Wall Street wants Hillary

But of course....hitlery has built the largest public feeding trough this country has ever seen for her liberal friends on Wall Street.

Of course they are not for Trump as they can see him coming driving a Caterpillar D-9 right at hitlerys trough....:lol:
But of course....hitlery has built the largest public feeding trough this country has ever seen for her liberal friends on Wall Street.

Of course they are not for Trump as they can see him coming driving a Caterpillar D-9 right at hitlerys trough....:lol:

I wonder when the next Wall Street bail out will be, courtesy of the American taxpayer, specifically the Middle Class.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.

Karl Marx once said that the goal of Marxism is to destroy the Middle Class so that everyone would rise up against the 1%. Only right winged kooks think Hillary is a Marxist. We know because there is no mention of being a Marxist in her revealed e-mails.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.
It is to laugh. Hillary is the ultimate Wall Street insider candidate.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.
It is to laugh. Hillary is the ultimate Wall Street insider candidate.

From what I read in other threads, Hillary is the most trustworthy candidate.......but you have to add up all the lies in the Federal government to see she has the least.

Ya know, she very well might be.
Wall Street is giving up on Donald Trump

The fix is in. Hillary will be the next President.
Meh, the course has become more difficult, but this is still a Democratic Republic.

If working class people, the lower 99% of us, would just focus on the real critical issues and stop voting for these crooks the Corporate Crony Networks keep trotting out to us, we can fix this thing.

Trump is probably our only chance, as the corporations will not fuck up and let a populist win a nomination ever again unless we dismantle their network after a Trump win.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.
It is to laugh. Hillary is the ultimate Wall Street insider candidate.

From what I read in other threads, Hillary is the most trustworthy candidate.......but you have to add up all the lies in the Federal government to see she has the least.

Ya know, she very well might be.
The public has little confidence in her. That's something that can't be easily shaken, and when the public doesn't have confidence that what she says is true, she loses a tremendous amount of moral authority, and when a president doesn't have moral authority he/she can't govern effectively. She could win the office and be a marginal president because her pronouncements would carry little weight.
Wall Street is giving up on Donald Trump

The fix is in. Hillary will be the next President.
Meh, the course has become more difficult, but this is still a Democratic Republic.

If working class people, the lower 99% of us, would just focus on the real critical issues and stop voting for these crooks the Corporate Crony Networks keep trotting out to us, we can fix this thing.

Trump is probably our only chance, as the corporations will not fuck up and let a populist win a nomination ever again unless we dismantle their network after a Trump win.

The populace will vote how they are told.

They always do.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.
It is to laugh. Hillary is the ultimate Wall Street insider candidate.

From what I read in other threads, Hillary is the most trustworthy candidate.......but you have to add up all the lies in the Federal government to see she has the least.

Ya know, she very well might be.
The public has little confidence in her. That's something that can't be easily shaken, and when the public doesn't have confidence that what she says is true, she loses a tremendous amount of moral authority, and when a president doesn't have moral authority he/she can't govern effectively. She could win the office and be a marginal president because her pronouncements would carry little weight.

Confidence? Who cares what the public thinks of her? It's all about winning an election and imposing your will on people. Do you really think Hillary gives a damn?
Wall Street is giving up on Donald Trump

The fix is in. Hillary will be the next President.
Meh, the course has become more difficult, but this is still a Democratic Republic.

If working class people, the lower 99% of us, would just focus on the real critical issues and stop voting for these crooks the Corporate Crony Networks keep trotting out to us, we can fix this thing.

Trump is probably our only chance, as the corporations will not fuck up and let a populist win a nomination ever again unless we dismantle their network after a Trump win.
That is true. We had a chance if it was Trump vs Bernie, because then both parties would have dissolved into chaos, giving rise to alternatives. Unfortunately, it is Trump vs Clinton, which gives the party elites a candidate they can rally around. This is why you see Republican party power brokers betraying their own candidate. Ultimately, this will seal the power the DNC has over the party and it can only be broken when enough party members stop their support. We can only hope that Berners understand that a vote for Hillary is a vote to ensure another Bernie doesn't have a chance.
Wall Street is giving up on Donald Trump

The fix is in. Hillary will be the next President.
Meh, the course has become more difficult, but this is still a Democratic Republic.

If working class people, the lower 99% of us, would just focus on the real critical issues and stop voting for these crooks the Corporate Crony Networks keep trotting out to us, we can fix this thing.

Trump is probably our only chance, as the corporations will not fuck up and let a populist win a nomination ever again unless we dismantle their network after a Trump win.
That is true. We had a chance if it was Trump vs Bernie, because then both parties would have dissolved into chaos, giving rise to alternatives. Unfortunately, it is Trump vs Clinton, which gives the party elites a candidate they can rally around. This is why you see Republican party power brokers betraying their own candidate. Ultimately, this will seal the power the DNC has over the party and it can only be broken when enough party members stop their support. We can only hope that Berners understand that a vote for Hillary is a vote to ensure another Bernie doesn't have a chance.

In case you have not noticed, Trump is in free fall and probably throwing the election since he was such good friends with the Clintons.

Bernie was right, the system is rigged, although he later came out and endorsed her and recanted of sorts.

What a sorry fellow Bernie turned out to be.
Of course Wall Street wants Hillary. She is the ultimate insider establishment candidate, the toast of the 1%. It makes you wonder what her supporters are smoking, and why they're not sharing.

More right winged lies!

Just because her son in law is a hedge fund manager in no way means she will conspire with Wall Street to further erode away the Middle Class.
It is to laugh. Hillary is the ultimate Wall Street insider candidate.

From what I read in other threads, Hillary is the most trustworthy candidate.......but you have to add up all the lies in the Federal government to see she has the least.

Ya know, she very well might be.
The public has little confidence in her. That's something that can't be easily shaken, and when the public doesn't have confidence that what she says is true, she loses a tremendous amount of moral authority, and when a president doesn't have moral authority he/she can't govern effectively. She could win the office and be a marginal president because her pronouncements would carry little weight.

Confidence? Who cares what the public thinks of her? It's all about winning an election and imposing your will on people. Do you really think Hillary gives a damn?
Of course she doesn't, but that's an extremely shortsighted way to gain and maintain power. Yes, you can force people to obey at gun point, but it's a lot easier and more sustainable if you persuade them to voluntarily obey you. This is something she will find out. I think she is very much like Nixon, paranoid, secretive, maintaining enemy lists, willing to use government force to punish the opposition, and ultimately due a hasty exit when it all crashes down around her.
Wall Street is giving up on Donald Trump

The fix is in. Hillary will be the next President.
Meh, the course has become more difficult, but this is still a Democratic Republic.

If working class people, the lower 99% of us, would just focus on the real critical issues and stop voting for these crooks the Corporate Crony Networks keep trotting out to us, we can fix this thing.

Trump is probably our only chance, as the corporations will not fuck up and let a populist win a nomination ever again unless we dismantle their network after a Trump win.
That is true. We had a chance if it was Trump vs Bernie, because then both parties would have dissolved into chaos, giving rise to alternatives. Unfortunately, it is Trump vs Clinton, which gives the party elites a candidate they can rally around. This is why you see Republican party power brokers betraying their own candidate. Ultimately, this will seal the power the DNC has over the party and it can only be broken when enough party members stop their support. We can only hope that Berners understand that a vote for Hillary is a vote to ensure another Bernie doesn't have a chance.

In case you have not noticed, Trump is in free fall and probably throwing the election since he was such good friends with the Clintons.

Bernie was right, the system is rigged, although he later came out and endorsed her and recanted of sorts.

What a sorry fellow Bernie turned out to be.
I think he got a late night phone call when it looked like he was going to actually cause trouble to the democrat anointee.
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