portion of it socked away.

How do you sock money away if you're single and trying to live on $18,000 a year.
Do you have a problem with making up the difference, with our tax dollars, so Walmart employees can eat?
They don't all need my tax dollars to eat, and if they weren't working at Wal-Mart do you think it would be any different? Do you think if there were no more food stamps Wal-Mart would suddenly raise their pay?

If Walmart raised their pay, that would absolutely save taxpayers from having to subsidize their food. The SNAP program goes by the amount of income you earn. The more you make, the less you get. Walmart is one of our largest employers. If there were no Walmart, we'd be talking about Target...but we'd still be having this same conversation.
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Walmart pay sucks.
It sure does.

Jobs you can learn to do in half a day generally have pay that sucks.

Do you have a problem with making up the difference, with our tax dollars, so Walmart employees can eat?

I think it's unhealthy for our economy to have all the $$$ going to the top.
Please tell me you're not so stupid that you believe such talking points?


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