walker wants to starve them out

I suppose if you were inside when the fire engulfed the building, you would get the point right away. LOL! Now share one of those delicious strawberry's. Kind of spread them all around. LOL!!:lol:

And what are they gonna do? DECIDE who's Union or NOT...and whether or not they do their jobs?

Do you realize your idiotic inference? of course you don't...HEY this person is against OUR UNION...let 'em BURN UP...
I thought firemen were exempt from the cutbacks.

Indeed, they are exempt. As are the other four Unions that supported Walker in the campaign.

interesting, right?

hey,, asswipe! did you watch the protests??? the firemen and the cops were protesting against the gov..

Yeap even the guys who supported him are now agains him because of this.

Newsvine - Poll Shows Wisconsin's Governor Walker Would Lose By Large Margin If Election Held Today
Maybe he's trying to keep them IN?

So he can gas them all.

That's gotta be it.

Starvation takes too damn long, and they stink.
Do you realize him messing with the windows is a safety hazard as well as illegal?
I wonder if the dems are starving at the resort.

Nah...Union thugs will pay for their hiatus away...but I like this...

A Republican lawmaker from Illinois introduced legislation Thursday that would subject Wisconsin senators who crossed the border to Illinois income taxes for their time working in “the Land of Lincoln.”
Illinois Rep. Mike Tryon, of Crystal Lake, said the Wisconsin lawmakers should be subject to the Illinois tax in the same way Green Bay Packers players must pay Illinois tax for games played at Soldier Field…
Tryon said he opposed a 2007 bill that extended the 5% Illinois tax to temporary workers — including professional athletes and movie stars. But if it’s on the books, the Wisconsin senators should pay, Tryon said.


4 pages and i really dont see the point of TMs post. What is walker somehow evil now? For wanting to save the taxpayers money?

You should be thanking him.
does the law mean anything to you?

its illegal for him to mess with the windows and presents a safety hazard.

But the R after his name gives him a pass in your mind.

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