Wall of Moms

They are not told why they are being held.

Wow. Criminals saying the police didn't treat them fair?!

Who ever heard of such a thing?
Where you are wrong is calling them criminals. If they are criminals then why did these agents detain them without cause then let them go? Many of these folks were charged with nothing. What was the purpose of the detention? Are journalist criminals? Why are the feds targeting them?
They are not told why they are being held.

Wow. Criminals saying the police didn't treat them fair?!

Who ever heard of such a thing?
Where you are wrong is calling them criminals. If they are criminals then why did these agents detain them without cause then let them go? Many of these folks were charged with nothing. What was the purpose of the detention? Are journalist criminals? Why are the feds targeting them?

A lot of the press are criminals to the truth!

The federales were protecting the federal courthouse.
The "women" in the wall of moms look a lot like the rioters in different clothes. I doubt that many are the moms of the rioters and I doubt that many are moms at all
Isn't it rather fascinating that the left has a fit when the Feds are used against them, but have no problem whatever in using the feds against those they disagree with.

I wonder if the OP read that urgent message?

They [feds] plan to escalate? They are destroying private, public, and federal property and they think it is wrong to stop them apparently.
It works both ways. If O did like Don, cons and Rs would scream TYRANNY.

Dumb fuck partisans have really screwed up the country.

Oh man, how the irony bernz.

A wall of leftarded pro-abort women with who knows how many slaughtered children between them. . . screaming for the feds to "leave their children alone."

"No Justice No Peace" Right?

Imagine what those same "women" (sic) would do, if one of them showed up wearing a pro-life / anti abortion message on their shirt.

Strange times we're living in. I question their strategy but I admire their bravery.

As the reporter Andy Ngo points out.....they aren't moms....they are antifa and black lives matter terrorists who simply put on yellow shirts to play to the media....they are violent, racist, thugs, nothing more.
Standing in defense of the First Amendment, the right to free speech, and the right to free expression is always a winning strategy.

If only they were doing that....but they aren't......as Andy Ngo points out, they are simply members of antifa and black lives matter who took off their black clothes and put on more innocent looking clothes for the photo op....they are the same violent thugs who burned, looted and killed for the last 5 weeks......

They are not standing in defense of the First Amendment....they are there to end the First Amendment, not protect it......as we see as they violently attack anyone who has a different political opinion from them. You, clayton....are still as blind to the truth, facts and reality as you always are....

Strange times we're living in. I question their strategy but I admire their bravery.

You are a fool....from Andy Ngo, the reporter who was beaten savagly by democrat party terrorists...

recognize a lot of the so-called “moms” as the same antifa women who dressed in black as recent as a couple days ago. They just put on a yellow shirt now for optics. Most of these people aren’t mothers & many don’t even identify as female. #PortlandRiots

Where are the dads? What husband would stand back and let his wife play these games? My guess is that there might be a half dozen real "moms" in the 25 women "wall" who found out that the cameras would be there and decided to play anarchist and skip their Marxist class that day.