Wall around Obama's DC home complete

Obama built his wall to keep those Mexicans out

He doesn't want those murderers and rapists near his wife and kids. Our know how those Mexicans can be
Obama has a "big beautiful wall. Where is Trumps?
Why does Barack Insane Obama have (and I quote) "a big beautiful wall" when he claims that walls don't work and that they are offensive? :dunno:

How come Obama can build a wall and Trump can't?

Trump has spent decades building huge projects and Obama builds a better wall than he can
Obama got Mexico to pay for it

In a way, he did, since he took all that money from illegal immigrants by pledging to make amnesty for illegals a priority in his first year in office, a promise he broke as soon as he got into the White House.
I'm not sure he entirely broke that promise. He did issue two highly illegal / unconstitutional Presidential Memorandums in November 2014 granting a form of amnesty to illegal aliens.
Obama got Mexico to pay for it

In a way, he did, since he took all that money from illegal immigrants by pledging to make amnesty for illegals a priority in his first year in office, a promise he broke as soon as he got into the White House.
I'm not sure he entirely broke that promise. He did issue two highly illegal / unconstitutional Presidential Memorandums in November 2014 granting a form of amnesty to illegal aliens.

It's well known in the Hispanic community that Obama lied and broke his promise. He had two years to do anything about illegal immigrants, and he did nothing. After that, the Democrats lost Congress, and everything Obama did after the fact was just the bare minimum to get reelected.
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How come Obama can build a wall and Trump can't?
Because President Trump isn't a maniacal dictator like Barack Insane Obama. President Trump actually respects and adheres to the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, he needs to fascists obstructionists of the Dumbocrat party in Congress to stop blocking everything.
Trump has spent decades building huge projects and Obama builds a better wall than he can
Why is Barack Insane Obama building a wall? According to him - they don't work and they are highly offensive.
As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home

As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home.

Grabien reports:

Sitting alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former President Obama lectured the current administration about its immigration policy Thursday.

While not mentioning President Trump by name, Obama made clear to whom he was leveling his criticism.

“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves,” Obama said. “We can’t hide behind a wall.”

UPDATE: Wall around Obama’s DC home complete!

Oh look the bastard wants wide open borders, but yet puts a wall around his tax payer home. Hypocrite king tells you the slaves not to have AC, cut back on electricity and gas as the hypocritical pricks jets off in jets, ten limos, has a 5,000 sq ft home yeah keep talking your shit Obama.
A decorative 6 foot wall that is easy climbed is not exactly what Trump is planning.

Barry the street urchin passing on lectures about the evils of wall building while building one for himself

This might just about be the synopsis of the overall liberal insanity since 9pm election night
Obama has a "big beautiful wall. Where is Trumps?
Why does Barack Insane Obama have (and I quote) "a big beautiful wall" when he claims that walls don't work and that they are offensive? :dunno:
For one thing a 6 foot high decorative Wrought iron fence is not a wall and it's not going to keep anyone out. I don't think this is what Trump has in mind.
As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home

As Barack Obama waxes eloquent about the supposed negative impact of walls on humanity, crews have completed the wall surrounding his Washington, DC home.

Grabien reports:

Sitting alongside German Chancellor Angela Merkel, former President Obama lectured the current administration about its immigration policy Thursday.

While not mentioning President Trump by name, Obama made clear to whom he was leveling his criticism.

“In this new world that we live in we can’t isolate ourselves,” Obama said. “We can’t hide behind a wall.”

UPDATE: Wall around Obama’s DC home complete!

Oh look the bastard wants wide open borders, but yet puts a wall around his tax payer home. Hypocrite king tells you the slaves not to have AC, cut back on electricity and gas as the hypocritical pricks jets off in jets, ten limos, has a 5,000 sq ft home yeah keep talking your shit Obama.

Dingbat - not one word of your opinion is true.

No wonder you read Alex jones and voted for trump.


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